
Chapter Seventeen

"What do you see in her,Austin?!" I questioned myself as I was getting changed.

The sun was already setting and it was getting chilly,so I decided to go have a hot shower to warm up.Just as I had finished getting undressed and into the rob,there was a slight knock on the door.

"Come in" I replied as Kaiden walked in

only wearing was a black short and some slippers,his body physique could be drawn out immaculately.He looked like an Greek God,his body was perfectly build and the moon tattoo was now more visible on his torso,his usual messy hair and gorgeous blue eyes added to the abnormal beauty of this man.

He seemed to be enjoying the attention as the grin on his face became visible when he said,"See something you like,beautiful?"

"You're so full of yourself Scott!" I teased evading his story gaze

"Let's go for a swim?" He offered walking up to me

"Right now? Isn't it a little too cold outside?"

"Who said anything about outside?" He teased

"The indoor pool is-"

"Just change babe" he said and I nodded with a smile "I'll be waiting for you in my room" he said and left.

Curious,I opened my bag and took out a red bikini and got changed.I was about to tie my hair when my phone rang .

"How are you? Is everything okay?"

"Yes Debby,everything is perfect.everyone here is being so nice,except for Kira"

"Of course! But so far your okay right?"

"Am great,he treats me like a princess"

"Am glad.We got back and Jackson just found out"

"Oh gosh,is he still mad?"

"He was fine until he heard the news,but Uncle Roy is getting through to him. You're coming to school tomorrow right?"

"Of course,I'll tell you everything during lunch"

"You better! Later" she said and hanged up

Smiling to myself,I wore the rob and made my way to his room.Only when I opened the unlocked door was when I realized I had seen the entire mansion except his room,it was bigger than mine of course,with a large rectangular black bed in the middle,it had dark wallpaper and a portrait of his family when he and Kira were mere children,by looking at it he must have been about seven years old,and yet his charming face was already noticeable.

Returning my attention to him,he was nowhere to be seen,after looking around for a while.I noticed he also had a glass door but his didn't lead to a balcony,instead getting closer I saw a breath taking rooftop patio.as I opened the door,I was welcomed to a gorgeous wooden flooring,the deck had some couches to lounge on at one side separated by a wooden fireplace in between,at the edges was a glass balcony giving a clear view of Seattle,at the corner was a shower leading to a bubbling hot-tub that emitted a blue lighting making the water sparkle as the mere rays of light reflected,inside he laid eyes shut with his lower body immersed in the water.

he remained still,having not noticed my presence.I took another look at the amazing scenery and made my way to him. Nervous, I slowly removed the rob and dipped my legs into the warm water and slipped in.

"Kaiden!" I softly called

"Kaiden!" I called once again as he laid motionlessly

I swam a little closer to him and reached out to his face,he slowly raised his hand and cupped mine as he opened his eyes.

"You scared me,damn it!" I yelled as he effortlessly dragged me onto him.

Now seated on top of him,he sat up and looked at me through the clear waters and scanned me thoroughly.

"Damn!" He finally exclaimed

"What? See something you— like,Scott?" I teased and he smirked

"I think red is my new favorite colour" he teased and I giggled

"This place is beautiful!" I exclaimed looking around some more

"Yeah,beautiful" he replied looking at me.

Reaching out his wet hands,he brushed away the loose strands of hair on my face then stared at me.

"You are remarkable" I said to her

"out of all the adjectives,I couldn't find a single one to describe her.She seemed unreal,even when she was seated right on top of me.damn! with every passing day I fall deeper and deeper for her. The red swimsuit she is wearing makes her even more sexy and she's not even trying,she looks gorgeous wearing only two pieces of clothing,her hair hang freely on her shoulders blades as her emerald eyes glimmered in the sunset,her lips,her soft and pink lips.Fuck I love this girl!"

He looked at me quietly as his gaze turned to my lips,loosing my patience I pounced a kiss on him and he didn't waste a second and kissed me back,I cupped his face as his hands explored my body gently,he pulled me closer to him and kiss deepened as we explored each other's mouths,with his hands he pulled me closer to him and traced my exposed back,I wrapt my hands around his nape and he firmly cupped my face as his kisses trailed from my lips to my neck and shoulders then back to my lips.

"Sir!!" A voice was heard knocking repeatedly on the door.


"I don't care" he instantly responded and continued to kiss me.

"Sir!! It's very urgent" the voice continued.

"For fuck's sake!" He cursed and I giggled "you stay here" he ordered and i nodded.

Placing me beside him he got out of the water,wore a towel and made his way to him,the frustration clear on his face.

"What is it,Kyle?! It better be good" he demanded opening the door

"Sorry man,didn't mean to interrupt" he teased looking at him

"Get to the point before I fire you!" He teased back

"Okay okay! There has been another intruder,we've managed to catch him and lock him up in the dungeon.Do u wanna see him?"

"Yes! Have you questioned him?"

"Just like the rest of them,wouldn't say a word"

"Then he dies! Take me to him!"

