
A Lewd New World18+

Infinite Tsukuyomi is executed. All of the world is now blanketed in an unbreakable illusion of a better world... unfortunately, Tobi had not anticipated that THIS would be considered a better reality. Because no matter how you change the world, Naruto Uzumaki will still wind up the main character. Even if he is literally the last man alive. [NaruHarem, genderswap, SMUT] This story is from Evil Fuzzy9 On A Story site i read all credits to him

DaoistmpU8HS · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
20 Chs

~A Very Seinfeldian Chapter~

Tenten was waiting for Naruto at the table. She wore a white and gold cheongsam with a hemline that stopped several inches from her knees, and her hair was loose. The long, silky brown tresses hung down to the swell of Tenten's bum, accentuating the tantalizing curvature of her hips and posterior. This was a very attractive look for her.

"Damn, she looks good..." Naruto whispered under his breath. This was his first time seeing the weapons mistress with her hair down, and he had to admit that it made a very stunning difference for the usually somewhat plain kunoichi.

He walked over, hands in his pockets. His dick, still sticking out of his pants from his 'training' session with Nadeshiko-taichou, bobbed a little with his movements, and it twitched delightedly at the sight of Tenten's smooth, creamy thighs. He saw her turn her head, and saw her eyes widen infinitesimally when she noticed him.

"Hey, Tenten-chan!" he greeted cheerfully, well aware of where the girl was looking. It always excited his dick to have an audience, and it loved to show off.

He sat down next to her, and Tenten licked her lips.

"Hi, Naruto," she said suggestively, giggling pervertedly when she felt his hip press against hers. She planted a hand on his lap, right next to the blond's penis. "Nice to see you could make it."

Naruto grinned, feeling Tenten's hand brush against his dick. "No problem!" he said. "I always keep my promises."

Tenten smiled. "So you do..."

Her fingers curled casually around Naruto's shaft.

"I think I'm pregnant," Hinata told Itami and Sasuki with undisguised cheer in her tone and expression. The eyes of the two Uchiha girls immediately widened, and Sasuki in particular had a gleam of jealousy in her onyx orbs.

"Pregnant?" said the younger of the two sisters, casting a dubious glance down to Hinata's abdomen. "You don't look like it."

"Oh, it just happened today," Hinata replied. "But I'm ovulating today, and Naruto-kun and I made love so thoroughly... he was even using his Kyuubi Chakra."

Itami nodded in understanding. "I see," she said quietly. "So it hasn't been confirmed, but you have reason to believe that it will be so."

Sasuki was scowling, though. "I don't see how this concerns me," she muttered a little bitterly, glowering enviously at Hinata.

"She is your friend, Sasuki," Itami gently rebuked her younger sister. "Clearly she wanted to share this wonderful news with you."

"She doesn't even know if she's pregnant, yet," Sasuki replied. "She's getting all worked up, but we don't really know whether she was actually knocked up. Have you even taken a pregnancy test, Hinata?"

"It was just this morning," the violette replied. "It takes more time than that for pregnancy to become evident."

"His sperm might have not even reached any egg cells yet," added Itami.

"If any will reach," retorted Sasuki. "You girls are too optimistic. Even under ideal conditions, there's no guarantee that anything will get fertilized."

Itami smiled knowingly at her baby sister. "Are you just being negative because every time you have tried to get pregnant with Naruto's children, you've gotten no results?"

Sasuki flushed angrily.

"It's a matter of probability." she said. "Probability. Nothing is certain, pregnancy least of all."

Hinata smiled softly. "I see," she said. "But have you ever told Naruto-kun that you want his babies?"

Sasuki was silent. She knew what the Hyuuga girl was getting at.

"If I ask, he can make it all but sure..." she muttered half to herself. "Yeah, I've heard that before. But I'd rather leave this to nature. Having him stack the deck like that... it's almost cheating."

Hinata gave Sasuki a sheepish smile. "Then I suppose you will just have to call me a cheater."

Sasuki froze, eyes wide. "You didn't," she hissed, disbelieving. "Fucking him while he's using that bijuu chakra, that's one thing. But, actually telling him that you want to have his babies...? Shit. You probably are pregnant," she conceded, sounding a little unhappy.

While they were friends, after a fashion, Hinata and Sasuki were also rivals. Specifically for Naruto's love. Next to Hinata, Sasuki had been one of the first girls their age to get interested in the blond, and her affections for him ran incredibly deep. Of all the girls their age that they knew, probably only the Kazekage could rival Hinata and Sasuki in the intensity of their feelings for Naruto Uzumaki.

"Sasuki... chan..." Hinata said quietly. "If it really upsets you that much, you could go to Naruto-kun and ask him to impregnate you as well. I mean, if there's anyone I could gladly share him with, out of all the girls in the world..."

