
A Lover’s Cost

This is a story of 3 girls, who battle through the hardships of their personal lives, in order to keep, their friendship, lives, and value. Living life normally, until they each meet another set of 3 boys. Will they find love? And if they do, can they keep it? These 3 girls have a secret. How long until it affects these other boy's lives? Who will win? Who will lose? Who will live? Who won't? Who will love? Who will hate? The answers to these questions, lie in between the pages of this book. Finding true love is hard. Keeping it, is even harder. How far will they all go to save each other? Being a friend, has its consequences. Being a lover, has a cost. I give you, A Lover's Cost.

Esperanza_Maka · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 3- I remember you

Karina left early morning to apply for the job. The girls stayed behind at the house and waited for her as they ate breakfast. "Thanks for making breakfast." Laura said. Aria made bacon, scrambled eggs, and sausage. "No problem!" "Mmm...these are really delicious bacon." Laura said. "Oh, thank you! I know they're your favorite so I decided to make you some." Laura LOVES bacon so much. She could eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, even as a midnight snack! "Thanks!" "No problem."

It's been a few hours since Karina left. She finally came back and made some cereal to eat. The girls heard her and came out of their rooms to the kitchen where Karina was at.

"Hey, so how did it go?" Asked Aria.

"I think it went well. The manager said she would call me within the next few weeks if I got the job."

"That's good! I'm sure you'll get the job." Laura exclaimed.

Aria asked confused: "Wait, What happens if you don't get a call from them?" They were dumbfounded.

Laura: "Then she obviously didn't get the job."

Aria: "Ohhh, right."

Laura: "Oh my goodness, sister I love you, but stop being slow." They all laughed, Aria is physically slow AND Slow-minded. "Do you guys want to go to the movies right now?" "Yeah!" "Sure!" The girls got ready for the movies and Laura dyed her hair again. Laura will change her hair color often. She dyed her hair grayish-silver and it looks amazing.

"Okay I'm ready!" Karina said. "Same here!" Laura said. "Alright then, let's go!" Aria said. While the girls were headed to the movies, they were deciding which movie they should watch. Karina said, "We should watch something with love." Laura said, "We should watch something with scary clowns." Aria said, "We should watch something that's funny." "Yeah, we're going to have to choose one." Laura said unsure which one to pick. "So we have romance, horror, and comedy to choose from. Which one?" Aria asked. "How about we actually get to the movie theater, and see what kind of movies they have. Then we can chose from there." Karina solved. "Okay." Laura and Aria agreed.

When they finally got to the movie theaters, they were still stumped because they couldn't decide which movie to watch. "Lets see, they have Jumanji, Avengers infinity war, The Nun, and Ahhhhh!!!" Aria screamed. "What is it!?" Asked Laura concerned and didn't even know that Aria could scream that loud.

"The Greatest Showman is on for showing!!" "No way! I've been wanting to watch that movie!" Karina exclaimed. "Me too!" Laura said. "Alright, so this movie?" Asked Laura. "YES!!" Aria and Karina yelled at the same time. They walked up to the cashier. "Three tickets for The Greatest Showman please." "Okay, chose your seating." The cashier said twisting the computer so they can see the seats. "Wow, most of the seats are taken, but there's about 10 more." Aria said surprised. "They're all spread apart! So that means we can't sit together!" Karina said sadly.

Aria was gloomy too. "Relax guys, we're big girls, okay. Plus, I'm sure the seats are not that far apart." Laura told the girls. "They're like, 2 rows apart." Aria said sadly pointing to the screen. "Whaaatt!!" Laura screamed. "No! Ugh, why does the world hate me." Laura responded sadly too. "But, come on you guys, like I said, we're big girls. I'm sure we can all watch the movie and be apart. At least we're in the same room." Laura comforted the girls.

"Yeah, you're right! I say we do it anyways." Aria exclaimed confidently. "Same here!" Karina said with a happy smile. The girls always sat together during movies. Because thats where they first met. Not in the dorm room, but the movie theater first. That's why they were sad. But, at least they're happy now.

The girls were getting their drinks and popcorn when Aria saw the poster. "No way! Look! They're looking to hire someone!" Aria referred to the poster. "Awesome! You should take the offer." Answered Laura. "Really? Are you sure?" Asked Aria. "Of course! I can wait, don't worry about me. Take it!" "Alright! Thanks!" Aria thanked Laura and hugged her. "No worries!" The three girls hugged, all happy and excited. They were entering the giant room in the movie theater and took their seats.

