
A Love That Destroyed Time

A surprise pregnancy. A hidden father hiding as a guard. An oncoming war. To save his peaceful race, a king abuses the trust of his Protector. With treason over his head, the Protector watches over the mother of his children without sharing his secret. Ezra is one of the few pure ones left. After her life is ruined after one night, her old friend comes back to take care of her. Uneasy, yet delighted at the same time, a new bond occurs between them. But allies have left in great numbers, and events overshadow the inevitable end. Could one pregnancy make a difference, or is everyone doomed to become a soulless pink-eyed rat tail?

Serena_Walken · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs


"Whoah!" Prince Regwallis tried to balance himself as Yed rushed past him at full speed.

Yed paid no attention to the kid's remark as he ran to his room, opened up his suitcase and retrieved some old tattered letters. The paper had turned yellow and the writing had been hard to see. "Can't be, can't be, can't be". He kept saying over to himself as he shuffled through the worn out letters, until he finally found the one he'd been wanting.

The very last letter his friend, Xiamipoc Cattral, had written to him. It was hard even getting to send letters to each other, one usually didn't arrive for months on end. That particular letter had taken two years.

Since then, no other letters had ever arrived.

AI. 5675

Dear Yed,

Hi! It's been a long time. It's too bad we can't write more often, but at least we can write. So far, things are looking up! Remember, Iri ,the girl I told you about in the last letter? I took your advice and I didn't do anything reckless; I just gave her a flower and told her she was pretty. Her parents didn't like it, but we started to hit it off!

I've finally graduated from school and have my Certificate of Excellence in Cuisine. Ezra, Muin and Iri were really happy for me and they're going to help me open up my first restaurant. I hope you get to see it one day. I think I'll name it Cattral's.

I do have a new problem though. Muin! Her pheromones aren't half as bad as Ezra's, but she keeps having this same male named Zaria come over for her! The thing is, I can't do much because Muiny actually likes him back. Should I just let it continue?

Hope you get this letter soon. The way everything works though, I'll be lucky if it reaches you in a year.



Yed read the letter again. That was the last one Xiam ever sent. It was the last one he got before losing track of them. He had always sworn he'd never lose track of them, but something must have happened. The only possibility he had ever thought of was, Xiam had moved and written a letter to a place Yed must have been protecting, but was no longer at.

The lost letter that would explain what happened. He wished he still needed that letter.

Yed sat down on the floor, staring at the pile of letters. Thoughts of what happened raced through his mind. Why? The king did all this just for a small chance for a pure warno lineage? Even if something did happen, it'd be one kid!

The King had something bigger planned he wasn't saying anything about. Yed wasn't personal friends, but he knew the way the king worked. He'd insist it was for that small chance and nothing else.

With what Yed had in mind, he wouldn't be able to push the king too far away. He didn't know what was up his majesty's sleeve, but it would have to stay there to get the chance he had to take. Standing up, he made his way back to the throne room.

The King looked back as Yed came near him again. "Protector."

Yed nodded with steel eyes. No matter what the circumstances, or what cruel trick had been played, he had to be respectful to the king. His words would be kept short and to the point as much as possible so that his true sentiments did not emerge. "I want to be her Protector." He watched the king shake his head, and lost his composure. "You owe me that much!"

"Halt!" The Royal Guard stood in front of the king. "No one speaks to the king in that manner!"

Yed glared at the guard coldly, a simple maneuver and he could have taken him out. He reached into his jacket and pulled out his official Protector license. He held it out in front of the king briefly before letting it hit the ground with a soft thud. "Appoint me or I leave anyhow."

Yed watched the king sigh. One way or another, he was getting back to his friends. The king had something planned, and not knowing the extent of it, he couldn't risk them getting hurt.

"Protector Yeducavich Smilliat, you are a rare class, an A Protector. I don't want to lose you, which is why I told you." King Sheward insisted. "With your skill you would have figured it out at some point. Don't do this to your kingdom."

Yed made no response to his speech, either the king appointed him or he walked. He kept silent as he heard an exasperated sigh from the king again.

"Fine, if it means so much to you, I may appoint you her Protector again." King Sheward muttered. Yes, it would take time to file paperwork changes, get documents notarized, and in most cases it took half a year to switch clients. "It takes time though, remember that."

"I'll help." Yed insisted. "I'll wait in offices to sign things and I'll take papers back and forth."

King Sheward mumbled something undetectable then held up his index finger. "She will be suspicious that you came right when this happened."

"Well gee, I wonder why." Yed said sarcastically. He noticed the guard eyeing him again. "…Majesty."

"I warn you." The King held his hands behind his back. "I am being extremely lenient. Do not say anything about the kingdom's involvement. Disobey this order and I will pass judgment." The king's eyes hardened and his posture became rigid and straight. He stood in a manner Yed had only seen used in front of his enemies. "One day, you will understand." His eyebrows lowered as he tapped his scepter. "You will be guilty of treason if you implicate our kingdom into this matter."

Yed shifted his right leg and jerked his index finger involuntarily as he considered the king's decision "I'm not supposed to tell her you're directly responsible? So what are you saying, if I tell her-"

"- you cannot implicate I or this kingdom in the plot." The king finished for him as he placed his hands behind his back. "You say anything and you will be guilty of treason."

Yed glanced at the ground. If he told her anything, all he could tell her was he was the guy that night? He couldn't explain why?

"Agree and I will appoint you. I understand you want to see this through. Disagree though and leave, and I will make sure you never find her or her family again." King Sheward's words were rough and raw, a tone never used with Yed before. "The Warno Kingdom cannot be seen as the bad guy in this situation."

Yed's throat felt dry. No one lived after being recognized as a traitor to the kingdom. Many times the killings were merciful and fast injections, no one wanted to prolong suffering. In some instances though, the act was considered so heinous, the traitor's death involved viruses. Thoughts of a past traitor in particular filled his head. The kingdom had been so furious; he had been injected with five of the worst viruses known to their species. He hollered in agony for six days.

Yed took one more moment for himself. King Sheward would not punish him that far, he would never use such a threat. He gazed into the king's expression searching for a sign of weakness, a sign that would point it out as a joke.

Had the kingdom's position become so weak that they would stoop so low? He didn't understand, nothing made sense! Yed rubbed the bridge of his nose. There was more the king was hiding, he could sense it. Threatening treason was too harsh for this.

No matter what King Sheward's plans were, he couldn't forget about his promise. He would just have to be extremely careful. It's for them. To blame or not to blame, he had to protect them. "Agreed, sire."