She blushed, smiling at Sasuki. Sasuki blushed a little bit too, in response.

"Ah..." she said. "That does sound tempting. I really do want to have his..." She trailed off, and frowned. "...but, share him? Hinata... why would you even be in the position to say that?" she asked. "It's not like you're mar...ried... to..."

Sasuki's jaw dropped.

"You didn't," she gasped.

"I'm sorry, Sasuki..." Hinata said weakly. "But I asked him to marry me."

It was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. The tension was so thick you could have cut it with a knife.

"He didn't say no," said Sasuki. "Did he? He's not the kind of person to say no. Not to you." She swore. "Dammit. So is this it? You win, you're his first wife?"

Hinata blushed. "I... no, nothing is set in stone, yet..." she said. "All we did was talk about it."

"With Naruto that's all you need to do, though," Sasuki pointed out. "He stands by his word. If he said that he would marry you, then you might as well just start calling yourself Mrs Uzumaki."

"Maybe, but there's still time for you, Sasuki-chan. If you tell Naruto-kun what you want... well, I won't stop you. I'll support you as much as you need me to."

Sasuki was silent for a moment, pensive, sitting there topless on her bed, wearing just shorts and a bra.

"Even if that means not being his first wife?" she said at length. "I mean, you liked him even before I did."

"If it were someone else, it might be different," Hinata conceded, "but if it's you, Sasuki-chan, then I can accept it."

"You're too nice," remarked Itami, standing a little aside from the two.

"Me and Sasuki are best friends," replied Hinata. "I respect her, and..." She blushed. "...well, I really like her, too... " She cast a shy glance at the Uchiha lass's modestly generous cleavage, breasts masterfully lifted and separated by that bra.

Sasukı smirked, seeing where Hinata was looking. She cast her own gaze at the Hyuuga's own large bosom, concealed though it was within that sweatshirt.

"You're not half-bad yourself," she conceded wryly, and she leaned forward. A hand reached up to stroke Hinata's cheek. Onyx black eyes stared into milky opals, and she caught a faint whiff of seductive lavender.

She pulled Hinata's face down, leaning forward and up. Her lips met hers, smiling lustily as she tasted the tongue of the Hyuuga heiress. For several wonderful seconds, she kissed her friend and love-rival, hungrily exploring Hinata's mouth. Their tongues danced together, and she smiled against her rival's lips.

At last, Sasuki pulled back.

"Okay," she said. "You have a good point. I'm not out of this game yet. You may have started it, but I'll be the one to finish in first place."

Hinata smiled, a little dreamy from the surprising intensity of the kiss. While her heart still belonged ultimately to Naruto, that was not to say that she did not have other attractions as well. She felt warm and fuzzy, and she looked content as she eyed Sasuki.

"May the best woman win," she said softly and warmly.

At the same time that Hinata and Sasuki were agreeing, in so many words, to compete for Naruto's affections, the blond himself was preoccupied with a very different sort of matter.

"Gah... how am I supposed to choose between them?" Naruto opined morosely. "It's impossible... they both mean so much to me. I could never pick one over the other!"

Tenten nodded absentmindedly, her attention more focused on the array of mirrors she'd set up at the table earlier to let herself get a multiple angle view of Naruto's crotch - or, failing that, give Naruto a not-so-discreet peek up her skirt. She wasn't really paying that much attention to what her date was saying. The second she'd seen that he was letting his dick hang out for anyone to see, the weapons mistress had been unable to concentrate on anything else.

...Not to say that Naruto wasn't fun to talk to, or just listen to, but that body of his was simply too damn distracting for Tenten to pay attention to anything else.

She drooled a little, seeing the veiny surface of Naruto's penis twitch and throb. He was still fully erect, and Tenten greatly appreciated the view.

"I don't know..." Naruto muttered. "I mean, both of them have been such a big part of my life. As far back as I can remember, they've been there for me. No matter what happens, I can always trust them to make a bad day good."

"Mmm..." hummed Tenten absentmindedly, thoroughly zoned out as she ogled the multiple reflected angle views of the blond jinchuuriki's erection. "Why don't you just have both? I mean, you've got a big enough appetite to have those two, and a dozen more, just in one sitting..."

Naruto shook his head, and let out an exasperated sigh. "No!" he said. "Don't you get it? Principle. It's the principle of the matter. I know I can have both, and a lot more. And I'm sure I will! But, the one I have first is important. The first one affects every one to come after. The first sets a standard, and has, like, a moral significance. I could have a hundred of them if I wanted, but the first still has to be chosen very carefully, you know?"

"No, I don't," said Tenten bluntly, engrossed in her furtive bird watching. "It's not like you're picking the first hokage, right? It's just ramen. Pick something off the menu at random if you're having that much trouble choosing."

Naruto pouted. "You're lucky you're pretty, Tenten-chan."

