
A Love Like No Otherr

“Let go of the past but keep the lessons it taught you.” - Chara Gizzi A past is something everyone has. Some want to let it go, while some cherish it. This was the same for Soo Min and Ryan. They say that a mother is a daughter’s first best friend, but before Soo Min could embrace god’s greatest gift, it was cruelly snatched away. Losing her mother in an unexpected accident, Soo Min vowed to not let anyone else suffer and took up the world’s most noble profession. Now known as the world’s #1 cardiologist, Soo Min lived a life devoted to her career. Life in college was a bliss but turned into a misery just as quick. Ryan Song, a college playboy had lived an enviable life. Not ever serious and bothered, he lived a chill life, dating the beloved of the college. Just when life was going perfect, in a well planned murder that was made to look like a mere car accident, he lost the lives of his father and brother. Devastated by the sudden deaths, Ryan’s life was no more the same, his family’s company went bankrupt and to top that his girlfriend broke up with him. This was the birth of heart of stone Ryan Song. But life’s miseries didn’t stop him. Ryan Song, now the CEO of the well-renowned fashion company, Glamour and the most eligible bachelor, changed his miserable fate and brought his life back on track. Coincidence? or Fate? ____________________ This story is about an alliance between a cardio thoracic surgeon and a businessman, who are at odds with each other but are forced to comply to an arranged marriage brought by their parents. The two stubborn, rigid people collided constantly. But in the process of competing with each other, they grow, and at the same time, they find their own inner belonging in each other, and gradually fall in love. When I Hate You, Turns Into I Love You! When Enemies Became Lovers! ___________________ Updates: 2-3 Chapters per week **Cover does not belong to me. Credits to the artist! **This is an original novel by aria_dramafan. All rights are reserved to the author. Thank You! _____________ **Join My Discord **My discord username is aria_dramafan#1367. Just send me a quick text and I’ll add you to this novel’s server for updates and spoilers. Tags: #RichRomance #SweetLove #ArrangedMarriage #MaleChasesFemaleLead #EnemiesToLovers

aria_dramafan · สมัยใหม่
105 Chs

Chapter 34: Saying Yes To The Dress


At Flawless Co.

When the tall gold curtains drew open, a young woman was standing on the marble podium, wearing a beautiful red and black gown with a sweetheart neckline and flowers detailing the bottom.

Soo Min ran her hands over the dress for a moment before she raised her head to look at the two people seated on the suede tuxedo style sofa.

"Well... what do you guys think?" She curiously asked.

"Oh my goodness! Soo Min dear, you look so beautiful. The style of this gown really suits you and in fact, the rose print on the skirt gives the whole gown a more elevated look." Mother Song excitedly spoke in awe of the dress.

"Wait really? So then you guys approve this one?" Soo Min asked with anticipation clear in her eyes.

But all her hopes came crashing down, when she heard what her dad had to say next.

"No. This won't do. Let's look at another one please." Father Park instructed turning to one of the fashion consultants.

"But why not? It's such a pretty style and the dress really does suit your daughter." Mother Song countered.

"Yes it does. But take a look at the color of the dress... it's red and black. The theme of the engagement is blue and I want her dress to be of the same color." Father Park reasoned.

"Well. When you put it like that..." Mother Song paused and turned to look at Soo Min, and thoroughly scanned the dress from top to bottom, before she continued, "Yeah. I guess you're right. Alright! Designer Choi can you show us some dresses in all the shades of blue? And also, bring all the styles you have in that color."

When Soo Min heard Mother Song's words, she dropped her head down and sighed in defeat.

This was the sixteenth dress that they had tried out and each and every one was rejected either by Mother Song or her dad, because when one of them liked a dress, the other would always have something to complain about.

Thus, they could never reach on an agreement.

"Yes. Of course, anything for my favorite client, Jane." Designer Choi happily exclaimed before he signaled his assistant and a few others to follow him.

Not longer after, he returned but this time along with a bunch of gowns all neatly packed in a garment bag, which were carried by the other employees.

When Soo Min looked at all those gowns, she felt a flash of irritation course through her because no matter how many gowns she would have to try, those two would never be on the same page.

"Fine then. Let's go." With that, she clenched her fist tightly before walking back to the fitting room.


Inside the fitting room.

With a little help from the two fashion consultants, Soo Min was quickly able to change into the new gown.

It was a navy blue off shoulder gown, with fine crystals at the middle forming the illusion of a belt.

When Soo Min looked at herself in the mirror, she gasped in awe and that's when the realization hit her.

All this while, all she was doing was trying to meet the conditions of both her dad and soon to be mother-in-law, that she completely forgot about what she wanted.

Although this wedding was unplanned for and the guy she was going to be married to was a complete jerk, it was still her engagement after all.

Whether the guy was of her choice or not, she will be the one to decide what dress she wants! And with that, Soo Min left the fitting room, feeling more determined and confident than ever before.


Outside the fitting room.

As soon as Soo Min stepped out of the fitting room, Mother Song, Father Park, and Designer Choi turned to look at her and were stunned.

The dress fitted perfectly and the color contrasted well with her light skin tone. The off shoulder showed off her long slender arms and overall complemented her hourglass figure. It was almost as if the gown was practically made for her.

"Soo Min dear, this dress it's—" But before Mother Song could complete her words, she was cut off by Soo Min.

"I have had enough!" Soo Min snapped.

"All this time, dress after dress, the two of you have had your share of complaints and I've taken it all into consideration, but this is just too much. I mean it's my wedding and this is the dress I'm choosing for the engagement!" Soo Min firmly stated before stomping over to them.

"I don't care what the two of you have to say, I am not going to try on anymore dresse—Aahh!" Misjudging the gap between the marble podium and the floor, Soo Min tripped on her dress and was just about to fall flat on the ground, when all of a sudden she felt a pair of arms securely wrap on either side of her waist.

It’s wedding season lols

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