
A love-triangle from every side

Alexandria is hopelessly in loved with her bestfriend Gabriel, she hopes that either he admits his undying love for her or just meet someone else and forget about him. When a new boy moves to their school, Alexandria is drawn to him. But the new boy is going to bring lots of troubles and hidden truths she wasn't prepared for

Alexawrites · วัยรุ่น
14 Chs

Chapter 11

I sat infront of the piano and kept looking over at it, somehow feeling scared that if I played I'll know how stopping has affected me greatly. I shook my head to stop these voices from getting into me and looked at it again.

My fingers touched the keys, smooth and white under my fingertips. I looked at the piano keys and took a deep breath. I have stopped cold turkey for absolutely no reason. It was one day when I got bored and just decided there was no use playing it. It was a stupid thought.

Somehow, though, the comforting musical keys always get me out of sour moods. They are my safety cloud where I feel safe the most, and lately I have been having many sour moods because of a certain someone.

I looked down at the keys again and pushed down my index, making a sudden sound and stopped. I pressed down again, my thumb this time and my pinky, making a small chain of music that sounded like heaven. This small chain was an enough inspiration and push for me to start again and keep going this time.

The chain was getting longer and longer, it was now hard to stop, my fingers were moving fast, hitting each key delicately but with enough force to move onto the next key in the same fixed speed.

I played and played for what seemed like an hour until I stopped because I felt tired. I was glad that after months of not playing it I was still able to play the notes correctly and in sync, it was rare when I fell out of tune but with enough practice I will be as good as I used to be.

I started playing piano when I was 8, it always fascinated me how just a few keys could make everything sound magical, I would see pianists play expertly which always made me jealous, so by the time I was very good at playing piano, I would no longer feel jealous when I saw the pianists playing, because I knew I was somehow just like them.

Sometimes I would ponder long enough to start spotting when they fell out of tune sometimes by pressing the wrong key which was pretty rare, but people never noticed and the pianists knew how to avoid stopping because of that mistake so they continue and it just gets forgotten.

I was used to playing many upbeat and cheerful notes, sometimes taking sad concertos but it was rare because I was happy almost always, but today I found myself playing a sad concerto and I didn't notice it until I stopped. I sighed and stretched my fingers, cracking them along for some relief.

I stood up and stretched more, stretching my back and legs because I have been in a fixed position for a while. I went upstairs again and brushed my teeth while doing the last steps of things to go to sleep again. Today was a long day and sleeping has been on my mind all along. I went into my bed and and pulled the quilt over me, falling into a deep sleep fron the warmth of the quilt and from the tiredness.

Gabriel POV:

I wanted to apologise to Alex more than anything. But this time I had no idea where we stood. Seeing her so engrossed with Victor makes me feel like she has forgotten about me, or maybe she'll move on from our friendship because I wasn't the nicest with her lately. I was sitting at the park after leaving school, thinking about what to do.

It was Monday today and she didn't come to school, it was weird because Alex almost never missed a day in school. She hated school and waking up early, but she still went because she knew I was there and I always felt the same. Her company was always soothing, with her cheerful and bright personality, she always made everything seem like a better place.

I didn't know whether I should go to her house to find out why she didn't come or not. It was a tradition between us, whoever doesn't go to school, the other has to go to his house to find oht why he didn't come. But this time I feared rejection, or maybe because she was angry with me she wouldn't even let me see her. I sighed and tried to think. I hated to think that she's angry with me. It was rare when we both got upset with each other. And even when we did, by the end of the day we were always doing more than good.

So for this to happen and stay for this long, it was weird, and terrible, and I've been feeling this ache ever since I saw her cry. She totally looked miserable that day when she was crying, and I felt like I was stabbed.

I came home that day and just slept, and in Saturday I didn't meet Katie like I promised her. Ever since that party, things between Katie and I have been tense. I haven't been talking to her because of what happened at the party. And how she kept dismissing Alex everytime I brought her name up and that I should go apologise to her. Eventually we both snapped at each other, her because because I brought her name a lot so I must be feeling towards her, and I because she knew how is our friendship like yet she kept acting like we were never friends and that she shouldn't mean this much to me. After this small argument I pretty much just took her home in complete and utter silence then left immediately to my own.

I don't know how to apologise to Alex, Or how many things should I apologise for, but tomorrow if she doesn't come to school I'm definitely going to her house, but today, I'll spend the night thinking about what to say to her.