
A Life of an Actual Cannon Fodder

Why am I a cannon fodder? Why wasn't I born the protagonist?

ItsMrHero_Skyblock · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Before Everything went Downhill

I thought I would be the protagonist or maybe even the rival. I was always stronger than others around me and grown-ups always praised me for my abilities. I thought I was the destined one, the chosen one. I mean my talent should be the best right? Why would they praise me otherwise?

A realization hit me as I got punched in the face, it turns out even I can get beaten.

Aagh, why does it hurt so much? It's only 1 punch, right? I was off guard that time right? I wasn't ready right?

As much as I try to make reasons, I knew deep down I couldn't have stopped that punch. This bastard, why is he so strong? He should be my age, so how did he punch me so hard?

I looked up at him, clenching my jaw and trying to resist the pain.

He was looking down at me with a smirk on his face. He was enjoying this. His diamond-like eyes were experiencing a sense of satisfaction.

Still, I looked straight into his eye, urging the fight to continue. I can't give up now, not with my pride on the line.


Huh, another hit came through, and this time I felt a stinging pain in my stomach. How did he move so fast? I fell onto the ground, gasping for air. As I struggled to breathe laying helplessly on the floor, I noticed he didn't look like a typical boy anymore.

His blue eyes were gleaming with a threatening aura and his black hair was swaying gently.

As his eyes met mine, I felt goosebumps all over my body.

He wasn't a typical student, he was something else. A sense of fear crept up my spine. My leg was trembling, and I gave in to the fact that I could not win this fight. I could not stand up, my mind was shaking. I could feel the countless gaze of my classmates on me, the gaze of mock and ridicule.

"Stand up," he said with a commanding voice.

At that moment, I snapped. I knew I could not defeat him on my own, but how can I allow him to trample on my pride like this? I could not even imagine how the others would look down on me. I couldn't allow this. Anger strengthened me. I could feel my muscles bulging and my veins pulsing with rage. Who is he to make me feel this way?

I sprang up to him with my fist clenched.


He caught my fist with his hand.

"You're only this much, huh," he said with a taunting tone.


I drove my left fist into his stomach , using all the strength I could muster. Before my fist even touched him, I felt an overwhelming pain as he gripped my right hand and started twisting it. Again, I stumbled on the ground with my knees.

Why does it hurt so much? Please stop this pain, Please let my hand go. Please stop this humiliation.

"It hurts doesn't it? This is how others felt when you bullied them," he said with a cold voice.

"Aaaaaaaagh!!" I gave out a scream of agony, that I tried my hardest to suppress. The pain was unbearable.


His legs delivered a swift blow to face. At that moment, everything started to get blurry.

"Ah, am I falling unconscious?" I thought to myself.


How did I get here?

I was always strong. My father owned one of the largest guilds in the city, so I had access to countless manuals and potions from a young age. My mother was also a skilled mage so she taught me mana control and spell casting. It was safe to say that I was not a normal boy, I was a boy with a silver spoon.

Everywhere I went I had a higher status, an heir to the Silver Wolves guild, a son of the famous mage, Evylen. People would always treat me highly with envy and admiration.

Me, the privileged one.

My parents then decided to enroll me in the best magic academy in the nation, Arcadia. It was where the top talents in the nation go to. The best of the best.

I was very excited about this opportunity. I could finally get competent subordinates and rule over them. I'd develop the Silver Wolves to the top of the world, and reign over them as the guild master.

That's why I was here at this academy.

As I walked past the gates of Arcadia Academy, I could already feel that it was different from the weak and pathetic school I went to before. The sculptures of dragons and beasts, the intricately designed huge arched doors, and the majestic castle I can see from far away were definitely different.

"Hahaha, It is better than I thought. Maybe I can even get a rival that's worth my time." I thought to myself.

The wide stone pathway was filled with students rushing over to the main castle, all eager and nervous after seeing the enormous and imposing architecture.

I looked around and saw that all the students had a sense of awe and nervousness in their eyes.

"Hmmm, these commoners must not have seen anything like this before. Unlike them, I have seen countless castles and buildings. But, I must admit, this one is quite impressive."

However, my thoughts were interrupted by a loud voice behind me.

"Aaaaaah, aren't you the prodigy Leo of the renowned Silver Wolves guild?"

I saw a blonde-haired petite boy with bright eyes and with a look of respect.

I could not feel anything but arrogance.

"Shit, I must not let myself carried away, I must get swayed by this small praise." Leo reminded himself.

Still, I let a smirk pass by.

"Yes, I am and your name is?." I asked trying to feign disinterest.

"Whoa, you are so cool! Ah ah, my name is Noah. I am trying to get into Arcadia Academy as a first-year. Mr.Leo, you must be aiming for the Royal class of the Academy right? I am not good as you, but I sure hope to enter the common class at least..."

Hah, this boy sure likes talking his mouth out.

"Of course, anything, but the royal class would be an embarrassment for me" I replied with my usual confidence.

"You're so confident, Mr.Leo. I wish I could be like you."

"Well, I am strong after all," I responded.

I could tell this boy was impressed by me, but I have no use for weaklings like him. He could only use his words to impress me after all.

But, suddenly I noticed that the blonde boy wasn't beside me anymore. I looked around and saw him talking to another student.

I felt a sudden irritation in my chest.

"Why is he buttering someone else now? I thought he was at least a bit capable of noticing my power, but he is just a weakling. He could have been my porter or something, but I guess he's not even worth that." I thought to myself.

The students flowed into the castle doors and I quickly followed with my head held high.

"Posture is everything. It is how you identify weaklings from the others."

I saw the grand halls of the castle and spotted a series of paintings with depictions across the wall. I then spotted two girls talking to each other about the depictions.

"Wow, have you seen this painting, who is this handsome person?" the brown-haired girl asked the other.

"How am I supposed to know? Aren't you better at history than me?" the second girl replied.

I felt the need to explain.

"That man right there is the founder of Arcadia Academy, Headmaster Arcadia himself. You should've at least done a bit of research before setting foot here." I said with a smug tone.

The girls looked at me weirdly.

"Uggh, thanks for telling us. We must go now." they excused themselves.

Then, both girls swiftly left, leaving me behind.

I sighed. "I can't expect everyone to recognize the importance of history."

"These long hours of history lessons are helping me now. Heh, ignorance is the greatest sin. They should be grateful to have someone like me to enlighten them."

I then heard an announcement.

"Group A, please proceed to the testing area."

I had a letter of recommendation from some strong mages therefore, I was scheduled to examined first with Group A. As I entered through the door, I felt countless gazes judging me. I straightened my posture and walked confidently to the room. I could feel the excitement of the future that will follow. I can tell that the people here were not weak. I felt a rush of anticipation as I took in the atmosphere of the testing area.

I saw familiar faces from other guilds and I felt like only now that this school was worthy. I might not even be the strongest here.

Then, someone entered through the door and caught my attention. He had a pitch-dark hair like the night sky, and azure eyes that shined like diamond. Even though I was confident with my looks, I could not help but feel envious of his handsome looks. Then, I realized that there was also someone else beside him.

A girl with long purple hair and emerald eyes that sparkled. She wasn't too tall but not short either. She had delicate facial features and clothes that highlighted her cuteness. She was totally my type! I couldn't help but stare at her.

I then started to dig through my memories that matched her face. I should all the influential and prodigious newcomer's faces, not a single one matched.

"Ah, she must not be strong enough, here I thought that she was a perfect match. But regardless, I can still make her my concubine." I thought to myself letting out a wide grin.

"HEY, you why are you staring at me with that perverted grin?"

I do like feisty women.