"You won't change?" He teased

"Right,wait here!"

He went back inside and returned to the hot tub only to find Aliyah already asleep,smiling to himself he went over and carried her out of the water and led her inside.On moving she slightly opened her eyes and smiled.

"You're back?"She asked in a soft whisper

"I have to do something right now then I'll be back"he replied helping me wear a towel

"Where?I can come with you"

"No need for that,you rest here in my bed tonight. I'll get someone to help you change,you shouldn't sleep in that you'll catch a cold" he said

"It's okay,I can manage" I replied as he got dressed

"I'll be just a minute" he said and kissed my cheek before leaving.

Well of course now I was very curious,I just had to know what he was up to.but it's too early for that,I can't have them curious.I'd have to earn there trust for that.I decided to have a shower then and went to lay on his bed.checking the earpiece I tried talking to it and uncle Roy replied,

"Is everything okay,Aliyah?"

"Yes everything is fine,so far nothing has happened yet,they've all welcomed me well"

"That's good.keep your eyes peeled,be careful and act smart" he advised

"Yes uncle"I replied

"Is that Aliyah? I wanna talk to her!"I heard as Jackson took over the mic "Aliyah if he does to something,you report immediately"

"Yes brother,don't worry" I teased and turned off the mic.

I laid in bed and felt my warm skin,reminiscing his affection.I could feel his presence as the entire bed smelt of him.If this was to go on,I don't know how much more I could take,I could barely control myself as it is,I am falling for this man and I won't be able to keep hiding it.at this point I don't know if I want him to do something bad so I can focus or turn out to be good so I can love him.

A while later the door opened and he returned,he went to have a shower,got dressed and went in bed,pulling the sheets over her and cuddled up close.

"You're here" She said turning over to lay on my chest

"Yes,I'm right here" I replied embracing her into my arms

"We've got school tomorrow"

"Anha,get some rest now" I replied kissed her forehead and she slept instantly.

It wasn't time for her to know my true capabilities,it could be more than she could handle.the last thing that I want is to scare her off when I already have her so close.

The next morning we went to school together.Kira went in a separate car of course with the guys.Once at school Debby and I locked eyes immediately and I went off with her.we catched up and I filled her in on everything.

"Well then what's report for day one?" She asked

"Positive.If only you could see them Debby,they are like this extended family with so much love.if I didn't know better I wouldn't believe they were you-know-what"

"And Kaiden?" She asked and I smiled reminiscing "Oohh look at you!" She exclaimed

"He's great Debby as always,but I still feel like there's something he's hiding from me,once I can gain there trust I'll be able to get in on what they do that he doesn't talk about"

"Okay girl,just be careful"

"I will" I replied and headed to class

We were starting with geography as we did every Monday,during the day there were other graduation preparations where we met in the assembly hall to discuss then clubs would resume in the end of the day after lunch.

"Have you guys talked?" Debby inquired

"No! All she does is give me a sharp eye" Austin complained

"But she—is into you right?"

"I don't know,all I know is that whatever happened that day was intentional"

"Haven't you thought that maybe it's for the best? I mean they are involved with killing-"

"Kaiden was,not her!"

"And what? You think if we dispose of Kaiden she'll just understand and you two can be together! They are siblings"

Debby explained and he sighed in grief

"So both Aliyah and I would never really have a happy ending huh,well at least Aliyah doesn't have feelings for him,it will hurt less" he said unknowingly

"Love is love Austin,you just never know when it happens and with whom. The only way for both of you to get what you want,is moving on with your lives,forget the revenge!"

"He killed my parents!"

"And they're gone now,you have uncle Roy! I know it's not the same but killing Kaiden won't change anything,you will also leave Kira an orphan cause her brother is all that she has.what difference would there be between the two of you!" Debby pointed out

"Hey you guys! I'm leaving now!" I spoke up noticing them

"Bye Aliyah,be careful!" Debby reminded

"I will,bye Austin!" I added and he was silent.

Curious,Debby gave me a 'don't worry about it' look and so I left to meet up with Kaiden.

"Hey Scott!"

"Beautiful" he replied enclosing me in his left arm followed with a slight peck on the forehead.

"You ready?" He asked and I nodded

We got in the car and he drove off and headed back to his house.we went through the main entrance because I wanted to greet the others and he agreed,then we made our way upstairs.

"I got some work to do,will you be okay?"

"Is it about the plan? I can help out?" I offered

"No,I'd rather you don't get farther involved in these,we'll handle everything don't worry about it"

"I'm not worried about anything,I just wanna see the plan commencing,it was my idea I could really help out"


"Please,I promise not to bother you,and if I'm no longer needed I'll leave" I promised and he sighed in defeat

"Come with me!" He ordered and I was instantly by his side

"Hey boss man" Kyle said approaching us

"Anything new?" He asked bluntly

"Nothing! Still silent" he replied

"Where are they?"

"In the lounge!"

"Let's go!"

