
A Love Like No Otherr

“Let go of the past but keep the lessons it taught you.” - Chara Gizzi A past is something everyone has. Some want to let it go, while some cherish it. This was the same for Soo Min and Ryan. They say that a mother is a daughter’s first best friend, but before Soo Min could embrace god’s greatest gift, it was cruelly snatched away. Losing her mother in an unexpected accident, Soo Min vowed to not let anyone else suffer and took up the world’s most noble profession. Now known as the world’s #1 cardiologist, Soo Min lived a life devoted to her career. Life in college was a bliss but turned into a misery just as quick. Ryan Song, a college playboy had lived an enviable life. Not ever serious and bothered, he lived a chill life, dating the beloved of the college. Just when life was going perfect, in a well planned murder that was made to look like a mere car accident, he lost the lives of his father and brother. Devastated by the sudden deaths, Ryan’s life was no more the same, his family’s company went bankrupt and to top that his girlfriend broke up with him. This was the birth of heart of stone Ryan Song. But life’s miseries didn’t stop him. Ryan Song, now the CEO of the well-renowned fashion company, Glamour and the most eligible bachelor, changed his miserable fate and brought his life back on track. Coincidence? or Fate? ____________________ This story is about an alliance between a cardio thoracic surgeon and a businessman, who are at odds with each other but are forced to comply to an arranged marriage brought by their parents. The two stubborn, rigid people collided constantly. But in the process of competing with each other, they grow, and at the same time, they find their own inner belonging in each other, and gradually fall in love. When I Hate You, Turns Into I Love You! When Enemies Became Lovers! ___________________ Updates: 2-3 Chapters per week **Cover does not belong to me. Credits to the artist! **This is an original novel by aria_dramafan. All rights are reserved to the author. Thank You! _____________ **Join My Discord **My discord username is aria_dramafan#1367. Just send me a quick text and I’ll add you to this novel’s server for updates and spoilers. Tags: #RichRomance #SweetLove #ArrangedMarriage #MaleChasesFemaleLead #EnemiesToLovers

aria_dramafan · สมัยใหม่
105 Chs

Chapter 79: Escaping the Lion's Den


Moonlight Residence.

Ten minutes later, the bathroom door opened.

Ryan walked out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist.

Droplets of water still hung on his naked upper body, his pale skin radiating like the charm of a palace prince in the sun. Despite his lean stature, he was quite muscular and his back flexed with every move.

Ruffling his wet hair with a white hand towel, his mind trailed back to the memories of the kiss from before. He never imagined to have confessed so straightforwardly, but recollecting Soo Min's surprised, glowing pink face, a rare smile formed on his lips.


Lost in the depths of her sleep, Soo Min cradled a pillow to her chest, with her blanket fallen on the floor. The beaming rays of the sun peaked through the small openings of the floor to ceiling blinds, causing the woman to stir amidst her desire to sleep for a little while longer.

It was not usually hard for her to wake up in the mornings, given that it was a skill she had acquired with time due to the nature of her job and since she was a morning perfect. But after what happened with Ryan yesterday, she couldn't sleep at all and what was most perplexing to her is that she doesn't even know the reason behind her sleeplessness.

"I'm going to go crazy at this rate!" Soo Min yelled as she propelled herself upright, dissipating all the sleep in her system. Ruffling her hair like a madman in frustration, she cried, "How am I supposed to face him, now?"

Just as she was dwelling over her accursed fate, a notification popped up on her phone.

[Mother Song: Hi dear! Are you free to meet up today?]

[Mother Song: I would love it if you could accompany for some shopping since its been a while from when I last saw you and I really miss you]

Soo Min's dull face instantly lit up. God was definitely with her. Thanks to Mother Song, she now had an excuse to avoid Ryan, meaning no need to deal with any awkwardness,

Glancing at the alarm clock, she noted the time and nodded, "It's still early and since its the weekend, he most likely won't be awake yet. Now, I just need to get ready and leave."

With that being said, Soo Min picked up the blanket she had kicked to the ground in her sleep, as was her habit, tossed it on the bed and walked into the bathroom.


In the living room, Ryan was responding to some work emails on his laptop as he sipped on his cup of coffee, elegantly. His disheveled brown hair and muscles visible under his half-opened button up white shirt, made him look even more alluring.

"I was right, he isn't awake yet." Soo Min smiled triumphantly, carefully tiptoeing down the hallway right across the living room. "Just a few more steps and I'll be out of here!"

Her eyes narrowed on the double doors, the exit out of doomsday, as she charged forward eluding the aura of soldier about to cross the enemy's territory.

"You're up early." A deep voice interrupted causing her to almost trip.

'Uh. Oh.' Steadying her wobbly feet, Soo Min turned in the direction of the voice.

Her eyes meet the man's deep ocean blue eyes staring intently at her. To him, she looked like a little school kid trying to runaway from the house after being informed of an upcoming doctor's appointment.

He looked at her for a while with great interest, his eyes dancing with a hint of amusement. He had imagined countless scenarios to how she would react this morning, but this... was nowhere near to what he had in mind.

'Running away?' Ryan mused, his lips dangerously close to breaking out a smile.

Soo Min blinked and got dazed as she didn't know what to say or do, completely oblivious to Ryan's thoughts.

"Good morning, Young Miss. Your morning tea is ready, may I serve you some?" The butler asked.

"Ah? Oh no no, I'm actually going out to meet someone right now." Soo Min politely refused, waving her hands in denial.

"Thank you for asking though, Uncle Lei." She respectfully bowed her head and immediately rushed out without sparing a fleeting glance at Ryan, an action that made him raise an eyebrow.

"Take as much time as you want, dear wifey. In the end, you are destined to be mine." He mused, finding her more and more attractive and cute.

What are your guys’ opinions on this novel? Are there any specific scenes you want to see in the future of the couple? Don’t worry guys the story is nowhere near the end yet! I just wanted to know

aria_dramafancreators' thoughts