The movie was supposed to start in about three minutes. Just then, familiar faces sat next to each of the three girls. (All these interactions happened at the same time.) "Hi!" The familiar figure said to Karina. "Hi! I feel like I know you from somewhere." Karina responded as she tried to think of where she saw him from. "Maybe this will ring a bell, hot coffee." He said smiling at her. "Oh, I remember you! Uh-oh, you remember me." Karina said to him in a sheepish smile and kind of embarrassed. "Haha, yes I do. How could I ever forget that beautiful smile?" Matthew said blushing and kind of wishing he hadn't said that to her. Now, he was embarrassed.

"Oh! Well...I'm glad you like my smile. Um...It's nice to see you again." Karina replied to him.(Karina's thinking) I'm really happy to see him again. I'm also flattered that he thinks I have a beautiful smile. I would really like to get to know him. He seems like a nice guy. Should I ask him if we should meet up? Sure! Why not? Let's just hope he doesn't say no and I embarrass myself. "I would like to get to know you better. Do you think we could meet up?" Karina asked hopefully. "Of course! How about tomorrow morning, at the cafe?" Replied Matthew. "Sounds great! Meet you there tomorrow at 8:30!"

Then, all the way across the room..."Hey, I remember you!" The familiar figure said to Laura as he sat down next to her. "Oh yeah, 'Superman,' right?" "Haha, you remembered." An awkward silence between them, because you know...The last time they met was, not...Lets just say they didn't get along with each other. Breaking the silence between them, Daehyun speaks. "I'm sorry, I guess I just wasn't thinking then and I also need to watch where I'm going. I'm sorry." "I'm sorry too, friends?" Laura holds out her hand to him. "Friends." He says as he shakes her hand.

"Great! You know, I'm actually surprised that you're here to see this movie." Laura said wondering. "Are you kidding me? I've been dying to see this movie! And, you're just saying that because you don't know what type of guy I am." Replied Daehyun. "Really? What type of guy are you then?" "I'm tough, funny, and most of the time I do without thinking. I am also impatient, playful, and protective. Especially with my close, and when I say close, I mean really close friends, who I think of as brothers." (Laura's thinking) Wow, he's also straightforward. I was right! We are kind of similar. I'm protective too and other stuff.

-- Daehyun continues, "And many other stuff that we don't have time for right now since the movie starts in two minutes." "Great! Then you can tell me all about it tomorrow!" Laura answered back. "Tomorrow?" Asked Daehyun confused. "Yeah, we should hang out. So we can get to know each other better." Laura told him hoping he wouldn't turn her down. "Awesome, we can meet at the...Roller rink!" "Cool! I'll meet you there tomorrow morning at 8:30." Laura said excited to finally have some time with him.

Up a few rows, towards the right corner..."Hi!" Someone said to Aria as she was looking in her purse for something. "Hi!" Aria answered back. She finally found what she was looking for and put her purse aside. She then looked at the stranger sitting next to her. "Do I know you? I thought I, Oh! I remember now, you're that guy who saved me in the park." Aria said to him as her memory was coming back.

"Wow, I can't believe you remember me." Jax said surprised, flattered, and blushing a little. "I think I would remember someone who helped me." Aria said with a little chuckle, blushing and putting some hair behind her ear. She always puts her hair behind her ear whenever she was nervous or happy. You just have to see what the situation is to know if she's doing it because she's happy or nervous. In this case, it's actually both. "Well,...Are you excited to see the movie? I know I am." Aria said continuing the conversation.

"Yeah! I have nothing else to do because I have the rest of the week off." "Oh okay, I pretty much have the whole week off too," Aria said, "Hey, do you want to meet up?" "Sure, do you want to meet at the bowling place?" Jax asked. "Yeah! See you there tomorrow at 8:30 in the morning." Aria said. "Alright!" In many ways, the girls actually are sisters. For one, they picked the exact same time to meet up,(Which kind of seems creepy) another would be that they all want to meet up with "their boys." They all think the same way, well, in most situations. But, there was something that each of the girls were hiding. A real connection, a secret, but weirdly they themselves don't know what it is yet.