
A Lover’s Cost

This is a story of 3 girls, who battle through the hardships of their personal lives, in order to keep, their friendship, lives, and value. Living life normally, until they each meet another set of 3 boys. Will they find love? And if they do, can they keep it? These 3 girls have a secret. How long until it affects these other boy's lives? Who will win? Who will lose? Who will live? Who won't? Who will love? Who will hate? The answers to these questions, lie in between the pages of this book. Finding true love is hard. Keeping it, is even harder. How far will they all go to save each other? Being a friend, has its consequences. Being a lover, has a cost. I give you, A Lover's Cost.

Esperanza_Maka · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 15- I love you

Aria was in the dance studio, AGAIN. It's like she's obsessed with that place. Jax- being her boyfriend- knew that she would be there so he went there as well. Aria was dancing without noticing Jax by the door watching her.

(Only watch to 50 seconds) -This one is optional, you don't have to watch it, it's not really that important. So you CAN skip this one if you'd like-

https://youtu.be/zMNzhoTtxWgShe took a drink from her water bottle and that's when she noticed him.

Aria: Aaahhh!

Jax laughed. He walked towards her.

Aria: What's wrong with you, why didn't you knock?!

She starts slapping his arm. After about 5 quick hits, Jax grabs her hand, stopping her.

Jax: Your slaps really hurt. And is it okay to hurt your boyfriend?

Aria breaks his grip.

Aria: Aish, this boy.

She almost hits him again causing him to flinch.

She walks away towards her phone and the speaker. Jax walks after her and unexpectedly back hugs her. Aria stopped what she was doing. He sighs before he speaks.

Jax: I missed you.

Aria smiled and started talking, she found his words to be adorable.

Aria: How? We saw each other yesterday. And we see each other everyday.*smiling*

Jax: I know, but last night to this morning, I didn't get to see you. That's too big of a gap for me.

Aria chuckled.

Aria: Well, do you want to do something right now, together?

Jax: Yes please.

Aria: Okay, like what?

Jax: Anything, as long as I get to see you.

Aria laughed and turned around.

Aria: You're cute, you know that right?

Jax: What?? I'm not cute, I'm handsome.

Aria: No, you're adorable like a little panda.

Jax: Hey! If anything, I'm a manly adult panda!!

Aria: *laughs* You just keep making me laugh. Okay then, my manly adult panda, how does dancing sound?

Jax: You're always in here, dancing 24/7, you're really not tired of it?

Aria: Of course not! You know that I love dancing-

Jax: I know, and I love you, so we can dance anytime you want.

Jax made her blush again.

Aria: I think if I hear those words again, my heart's going to stop.

Jax: What? I love you?

She nodded.

Jax: *teasing* Okay then, I want you alive so I won't say them again.

With that he turned on his heel and was about to leave when Aria grabbed his wrist and forced him around. She crashed her lips onto his.

Aria: No, keep saying those 3 words to me. Because I love you too.

Jax: Yes my queen.

Aria and Jax hugged. Aria's head on his chest as his arms wrap around her.

Daehyun: Did you enjoy the icecream?

Laura: Yup! Thanks again.

Daehyun smiled. He looked around as they were taking a walk in the park. It got quiet.

Daehyun: Can you please talk to me?

Laura looked at him.

Laura: What? I thought you enjoyed silence. That's what you told me from before.

Daehyun: Mm...I DID before, but I love hearing your voice. It's like music to my ears, I could listen to it all day.

Laura smiled.

Daehyun: I love seeing your smile too, espicially since I don't see it often.

After hearing this Laura laughed.

Daehyun: Gosh, your laugh is beautiful as well, how many things do I love about you?

Laura playfully hit him.

Laura: *teasing* Stop it, you're being cheesy again. Who are you? I hardly know you anymore.

Daehyun noticed Laura's shoe laces were untied. He stopped walking and bent down and tied them for her. He spoke again as he stood up.

Daehyun: I know right. I don't know myself anymore, and I blame you.

Laura: What??? Me? How dare you! How is that my fault?

Daehyun: You make me worry about you all day, I'm tempted to drive to your house at night just to check if you're sleeping well, you make a hole in my heart everytime you're not with me, I'm getting jealous when you hang out with Mono, I swear, you turned me into something else Laura Caprie.

They smiled.

Laura: Well there's no need to worry about me, so you can stop acting like I'm a little baby, you dork.

Daehyun: What, dork?! Who's the dork??

He picked her up by the waist and playfully spun her around. They laughed.

Laura: *laughing* Aaah! Put me down! Hahaha, stop!

He put her down on the grass.

Laura: Annoying.

Daehyun: *joke* Laura, why are you talking about yourself like that?

Laura: Hey!

He kissed her.

Daehyun: Yes?

Laura blinked a couple times.

Laura: You....made me lose, my train of thought. Aish, seriously, I can't think straight when I'm around you.

Daehyun: *laughing* Same here.

They laid down on the grass underneath a tree.

Daehyun: Laura,...I love you.

Laura: I love you too.

Karina: You just had to choose here of all places to eat takeout.

Matthew: What? This is perfect. One could even say romantic.

Karina: Matthew, we're in my backyard.

Matthew: Exactly my point. Free, nearby, and a beautiful view. But mostly the free part.

The two chuckled. They opened the plates of food that they ordered from Panda Express and started eating.

Matthew: No I'm kidding, we'll eat here for today, but next time I promise to take you somewhere fancy and expensive.

Karina smiled.

Karina: Thanks, but-

Matthew: Nope! No buts, I'm taking you no matter what. A girl like you deserves it, well, you deserve so much more. You deserve....someone much better than me. So,....so I ha-have to try to be the best for you.

Karina gasped.

Karina: Is that how you feel? Matthew, you ARE the best. If anything, you deserve the best. I would never think of you like that, and I don't want you to think like that either.

She got up from her seat and walked to him and gave a touching and deep hug.

Karina: I love you.

Matthew: I love you more.

She sat on top of his lap.

Karina: Mmm...Impossible, my heart carries lots of love. Did you know that I was known as Cupid in school?

Matthew: Ooooh, really? Then can I ask for some advice?

Karina: Go right ahead.

Matthew: Well, you see, there's this girl I really like, do you have some suggestions of how I can win her heart over?

Karina: Hmm...Have you thought about buying her concert tickets?

Matthew: Have you ever heard of cheap?

Karina laughed.

Karina: Alright then, how about complimenting her?

Matthew: Hmm...Well I can't really say she looks pretty. Her eyes are too close together, she has short arms, long legs, ugly fashion, horrible hair quality, and her nose, *tsk tsk* it looks like a pig's nose.


He laughed so hard.

Matthew: *still laughing* Oh my gosh, I'm tearing up right now. Hahaha, you know I'm only I'm joking around.

Karina: Well stop joking around before I put you into a coffin.

But they both just laughed.

Matthew: You're really pretty, though. Inside and out.

She blushed.

Matthew: Wow, you're so cute when you're shy.

Karina: *sheepishly* Thank you.

Matthew leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back.

Karina: We should probably finish our food before it gets cold.

Matthew: Yeah, you're right.