
A love-triangle from every side

Alexandria is hopelessly in loved with her bestfriend Gabriel, she hopes that either he admits his undying love for her or just meet someone else and forget about him. When a new boy moves to their school, Alexandria is drawn to him. But the new boy is going to bring lots of troubles and hidden truths she wasn't prepared for

Alexawrites · วัยรุ่น
14 Chs

Chapter 7

Alexandria's POV:

It's been two days since the party thing, it was Monday now and I still haven't heard from Gabriel yet. The amount of hurt I feel isn't describable.

After Victor and I danced, drank lots of water, and talked a little we walked back home, it was about 12:12 when we left because as fun as the party was, it was still not the best and I wasn't in the mood to stay at the same place Gabriel was having fun at.

The walk back home was pure torture because 1)It was very cold 2) The walk was very long now that we walked the entire way home and 3) the bicycle was beside Victor so we had to walk a little bit slowly to drag it with us. The walk was about 40 minutes so at 1:01 I was finally at home safe and sound. I smiled at Victor one last time before thanking him for staying with me at the party the whole time to which he replied to with "I wasn't going to leave your side anyways." Then he smiled and left. I kept looking at him until he was out of sight then I began to walk to my flat.

The house's lights were turned off when I got inside so I knew that my mum was already sleeping. I got upstairs to my room and took off my clothes followed by my makeup, I wore my pyjamas and went to bed. I stayed awake thinking about everything that happened at the party then I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

I woke up and stayed in the bed for a while to scroll through my phone. It was Saturday, and it was boring because I didn't have anything to do that day. I eventually got up to take a shower and change my clothes then went down to have breakfast. I found my mum flipping some pancakes and tossing some into Aidan's usual pile of pancakes.

"Good morning, family members." I said to all of them. Mum smiled at me and murmured a "Good morning sweetie." while Aidan rolled his eyes and proceeded to greedily eat his full of maple syrup pancakes. "Where's dad?" I asked. "He's coming down now." Mum told me. I sat down at one of the stools and found a plate of pancakes for me too. I started digging into the plate and after a few minutes my dad came down.

"How's my young girl doing." My dad put his hands on my shoulders and pushed a little as a way of showing affection, which actually just hurts my shoulders, I never tell him that though. "She's doing good." I smiled at him and started to eat again. After eating breakfast I helped my mum with the dishes then went up again to my room. I sat on the bed and scrolled through my phone a little while until I got a text from Victor

Hey, what are you doing today? -Victor

Hey, Nothing I'm bored. U? -Alex

Do you wanna go iceskating? I heard today there's one at the mall -Victor

-Sure, how about 3? -Alex

-Ok, I'll pick you up at 3 (: -Victor

I smiled at his text unconsciously. I knew he would be picking it up with his bicycle, I hoped that this time we go to the mall and come back home safely with the bike. It was still 1:30 so I started dressing to be ready just in case.

I wore a black top, blue jeans, my black coat, my black and white converse, and my beige scarf. I sat down on my bed and pondered over the room.

I wonder what Gabriel is doing now? Does he feel guilty? And most of all why didn't he text, it was very unusual. We would text everyday day and night, and ever since Katie started dating he's been this strange, weird version of Gabe. It's like someone switched him up completely, the sweet kind Gabriel I knew turned to this weird, unnatural Gabriel who grimaces a lot and always rejects all my offerings lately to spend more time with his girlfriend even if that means he'll spend less time with his bestfriend and risking drifting apart from her for his freaking girlfriend.

I couldn't believe it, how could someone possibly change like this? How can someone be okay with losing his bestfriend? Most of all, how can someone change this fast? It's like in a span of a few days he's a new leaf. Surrounding his entire world around his girlfriend and no one else but her. Maybe occasionally his bestfriend but mostly her. I felt my eyes burning and realised that I started crying.

I thanked the lord that I still haven't put on any makeup yet otherwise that would've been a mess. I let myself cry for a few minutes before I wiped away my tears and headed towards the vanity. I applied a coat of mascara, eyeliner, and two coats of my new favourite red lipstick. I added a concealer also to give my face a fresh look and lastly brushed my hair.

It was 2:40 so I went downstairs to see what everyone has been up to. Like usual, my dad was watching some game with Aidan and it seemed pretty tense because they were yelling at the tv nonstop. My mum was sitting a table reading a book with her glasses on. I wondered how she was actually able to read with the incredibly loud noise background.

I sat down on the couch and watched the game for a few minutes. At 3 sharp I got a text from Victor telling me he's outside. "Mum, dad, I'm going to the mall to hang out there for a bit." I announced. My dad murmured an "okay." without looking up, my mum told me not to be late and so I went out and sure he was there, with his jet black bicycle and his gentle-smiling face at me.