
A Love Worth Billions

Blurb/synopsis-When Layla discovered that her boyfriend and step-sister had deceived her by drugging her at a party they attended, she felt completely lost and alone which led her to sleep with a complete stranger. Yet, as she began to piece together the truth, a mysterious stranger appeared, offering help. Layla discovered that this stranger was no ordinary man. He was the boss, and he was willing to pay her mother's fees in exchange for her companionship. She struggled to reconcile her feelings for her ex and her affection for the boss, will she follow her heart and choose the boss despite his secret? or find love and a future she had never imagined?

Balogun_Jadesola · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs

The offer

Alexander's POV

I was on the phone with my best friend Dante, venting about how my mom wanted me to get married in a week.

"I just don't understand why she wants me to get married so soon,"I said, my voice laden with frustration. "I'm not ready for marriage, Dante. And you know how busy I've been these days." "Come on, Alex," Dante said, "you have to do it for your mom. Plus, it's not like it's set in stone. You could always find someone to marry in a few days, right?. like who wouldn't want to marry you?"

Dante brought up the idea to pay a girl to pretend to be my fiancée and get married, then divorce after five months. I considered the proposal, but Dante insisted that this was the best option.

"Think about it, Alex. You won't have to do anything except pay this girl. Your mom will be happy, you can continue your life without any strings attached, and in five months, everything will go back to normal."

I considered the proposal for a moment longer, before reluctantly agreeing to Dante's plan.

As I was about to continue my conversation with Dante, my secretary Maria came into the room. "I'm so sorry to interrupt, but there is someone here for an interview," she said to me.

I was taken aback, as I hadn't been informed of any scheduled interviews. "Thank you, Maria," I said, hanging up the call. "Please show the person in and start the interview, I'll be there in a moment."

I put the phone down as Maria left to escort the candidate into the interview room.

I sighed softly and muttered to myself, "I really didn't know more staff were needed. What would I do with them?"

As I straightened his expensive suit, I headed towards the interview room.

I pushed the door open and stepped into the room, looking around for the interviewee. I noticed the young woman sitting on the other side of the table with her back facing towards me.

"Hello, I'm Alex, the owner of this company. It's a pleasure to meet you." I started

She heard my voice, causing her to turn towards it. She looked at me and stood up, greeting me with a confident smile.

As I looked at her, I suddenly realized that she looked familiar - the sweet, beautiful girl I had bumped into at the hospital. Her eyes, her smile, her presence - everything about her just seemed so perfect.

I cleared my throat, finally managing to find my voice again, "You're... the interviewee, right?" She nodded and introduced herself as the interviewee. "Yes, I'm Layla and I'm here for the accounting job," she said, looking up at me.

"Unfortunately, that position was filled three days ago," I informed Layla in a neutral tone. Disappointment filled her cute face as she realized the accountancy job was no longer available. In desperation, she asked if there was any other position that was open as she was in need of a job.

 I was at a loss, unsure of what to do next. I thought of what Dante had said earlier, I wasn't sure if she'd want to do that but she sounded desperate. I'm pretty sure she'd do anything.

I told Layla, "I do have a job that's not related to our company, but I'll pay you generously." Layla looked interested and asked what the job was.

I explained that it was a sort of a "fake engagement" job that was designed to make my mother happy. I offered to pay her a decent amount of money in return for agreeing to play the role of his fiancée and acting married for five months.

Layla considered the offer for a moment and then accepted reluctantly, seeing it as a good opportunity to make some money.

"I will send a contract to you,... here's my business card" I said, handing her my card. "Call me when you must have gone through it and give your home address to my secretary so that I'd know where to mail the contract to" I said without staying another second in the room.

I placed a call to my secretary asking her to prepare a contract and I explained to her the details it should contain, before calling Dante. Within a few minutes, Dante answered the phone. "Hey, Alex," he said casually. "What's up?Why did you hang up earlier?" I could hear the sounds of laughter and drinking in the background and realized that Dante was out with friends. "Hey, Dante, something's come up," I replied.

"What is it?" Dante asked, sounding somewhat distracted by his conversation. "Never mind," I said dismissively. "I'm coming over there right now.What bar are you at?"

" The onyx, I'll be waiting," he said before hanging up.

Layla's POV

I stayed in the office a little bit longer, contemplating whether or not I had made the right decision. I was still unsure if accepting this job offer was a good idea or not. I also felt that this job could be a good opportunity for me to solve all my financial problems. Ultimately, I decided that it was a good decision to accept the offer. After all, this was an opportunity I can't want to turn down. I may never get an opportunity like this

I was on my way out. I had decided to take the stairs in order to ease my mind and exercise a little. As I was walking, I suddenly saw Alex from afar as he entered the elevator, but he didn't seem to have noticed me staring at him shamelessly. But you can't blame me, He looks so picturesque, an enigma molded by a divine artist. His body was a symphony of pure perfection, toned muscles and a jawline that could cut glass. He exuded an air of cool and confidence, a magnetic presence that drew women to him like a magnet and I wasn't an exception. He was the ultimate man, and his beauty was almost too much to behold.

As he pressed the elevator keys, his muscles flexed in his expensive suit which probably cost more than the monthly allowance I get from my dad, showing off the hard work and dedication he had put into achieving his fit body. The suit was tailored to fit his frame perfectly, and he knew he looked good in it. His body showed that he worked hard to achieve the level of

 physicality and aesthetics that he had. Even the smallest movement made the fabric of his clothes hug his body closely, highlighting every contour of his muscles and drawing attention to his natural beauty.

As the elevator door was about to close, Mr Romanov lifted his head and looked at me with an intense stare. I felt my heart skip a beat as I found myself caught in his gaze. Nobody has ever looked at her with such intensity before. He held my gaze for what seemed like an eternity, before finally turning away and letting the elevator doors shut. I was left feeling flushed, before continuing down the stairs.