
A Long Path Ahead Of Us

Guys, I have to take a break for a year. It means I can only update this book after a year due to some personal stuff. Please wait until August, 2024. After August month, I'm going to continue this book and I won't stop till the end, I swear. Please add this book to your library and wait till I come back for you. Love you as always... Ummah! (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠) Never in her wildest dreams, she would have thought that her past trauma would greatly affect her life. Annie... Annie... Annie... Those words were like needles to her ears... Like it was a direct call from hell. She couldn't help but break down. Her eyes welled up every time she heard that name. "It's okay." He said. He wanted to make her overcome her trauma, her nightmare. He just wanted to see her being happy and cheerful like she had done... Always. "We have a long path ahead of us." He spoke again. "What path?" Annabella snapped at him. "You're just a mere teenager, aren't you?" The boy's mouth started twitching. "Of course not. Don't underestimate me." "Then tell me... Who are you?" "It's better to know less. The more you know, the more you get into trouble. I don't want that, Big Sister." Ewww... Big sister? Here the story starts... Annabella Zoey Parker was a girl who loved the concept called, 'Single Forever.' She never wanted to get married not because she didn't believe in love or because she got betrayed by her ex-boyfriend. In fact, she didn't even have a boyfriend. It was NOT because she wasn't attractive enough. She was actually a beautiful girl despite being a little pale like a vampire. The thing was, she loved being alone and doing her work peacefully without no one there to meddle in her business. However, her parents especially her mother didn't understand that. She wanted to see her daughter get married as soon as possible. "You have to marry soon. You are almost 26. How long do you want to stay single? Until you turn 30s or 40s?!" Annabella took a deep breath before turning towards her mother with a serious face. "Okay, I'll get married." Mrs Parker's eyes lit up instantly. "Really?" She asked with a wide smile on her face. "Yeah, but on one condition. You should wait till next year." Annabella stated. Mrs Parker was confused. "But why?" "Because he's still seventeen. He'll become an adult next year so we can get married right away." Mrs Parker: "..." __________________ Age is just a number when it comes to Love... Find your happiness, your true love, your peace. Don't care about what others might think of you because this life is yours. Not theirs. ~~~~~~ Hi buddies, Thank you for choosing my book to read. (Don't forget to give your precious votes, comments and reviews because it'll be a huge support for me as I'm presenting this book for WSA.) XOXO...

XOXO_LtlSunFlwr · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

Hero saves the beauty

John threw his head back, chuckling hysterically.

"Anna, really? Don't you believe me at all? You're screaming as Imma kidnap you. Just relax, it's a shortcut."

"Oh." Annabella smiled embarrassingly. "I'm sorry then."

"Nevermind. It's good to be cautious actually. In your eyes, I'm still a stranger after all." John said, his voice sounding somehow sad and disappointed.

"No, Johnny. I didn't mean to act like that. I'm really sorry. I know I always get scared whenever I'm with someone who's not so close to me..."

John cut her off by saying, "I'll be close to you like sunlight in the daytime and moonlight in the night. That way, you won't feel weird and insecure being with me."

Annabella laughed.

"You sound like a writer or a poet."

John raised his chin.

"I know right? Speaking of which, I hope to write a novel for fun. I think I should write about a beautiful, confident, independent young woman and I feel like describing her appearance as yours." John stated seriously.

Annabella blinked before frowning.

"Only appearance?"

John cleared his throat.

"You're a bit naïve, overly cautious and too straightforward. I need someone less naïve, a little cautious, easygoing, adjustable to new people, not so straightforward to the point of hurting others." He said.

John's eyes widened as soon as he finished. He quickly looked at her, troubled.

"I'm sorry, Anna. I didn't mean to offend you."

Annabella faked a tiny smile. "It's okay. I know I have some weak points. But... you made me feel a bit upset."

'Actually a lot!'

"Oh, then let me heal your wounded heart by showing you how much I love you." John blurted out, stepping on the accelerator as he parked the car near a small lonely building.

Annabella furrowed her eyebrows, confused.

"What are you talking about? We only know for freaking two days! No one can fall in love with another person in such a short period of time. Don't tell me it's love at first sight. I don't believe such bullshit!"

John chuckled. "No baby. I believe it when you have such a sexy body."

Annabella felt like something was wrong.

"John, don't flirt with me. I don't like it."

John sneered.

"I'm your future husband. Whom do you want to flirt with apart from me your hubby? Why? Do you have a secret lover from a trash can?"

Annabella gritted her teeth.

"I'm so wrong. You're nothing but a bad, mad psychopath. I don't want to be with a person like you anymore. Goodbye, our relationship will be over from now..."

Her words stuck in her throat when she inhaled the strong smell of the handkerchief John pressed on her nose and mouth.

"You..." She could only mumble one word before completely passing out.

John licked his lips looking at the unconscious beauty on the passenger seat. He got out of the car and picked her up.