"Hey Aliyah"he politely teased and I smiled

"Ah ah,you speak to me" Kaiden intruded

"Really?!" he whined and I giggled

"Got a problem!" He asked and he obediently shook his head

When inside the lounge room where all the men had gathered awaiting his arrival,they all stood up straight at our appearance

"Don't undermine him when he's here" Kyle whispered to me as Kaiden made his way upfront

No more mummers could be heard as the room went silent,they all stood there silently awaiting his command.

"Good evening boss" one of them said on behalf and Kaiden slightly lowered in his head in acknowledgment.

"I'm sure you all know why we're here!" He said and they all nodded "the success of this plan is crucial for our wellbeing,over the years he has done enough damage and now it is time to make things even.The few of you that will be chosen will represent all of us,you shall be told what to do and when, provided you follow orders nothing will go wrong" he said and they nodded

I was standing beside Kyle at a near corner as he announced and I could sense the pairs of eyes scanning me every now and then,some of them looked at me with annoyance,others clearly not happy with the idea,some with lust,I turned away and faced Kaiden.

"Don't worry about them" Kyle whispered noticing my discomfort and I nodded

"This is a mission only for a few,but any of you who keeps staring at her like that will be included!" He ordered and they immediately focused

He looked at me,then at Kyle signaling him to take me away but I denied,this was my only opportunity to be a apart of this,so I couldn't leave. I walked up to him and held his hand soothing his rage.

"I know most of you must be blaming me for this absurd idea,I get it! Risking your life is no child's play. But stay assured that you're not risking your lives,but saving them. You are making a sacrifice for a better future for all of you, I'm sure many of you would like to have a normal life and not one of combat and battle everyday,this absurd idea could be your way out.I didn't mean for it to be this way,but it's a way nonetheless,So we gotta take it." I explained as I saw slight acceptance in there eyes,lookin around I noticed that the elders and Kira had also arrived.

"I know some of you don't like me,some of you hate me to be exact,and I completely understand.but I don't,when I look at all of you I see people,I see future football stars,I see actors,musicians,students,I see a family. I am not trying to get in the way of that,on the contrary I am trying to be a part of this beautiful family,and all I ask from you is a little acceptance and a chance to prove myself to all of you" I finished and they genuinely clapped placing a triumphant smile across my face.

I faced Kaiden who placed his hand across my shoulder and kissed my forehead.I could see Nana smiling at us in approval as the elders looked at us emotionlessly,Kira scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Well I for one had my doubts" an elderly man said jolting the pack to make way for them "I thought she was just trying to make her way in our family, I thought she was like all the other humans,but it's clear now that we were all mistaken"

"From that speech even I want to participate in the mission" another said

"Spoken like a true leader" Nana said and I smiled at there approval with a slight bow.

"Now the men involved!" Another continued

"I will take part" One volunteered

"So will I!"

"Me too!" Another said as they added to a total of ten men.

"Even you couldn't do that my dear,looks like you have some learning to do" Nana said to Kira

"It's just words Nana,I'm not a mute!" She scoffed

"Now,we go through the plan" the old man said as they turned to face me

Puzzled,I looked at Kaiden and he nodded in approval.we went through the plan again and repeated all that we had to repeat until everything was made clear.the men were to leave that evening and make there way to the village and the plan would commence.

"Your father would have been proud" Nana said to Kaiden

"And you!" She said cupping my face "welcome to the family" and I hugged her

"I think everything is clear now,we're heading out" he said taking a hold of my hand and we left the room.

We had been there for the past two hours,so it was already dawn.

"Get my bike ready!" He ordered Kyle who went right away

"Where are we going?" I asked curious

"You'll see,do you have a jacket on you?" He asked and I shrugged "come take mine" he said and went to his room.

He gave me his black leather jacket but this one was a little more my size,he dresses up as well and we left the house.

The bike was parked just outside the house as requested with two helmets,

"Get on!" He ordered

Confused I got on the bike with his assistance,he helped me wear the helmet and got on behind me.

"I can't ride this!" I yelled

"I'll teach you!" He said and wore his helmet "there's an earpiece inside so just follow my lead"

"What? Kaiden we will fall miserably!"

"I trust you! Now place your hands on the handles" he instructed and I did so

He placed his hands above mine,stepped on the gear and slowly jerked my hands to start directing the thing after he pressed the start button.

"Kaiden this is crazy!" I said to him as he signaled for them to open the gates

Slowly jerking my hands again we were moving,he held on as we rode deep within the trail that was,we were having trouble at first but following his lead we were actually doing it,every once in a while he'd let go of my hands then held onto to them whenever I lost balance, by the time the sun set,I could ride a bike.

"You're a first learner"

"I learned from the best"

"I never took you for the public speaking type" he teased and I nodded him

"I wanted for them to trust me and see me as one of there own and not a stranger"

"And now they all love you"

"Well too bad I only have eyes for one wolf" I remarked and he grinned revealing his white and sharp canine

"We better get going" he said and I got around back and he drove us home