The brunette blushed, and she giggled. Distracted at last from ogling her date's junk, she looked up into the blond's eyes.

"I could say the same for you, lover boy," she joked, giving him a playful wink. Naruto's scowl faded, and he chuckled.

"Do you want me to jerk off in your ramen?" he said, playfully threatening.

"Oh, yes!" said Tenten with a smile, eyes twinkling. "That would be wonderful. Mm-mm. Ramen that's had your dick in it? That sounds way better than anything on the menu."

Naruto chortled. "Then maybe I'll have some Tenten-flavored ramen!" he joked. "That pussy of yours is pretty fucking tasty." He waggled his eyebrows.

"Oh, you perv~" Tenten giggled huskily, leaning back in her seat. She teased the hem of her cheongsam up her thighs under the table, subtly adjusting the mirrors to let Naruto in on the color of her underwear, or lack thereof.

"Decided to go commando today, huh?" Naruto remarked, glancing into the mirror next to his elbow. He was quiet for a moment, thoughtful. "When did you even set this up, actually?"

"I came early," was the only explanation Tenten offered.

Naruto smirked.

"You need better endurance then "he teased bawdily, making the brunette blush. "Learn to be fashionably late."

"Even Kagome-sensei doesn't take as long to come somewhere as you do," Tenten responded in a playful jibe.

Naruto whistled. "And how would you know how long it takes her to come somewhere?"

"Gal-sensei can be very talkative, if you know how to persuade her."

"Mmm... Yeah, she's real intense. Awesome bod, but fucking intense."

"Really?" Tenten looked at him disbelievingly. "You were even... y'know... with Gal-sensei? Eww. She's a total butter face."

Naruto shrugged. "I dunno, I think she's hot."

Tenten quirked an eyebrow, staring disbelievingly. "You're joking," she said. "What about..." she gestured to her eyebrows, fanning her hands out.

"They're a charm point," Naruto said noncommittally. "Y'know, like a mole on the cheek. Not perfect, but it's part of her appeal."

"That would have to be one big, hairy mole," said Tenten wryly.

Naruto snruggea. "well, eitner way, ner race wasn't where I was looking most of the time. That spandex leaves nothing to the imagination."

Tenten grimaced. "I don't know, but the muscles are a turn off, for me," she said. "Yeah, she has the most perfectly toned ass in the village, but Gal-sensei is all, well, muscular. Too bulky and... I dunno, unfeminine, I guess you'd say."

"Unfeminine?" said Naruto. "With those tits?"

Tenten laughed. "Big breasts aren't automatically feminine, you know! Some people might even argue that smaller breasts are more feminine than the kind of over-sized cantaloupes that Gal-sensei sports."

"They're womanly, though," said Naruto. "And bouncy. Very bouncy."

Tenten shook her head, but she was smiling. "I still say you're crazy."

"Maybe I am," said Naruto, shrugging nonchalantly, "But I think I should go ahead and decide what kind of ramen to start off with..." And indeed, as soon as he said this, Tenten noticed Ayame - wearing nothing but an apron and her little white hat - approaching.

"I could sure go for some of that," she whistled, ogling the waitress and part-time stripper's fine, girl-next-door body. She licked her lips, and out of the corner of his eye, reflected in the mirror, Naruto could see Tenten's fingers brushing up intentionally against her visibly moist slit.

He smirked.

"I thought you wanted dick-flavored, though~" he teased, giving his date a shit-eating grin.

"Why can't I have both?" asked Tenten meaningfully, giving Naruto a perverted smile.

The blond flicked his eyes up and down Tenten's frame, and his grin widened a little more.

"Tell you what," he said. "I'll see about getting you some of that, if you let me have some Tenten-flavored ramen."

"Oh yeah," said Tenten. "They do have something like that on the menu, don't they? The waitress ramen?"

"The one where they cook up a tub-sized bowl of ramen, then have someone strip down, shower off, and basically bathe in the broth and noodles while the customers eat?" said Naruto. "Yeah, they do. It's their claim to fame, even."

"It's real expensive, though, isn't it? Like, only really rich people can afford to eat it regularly."

Naruto smirked. "Maybe expensive for a lesser person. But for Naruto Uzumaki? I can practically get the whole thing for free." He paused a moment as Ayame finally reached the table he and Tenten were waiting at. "You know the shadow clone jutsu?" he asked his date.

"Yeah, I do," said Tenten. "It's really useful for information gathering, after all. Steep on chakra, though."

"But just one shouldn't be any problem for you," Naruto guessed.

Tenten nodded. "Yeah, my limit is three at a time, but one I can make without any trouble."

"Then what do you say to making me some Tenten-flavored ramen, and I'll give you some Naruto-and-Ayame-flavored," he said. "That sound fair?"

Tenten smiled suggestively.

"I think I can manage."