"Dude, is it ready?" John asked, carrying Annabella inside the small, abandoned building. Another man who had a thick moustache and a cigarette between his fingers nodded, pointing at a small room in a corner of the main floor.

"Yeah, Enjoy yourself to bits. No one's gonna disturb your beautiful moment." The man smiled with a wink, showing his yellow, cracked teeth.

John smirked and took Annabella inside the room. There, he put her on the not-so-big bed and looked at her beautiful body for a while.

"Anna," He started talking. "It's lust at first sight for me. I know I can have sex with you anytime I want after marrying you. But I don't wanna marry you. You're not my type in choosing a wife. But as for my sexual needs... you're the perfect one for me."

John removed his black coat, shirt and watch along with his spectacles. Now his upper body was completely naked.

"Let me put my contact lenses because I want to see every single bit of you."

As he mumbled, John went towards a mirror and put lenses on his dark brown eyes.

"Now perfect. I'll remove my pants when you turn me on. Work hard my beauty," Saying that, he laid on top of Annabella.

John started kissing Annabella's neck while undoing the zip on the backside of her red gown.

John stopped for a while.

"I forgot to thank you for dressing up for me. It made me do everything more easily."

Before John could kiss her again, the door to the room opened with a loud bang.

"Who the fuck is that?" Cursing, John got up from the bed only to get a hard punch across his face.

"Aaah, my eye." John held his left eye which turned blue because of the punch. His contact lens was also smashed.

"Who the fuck..." John's words stuck in his throat when he saw who he was.

"It's you! The waiter boy at the coffee shop! Annabella is correct! You are stalking her, you motherfucking dog." When he regained his senses, John started yelling like a madman.

Damien ignored him and went towards the unconscious girl to see whether she was hurt. He removed his long coat and wrapped it around her body.

'This woman is stupider than I thought.'

After covering her, Damien turned to John.

"You're wrong. I'm not a waiter at a coffee shop." Before he could finish talking, a few policemen came inside the room holding guns.

John broke out in cold sweat upon seeing the cops.

"Sir, It's not me. It's this boy." John pointed his index finger at Damien. "He's the one who kidnapped her. Now he tries to drag an innocent person like me into this."

He continued without stopping.

"I'm a lawyer so of course, I know how the law works. This girl is my fiancée and I just came on a tour with her and this boy shamelessly kidnapped us and even made me look at how he was gonna rape my fiancée. Look how shameless a mere teenager can be."

Damien sneered. 'What a good actor who knows how to turn tables perfectly.'

"You guys can take care of him. I'm gonna carry this lady outside," Saying that, Damien picked Annabella up in bridal style before bringing her out of the room.

John: "...."

"S-sir, wh-what's going on?" When he regained his senses, John stammered as fear filled in his anxious heart.

"You dog," One of the policemen roared. "Do you know who that boy is? He's a trainee who works with us to join..."

Someone interrupted him. "No need to explain things to a criminal, Richard."

John dropped to his knees as he wept.

"No sir, I'm not a criminal!"

"Yeah, you're not a criminal but a rapist." Richard scoffed.

"No, I didn't rape her. Check her if you want. I only gave her a peck on her... on her... cheek and neck as her lover."

"Drag him outside."

"No, sir. No! Don't! Don't! Oh, my reputation!"


When Annabella woke up again, she was in a hospital room. As soon as the memories of that evening came into her mind, her heart started pounding faster like a drum. She tried to get out of bed.

"Stay still, ma'am." A nurse told her kindly.

"Where am I?" Annabella asked looking down at herself to see that she was wearing a hospital gown. Anxiousness filled in her heart.

'Did he rape me? I wouldn't ever let him go if he dared to do that to me!'

"You're currently at a hospital, ma'am. The cops brought you here. Don't worry. We did some checkups on you and confirmed that nothing had happened to you. Don't worry, he didn't do anything to you." The nurse explained clearly.

Annabella finally managed to breathe freely when she heard that. She let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Then can I go home now?" She asked after a while.

"A police officer will come to claim a statement from you and after that, you can discharge from the hospital. Should we inform someone to take you home? Do you have a family member or a friend?"

Annabella pondered for a moment. She didn't want her mother to worry about her. Now she could only think of one person, Grana.

"Yeah, I have a friend. Do you know where my phone is?" Annabella asked.

"Aaah, yes. I put all your stuff on the bedside table."

Annabella nodded and leaned over to the table to search for her phone. She called Grana and told her to pick her up from the hospital before hanging up the call.

"Did you send the address?" The nurse asked with a smile.

"Shit!" Annabella smacked her forehead.

"I'll do that for you if you don't mind," The nurse said, reaching out her hand.

Annabella gave her the phone with a thank you before diverting her attention to the bedside table again. There, she found her clothes and apart from them, she could also find a long blue colour men's coat.

Annabella frowned and questioned the nurse, "Whose coat is this?"