
A Love Like No Otherr

“Let go of the past but keep the lessons it taught you.” - Chara Gizzi A past is something everyone has. Some want to let it go, while some cherish it. This was the same for Soo Min and Ryan. They say that a mother is a daughter’s first best friend, but before Soo Min could embrace god’s greatest gift, it was cruelly snatched away. Losing her mother in an unexpected accident, Soo Min vowed to not let anyone else suffer and took up the world’s most noble profession. Now known as the world’s #1 cardiologist, Soo Min lived a life devoted to her career. Life in college was a bliss but turned into a misery just as quick. Ryan Song, a college playboy had lived an enviable life. Not ever serious and bothered, he lived a chill life, dating the beloved of the college. Just when life was going perfect, in a well planned murder that was made to look like a mere car accident, he lost the lives of his father and brother. Devastated by the sudden deaths, Ryan’s life was no more the same, his family’s company went bankrupt and to top that his girlfriend broke up with him. This was the birth of heart of stone Ryan Song. But life’s miseries didn’t stop him. Ryan Song, now the CEO of the well-renowned fashion company, Glamour and the most eligible bachelor, changed his miserable fate and brought his life back on track. Coincidence? or Fate? ____________________ This story is about an alliance between a cardio thoracic surgeon and a businessman, who are at odds with each other but are forced to comply to an arranged marriage brought by their parents. The two stubborn, rigid people collided constantly. But in the process of competing with each other, they grow, and at the same time, they find their own inner belonging in each other, and gradually fall in love. When I Hate You, Turns Into I Love You! When Enemies Became Lovers! ___________________ Updates: 2-3 Chapters per week **Cover does not belong to me. Credits to the artist! **This is an original novel by aria_dramafan. All rights are reserved to the author. Thank You! _____________ **Join My Discord **My discord username is aria_dramafan#1367. Just send me a quick text and I’ll add you to this novel’s server for updates and spoilers. Tags: #RichRomance #SweetLove #ArrangedMarriage #MaleChasesFemaleLead #EnemiesToLovers

aria_dramafan · สมัยใหม่
105 Chs

Chapter 22: Rivals Meet


Outside the Mansion.

"Since Designer Choi and I are good friends, I'm sure he won't have a problem to make the clothes for the engagement, just let me know a good date for your daughter, so we can get the measurements for the dress." Mother Song informed with a smile.

"Yes. I think tomorrow should be good, I'm sure she can take the day off or at least get off early." Father Park replied.

"Actually dad, I don't think I'll be able to!" Soo Min informed.

"Oh do you have to a busy schedule tomorrow, dear?" Mother Song asked.

Soo Min nodded and said, "Yeah. I'll be busy this whole week, so we might have to move the engagement to a later date."

Father Park was not such a fool to not be able to discern what his daughter was trying to do, and Ryan had figured that out too, but it was not like he was going to say anything, as it was in his best interest too!

"No. That is simply not possible! The engagement date will remain the same, so I suggest that you make time for the fitting and trial of the dress." Father Song firmly stated.

"But dad—"

"Soo Min." Father Park said in a threatening tone, and his daughter had no other choice than to agree.

"Fine." Soo Min reluctantly said.

Turning towards Mother Song and Ryan, Father Park smiled and said, "Well then, we will be off now. See you on the engagement day." Before he walked over to the black car and sat inside.

After seeing them off, Mother Song and Ryan too made their back way inside the mansion.

"Mom. What are you doing?! How can you suddenly fix an alliance without asking me and that too with that girl!" Ryan questioned with annoyance.

It was nothing new to him with his mother always sending him to awkward blind dates, but to go so far as fixing an engagement? That is absurd!

"Shut up, fool! What? Did you really think you can escape marriage forever? Nonsense. I have been lenient on you for quite some time already, but there is no way I was going to let such a perfect bride like Soo Min slip away. Let me tell you I like that girl, and if you dare to hurt her, then... I will disown you!" Mother Song warned him and walked back inside, while leaving Ryan stunned.

"Mother... are you really my mother?!" Ryan scoffed as he stared at his mother's back dumbfounded.


The next day.

City Hospital, Seoul.

The atmosphere inside the operation theater was solemn, there were monsters slicing the body like it was pork chops.

Well... at least that's how it looked like in the eyes of interning med students standing in the corner, trembling in fear, along with one of their peers who had long fainted and was lying there on the ground.

Initially, Soo Min's attention was fully focused on the female patient in front of her, but her mind slowly drifted off to last night's events.

When the nurse near by noticed Soo Min suddenly stop the procedure, she raised her eyebrows and whispered, "Doctor?"

And when she did not hear any response back, she called out to Soo Min again, "Doctor... Doctor?"

"Doctor?!" This time a little more louder, snapping Soo Min out of her daydream.

"Oh uh... right." Soo Min shook off all her thoughts and focused her attention back on the surgery, because right now that was her main concern.

After carefully removing the damaged valve, she quickly put a new one in place, as part of the valve replacement surgery. Once that was done, Soo Min instructed the team to close the body up and left the operating room.


Outside the Operation Theater.

Soo Min washed her hands and made her way to the front desk to sign out as it was right about the time for her shift to end, and it was not everyday that she would get to leave this early.

So why not enjoy it?!

"Leaving already? Wow! I must Dr. Park this is quite a surprise." Receptionist Ara teased.

Soo Min chuckled and said, "Yeah Yeah! Go ahead and make fun of me, but it is all of you who always hold me back, ya know!" before she swiped her card on the signing out machine.

"Have a good rest of your day!" Receptionist Ara said.

Soo Min smiled and said "You too!" before she headed to the staff locker room and quickly changed into black leggings and wore a sage green windbreaker on top.

Since it was already seven thirty in the evening, she decided to grab dinner from her favorite local pizza place, and walked towards the hospital entrance.


Hospital Entrance.

She stepped out in her sweats and in a messy bun, unbothered with how she looked right now.

Soo Min moved her neck left and right before raising her arms in the air and stretched them to help relieve the stiffness in her body from all those long hours of standing in the OT.

Just as she was about to walk down the stairs, her attention shifted to a black mercedes parked right in front of the hospital, and when she recognized the man standing next to it...

Soo Min immediately frowned.

Sorry for the delay! Here’s a extra long chapter as compensation. Love you all!

Hugs & Kisses ♥️

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