
A Love Like No Otherr

“Let go of the past but keep the lessons it taught you.” - Chara Gizzi A past is something everyone has. Some want to let it go, while some cherish it. This was the same for Soo Min and Ryan. They say that a mother is a daughter’s first best friend, but before Soo Min could embrace god’s greatest gift, it was cruelly snatched away. Losing her mother in an unexpected accident, Soo Min vowed to not let anyone else suffer and took up the world’s most noble profession. Now known as the world’s #1 cardiologist, Soo Min lived a life devoted to her career. Life in college was a bliss but turned into a misery just as quick. Ryan Song, a college playboy had lived an enviable life. Not ever serious and bothered, he lived a chill life, dating the beloved of the college. Just when life was going perfect, in a well planned murder that was made to look like a mere car accident, he lost the lives of his father and brother. Devastated by the sudden deaths, Ryan’s life was no more the same, his family’s company went bankrupt and to top that his girlfriend broke up with him. This was the birth of heart of stone Ryan Song. But life’s miseries didn’t stop him. Ryan Song, now the CEO of the well-renowned fashion company, Glamour and the most eligible bachelor, changed his miserable fate and brought his life back on track. Coincidence? or Fate? ____________________ This story is about an alliance between a cardio thoracic surgeon and a businessman, who are at odds with each other but are forced to comply to an arranged marriage brought by their parents. The two stubborn, rigid people collided constantly. But in the process of competing with each other, they grow, and at the same time, they find their own inner belonging in each other, and gradually fall in love. When I Hate You, Turns Into I Love You! When Enemies Became Lovers! ___________________ Updates: 2-3 Chapters per week **Cover does not belong to me. Credits to the artist! **This is an original novel by aria_dramafan. All rights are reserved to the author. Thank You! _____________ **Join My Discord **My discord username is aria_dramafan#1367. Just send me a quick text and I’ll add you to this novel’s server for updates and spoilers. Tags: #RichRomance #SweetLove #ArrangedMarriage #MaleChasesFemaleLead #EnemiesToLovers

aria_dramafan · สมัยใหม่
105 Chs

Chapter 83: Exercising His Right


The people around them looked at them with various thoughts running in their minds. Many looked at the couple before them dumbstruck, especially at Ryan who was eluding such warmth and the gentle look in his eyes right now, completely contradicted the dangerous glint from before.

To think that the man who was seen as an indifferent evil monarch was actually this loving to his woman.

However, not all were watching in relish. At least, for those single people who were gritting their teeth in anger and envy. The sight before them was

burning their eyes and was piercing their hearts with tiny needles.

Soo Min was in a state of confusion as everything happened so fast, it was hard to process. Because of how close their bodies were she could feel his breath tingling her face, carrying it with his minty scent. She could even feel his beating heart in rhythm with hers.

Ryan's eyes glowed as his eyes looked at her as if she was the only person in his eyes while others were only made as a backdrop for her. His gaze landed on her stray hair and absentmindedly tucked it behind her ear.

When she felt his touch, Soo Min subconsciously sucked in a lump of cold air and instantaneously pushed him away from her. A look of embarrassment flashed across her eyes.

"Uh." Soo Min realized that she was being hasty to the point of being rude. She looked at Ryan and sure enough, he looked a bit hurt and his jaw squared. "I—I'll go get your shoes." Soo Min quickly stuttered and rushed out of there, without looking back.

"Not bad. But you got to work a little more harder." Mother Song patted her son's shoulder, shaking her head and sighing.

Ryan looked at his mom with a frown. Was she… mocking him right now? He sighed helplessly. Nevertheless, since he had already confessed he made up his mind to go all out and show her just how much he loves her.


Flawless Co.

"Is that all, Young Miss." The attendant asked her as Soo Min handed a pair of white flats.

"Yes, and could you please remove the tag. I'd like to put them to use right away." Soo Min requested, handing her black card.

"Certainly. Let me get you a bag and remove them from the box." The attendant smiled before walking over to the back.

"Alright. Here's you card. You're all set." Returning with the pair of white flats as well as a bag with the shoebox and receipt inside.

"Thank you." Soo Min said as she took the white flats and the bag. Turning around to leave, her eyes landed on a pair of white sneakers standing right in front of her.

Scanning the source from bottom to top, her eyes landed on the devil's incarnate.

Ryan looked at her straight in the eyes and a mischievous smile bloomed on his handsome face.

Walking closer, he took the bag from her and grabbed one of her hands with his free hand, before clasping his with hers. His eyes distinctly glinted when he realized how cold her hands were.

"What are you doing?" Soo Min looked at their hands clasped together with wide eyes.

"Exercising my right." He winked at her before they strolled out the store, hand in hand.


"Ooh. Thank you so much dear. These are truly exquisite." Mother Song beamed, spinning and walking in her new pearl white flats, flaunting it at those passing by.

"I'm glad you liked them, mom." Soo Min smiled. Turning to the man next her, with a fake smile she asked gritting her teeth, "When do you plan to let go?"

"Sorry sweetheart. That was never an option to begin with it." He said with a bright smile and sparkling eyes.

Did he just say the word… sweetheart?

Soo Min: "…"

Mother Song: "…"

Noah: "…"

Ryan: Am I doing well?

Author: Yup!

Turning to Soo Min, Author: The man’s lost it, I think you should run.

Soo Min: “…”

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