
A love not bound with Red

In the enchanting, bustling city of Westford, where people pass their day thriving for success and wealth, running after their dreams and goals, a 28 years old woman named Jasmine, a hardworking editor for a renowned publishing company, pursues her flexible and peaceful life with a huge secret and burden in her shoulders. A blessing, or a curse she can never share with anyone, an ability that makes her look into facts that no one can assume, or truth that often end up being bitter. From a very young age, she could see the departed soul with lingering attachments in the world, and the red thread of fate that binds two people together. Fate, however, plays a cruel trick on her when she finds out she doesn’t have any sort of thread to her own. Jasmine, a cheerful and friendly person, believes in the power of true love, even more when she sees two people bound to each other, loving each other unconditionally, even if they face an adverse situation. But similarly, she loses hope in people to have pure love, as all she can see is betrayal, and farce, which becomes obvious to her with just those threads. After being betrayed by the very first person she ever loved, she lost all the hope for herself, and fate. Until one day, she met a guy as captivating as the morning sun in the winter. Warm, gentle, with sharp yet kindness to his light brown eyes. As she locked her eyes with those pair of beautiful ones, playfully doing their magic behind his soft, chestnut brown hair, she was forced to admit that there are people like him for whom the word ‘love’ was made. And even though their relationship started as two bickering coworkers nagging at each other at every little thing, the love bloomed in her heart for her favorite author, and the one she was entrusted to take care of professionally, Carter Klein. Once again, she let herself lose in the strength of love, despite knowing she was doomed to be with no one, only to figure out that Carter was in fact, fated with someone else. Someone who he can never get, and someone with whom he can never resolve his feelings. “I should back off, shouldn’t I?” with an aching heart, and teary eyes, she sealed those feelings in her heart forever. But destiny had some other plans, as Carter seemed to notice his editor Jasmine in a different light. She was no longer a mere work partner, but a friend to who he could see himself sharing anything and everything. “If it’s her, then maybe I could dare to walk out of the mud I am stuck in.” Will these two tear apart the firm bond of the thread tangled to Carter’s past? Or Jasmine’s love would weaken itself at the mercy of fate? Join their chaotic journey to find out how the pages of their life unfold. – – – – – – Hey people! NamCandy reporting again, with her third book. Honestly, I had this planned for a long while, even though the main concept of “Red thread of fate” was something totally new for me. Those who know me from my first book, must recognize the male lead already. That’s right, I promised there I’d bring justice to my favorite boy, Carter. So here it is. And if you have been reading my second book, I’m sure the other character ain’t new either hehe. Well then, enjoy their rollercoaster ride!

NamCandy · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

Emotions or fate?

"Well, it's hard to find someone who appreciated me for who I am, and Irvyn was the one who could see right through my issues. I don't think anyone else could do the same, or neither I can have any more effort and strength remaining to invest into anyone else." Yvette was calm, while saying all those, and not even the slightest hint of sadness was in her voice. She must be so strong, Jasmine thought to herself. Well, she always has been, since the day back in college, Jasmine walked up to her and reached out to her with a hand of friendship.

"Man, really, you guys are the best. Truly meant for each other." Jasmine spoke up, proudly. "I'll be heading out then. See you at dinner."

"Yeah. See you. I'll be calling over Summer and Josh too, if you are fine with it." Yvette raised her voice a little, making sure Jasmine heard her just fine from the door, and was only convinced when she got a thumbs up as a response.

"So, angry and emotionless dork, huh?" A deep male voice spoke up right next to Jasmine, as soon as she was about to step into the elevator.

"Jesus Christ, hello?! What the actual fuck?" Jasmine jumped up, almost tumbling on her foot by that sudden voice speaking up close to her. She would recognize the voice anywhere, anytime, and still would get this much scared of it.

"Oh God, could you not overreact every time you meet me? And what's that shout, what if someone had heard you?" The man spoke up again, in the same cold, deep tone but with a slight hint of urgency this time.

"Then could you not creep up to me like that every time I meet her? What are you, some overly protective stalker? I am not aiming to snatch her." Jasmine finally calmed down a little, breathing in a few times. She slowly got in the elevator, pressing the ground floor button. And the man followed her in. He didn't respond to her, until the elevator started moving.

"You could actually, for all I know. Need to do my share of responsibility, right?"

Jasmine glared at her right, trying to intimidate this guy as much as possible, even though she was quite shaky inside. So many years of knowing him, and so many times she has seen him being in a totally embarrassing and out of nature way, but still, she feels terrified of this 'once the most powerful businessman in Westford' guy. "Well, for your kind information, Mr. Irvyn Collins, I don't swing that way. So, your wife is perfectly safe, and still madly in love with you."

The man fell silent upon hearing those words from her. Judging by the stern look he was giving, anyone would think that he might be totally unfazed by that information. But Jasmine totally could see the slight grin on his face. Oh, look at this dead-ass guy being giddy over the mention of his wife, what is he, a middle schooler? She wished she could show others, or even Yvette this face. But sadly, she never met any other person who could see spirits and souls, like she does.

"Yknow, I am actually jealous," Jasmine spoke up, right before the elevator dinged about reaching to the ground floor. "Of you and my dear friend. You guys have the cruelest fate written for you, yet you two still love each other, and bound to each other."

"You mean, this?" Irvyn raised his right arm, pointing at his ring finger, where a green thread could be seen dangling with its end tied securely around his long fingers. "Just because of that, you think we are like, the strangest yet best thing for you to see?"

"It's not? C'mon, that idea itself is romantic, even to me."

"But to me, it's the emotions that are romantic, not this silly, stupid thread." Irvyn shrugged his shoulder, putting his both hands in his pocket. They slowly walked out of the office through the parking lot, since there were fewer people there, and Jasmine could talk without worrying about anyone thinking that she was a crazy person, talking to herself. "You can say that, because you see this thread. But We never did. Still, it was the emotions that brought us together, and tied us up. Otherwise, our fate is to be separated from each other for the rest of her life, right? You think that's a justified fate for someone who is in love?"

Jasmine couldn't refute the words he said. For some reason, the spirit Irvyn had way more understanding and calmness in his words, when he spoke about anything. As usual, the person standing right in front of her used to be a man with calm nature, sheer precision, and precise understanding of anything and everything. He was such a perfect person that it was a pity, to have him gone at such a young age, not for only Yvette, but also everyone who was related to him, in one way or another.

"Emotions build up this thread, not the thread that makes us fall in love. Get this in your dumbass head, okay?" Irvyn pushed his index right against Jasmine's forehead, making her shift back squinting her eyes. "Can't believe I agreed to consider such a dumb girl like you as my sister."

"Your one of the worst decisions in life, not my fault, big bro." Rubbing the place where he had just poked her, she spoke up in a cheerful yet complaining voice. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Also make sure to move on, Miss Jasmine Riley. How long will you keep brooding over that one guy?"

Jasmine had already walked ahead a few steps, but Irvyn's voice made her look back at him. With a smile, she responded to him. "Who says I'm still hung over that bastard?" She waved at him, and without waiting for any further seconds, she walked out of the building, leaving Irvyn behind.

"Think you can ditch a spirit now? You couldn't even hide that fact even when I was alive, Jasmine." Letting out a sigh, he kept staring at the figure, until that was entirely gone at the end of the road. And only then, he faded away like a spec of dust in the thin air, without a trace of himself left behind.