
A Love Like No Otherr

“Let go of the past but keep the lessons it taught you.” - Chara Gizzi A past is something everyone has. Some want to let it go, while some cherish it. This was the same for Soo Min and Ryan. They say that a mother is a daughter’s first best friend, but before Soo Min could embrace god’s greatest gift, it was cruelly snatched away. Losing her mother in an unexpected accident, Soo Min vowed to not let anyone else suffer and took up the world’s most noble profession. Now known as the world’s #1 cardiologist, Soo Min lived a life devoted to her career. Life in college was a bliss but turned into a misery just as quick. Ryan Song, a college playboy had lived an enviable life. Not ever serious and bothered, he lived a chill life, dating the beloved of the college. Just when life was going perfect, in a well planned murder that was made to look like a mere car accident, he lost the lives of his father and brother. Devastated by the sudden deaths, Ryan’s life was no more the same, his family’s company went bankrupt and to top that his girlfriend broke up with him. This was the birth of heart of stone Ryan Song. But life’s miseries didn’t stop him. Ryan Song, now the CEO of the well-renowned fashion company, Glamour and the most eligible bachelor, changed his miserable fate and brought his life back on track. Coincidence? or Fate? ____________________ This story is about an alliance between a cardio thoracic surgeon and a businessman, who are at odds with each other but are forced to comply to an arranged marriage brought by their parents. The two stubborn, rigid people collided constantly. But in the process of competing with each other, they grow, and at the same time, they find their own inner belonging in each other, and gradually fall in love. When I Hate You, Turns Into I Love You! When Enemies Became Lovers! ___________________ Updates: 2-3 Chapters per week **Cover does not belong to me. Credits to the artist! **This is an original novel by aria_dramafan. All rights are reserved to the author. Thank You! _____________ **Join My Discord **My discord username is aria_dramafan#1367. Just send me a quick text and I’ll add you to this novel’s server for updates and spoilers. Tags: #RichRomance #SweetLove #ArrangedMarriage #MaleChasesFemaleLead #EnemiesToLovers

aria_dramafan · สมัยใหม่
105 Chs

Chapter 12: Crash Landing On You



"This should be far enough." Soo Min stated still panting as she left that place immediately after being noticed by Ryan. Although back there, she maintained her calm and poised look, Soo Min was inwardly panicking and a disaster.

She wanted to keep her distance from that man, as much as possible, especially after that parking lot incident. If he were to find out it was her who damaged his car, who knows what he would do?

If it was just about a simple remuneration, then there was no need for her to run and hide like this, but that man won't settle just for money, he's completely twisted!

He would definitely take advantage of this situation and torture her. At least, that's what Soo Min thought.

'No! I can't let him find out or else that's the end for me. I have to leave as soon as possible. Yes! That's exactly what I should do. I just need to find Olivia and then leave this place.'

Soo Min took a few deep breaths to calm her palpitating heart and took out her phone to call her friend once again. While waiting for the call to be answered, Soo Min casually glanced around the buffet, but her attention was suddenly drawn towards something, more specifically someone.

Her eyes rounded when she focused her vision on the figure of the man not too far from her, and it felt like her brain was about to explode. 'What the heck? Wasn't he just giving an interview? What's he doing here now?' She mused in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?" She unknowingly bursted out loud enough for everyone around her to hear, including Ryan, who was initially looking the other way, now turned to look in her direction.

As he walked towards her Soo Min's mind went into a state of frenzy, but she managed to calm herself down and immediately started thinking rationally.

'Okay, so since this plan is clearly a fail, I shall resort to Plan B: Operation GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!' Soo Min immediately dashed out of there, not bothered by the fact that she looked as if she was a runaway bride.

When Ryan saw her abruptly run like that, he was perplexed. 'Just what is she doing running away like that? And what's with her face? She's acting like she saw a ghost or something!" Ryan's eyebrows knitted before he too picked up the pace and went after her.


At the Juice Bar.

"This is just getting ridiculous! At this rate, none of us are gonna get what we want!" Olivia complained. "Fine! Neither yours nor mine, let's let go at the same time, deal?" He heard her annoyingly instruct.

Daniel raised his eyebrows questioningly but then nodded. "Deal."

"Okay. On three. One... Two... Three!" The two instantly removed their hands off each other's heads and sighed of relief. Not wanting to miss such a great opportunity, Olivia smirked before kneeing the man in the groin.

"Ouch! Damn you—" He cursed under his breath. First she spills the drink on him, and now this. This woman was beyond help.

"Take it as a parting gift. Mr. Douche Bag!" Olivia faked a smile before walking away.

Daniel stared at her leaving back in disbelief. Never had he come across such a woman, or a person in that case to treat him like this. 'What an obnoxious woman!' He inwardly scoffed.


"Damn it! This guy doesn't know when to give up." Soo Min turned her head back in the direction from which Ryan was coming from, and he was getting dangerously close.

Ryan inwardly cursed at himself for engaging in this child's play, but ignored the thousands of stares he was receiving from all around.

'What the heck am I doing? And why are we running? No. More importantly, why is she running away?' He mused as his eyes narrowed on the figure of the woman running in front of him.

'I can't seem to get rid of him, what do I do?' Soo Min contemplated, as she glanced behind her from time to time, to see if Ryan had left, but no he was still trailing her.

"WATCH OUT!" The man yelled.

Not looking at where she was going, Soo Min unknowingly stumbled on one of the stair treads, causing her to lose balance and her body to slightly tilt, hurdling her backward.

Her eyes widened in fear and a sudden rush of adrenaline coursed through her blood. The sound of her racing heart was all she could hear.

But rather than the pain she should have received from the fall, Soo Min felt a strong arm wrap around her waist securely and swiftly pull her forward.

Just as the man pulled her back up, her soft pink lips crashed into his cold ones. Soo Min's widened in disbelief as she looked back at the man who had a bewildered look all over his face.

Soo Min batted her eyelids, fluttering her long curly lashes, as she stared into Ryan's deep seated eyes, which were interlocked with her pair of light colored brown eyes. The two hearts beating rapidly in sync.

'What the heck? Please tell me this is a nightmare? What—No How can I lose my first kiss to him? TO HIM! I should go bury myself in some hole.' Soo Min inwardly panicked.

Ryan too inwardly cursed at himself for indulging in this public display of affection that too with this woman!

The two stood there rooted to their place for a few seconds before sounds of camera shutters and blinding flashes woke them up from their stupor.

But there were two people in particular, who were stunned by this spectacle.

Here’s a bonus chapter for being so patient! ♥️

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