
the day I was dreaming of...

After forgetting what I was ..,I got ready and took my resume and some applications needed for the interview. It's 7.30am in the morning...I called to my friend....she said she'll be in 7.45.

I packed my stuff and started walking to our spot,where we agreed to meet...,it was nearly 10steps away from my house.i reached to the spot but she's not there I called her again she's not answering the call .. i got worried and waited for her.someone called me from my back,I turned and looked over there It's my friend,we started walking and gossiping about the office atmosphere.i was really excited to go to the office. We reached to busstop..,waited for the buss,after some time the buss came..,we took the buss and started our journey.

It was the first time that I woke up too fast,I get little sleepy..,so she let me sleep on her shoulder.i dozed of ...,after the journey of 50min,she woke me up.the bus is. Really rush and it was Hard to get off from the buss.we somehow managed to reached the office, now it's the time for my interview....,

My friend introduce me to her team leader and he asked me some questions I somehow answered everything and got the job.but after the interview,the TL said to come from next week so I have to return to my home.while I was heading to the busstop my friend called me,I explained everything to her,she rushed and come over for me.i was surprised that she stopped her work and came for me.we had small gossips and I took the buss and she send off me with her cute smile.