
A Leap to the Near Future: Return of the Greatest Battlemage

The Heavenly Sage Xavier who had just defeated the Demon King Diablo unfortunately met his deathbed besides his dead comrades. As his consciousness thought he will go to the heavens, his expectations was crumbled as he realized he was reborn as A baby in some random village and it was 500 years after the war between Humanity and the Demons. What will await his journey?

Akihiru · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Short Walkthrough

In the darkest plains….

A pile of human's are lying…

Red…Everything that can be see are red.

Was everything necessary in this battlefield?

As the guy with a dark long hair roams around taking a glance of the lying corpse of his comrades around him. He felt nothing else but surrow.

Teachers, my junior's,… They're all dead.

he thought as he gritted his teach aswell as clenching his fist.

Various military knights and mages from different Kingdom across the world gathered elite of elite's. Was completely annihilated.

'Its that guy's fault! Everything is his fault!'

As ray of small light shine upon those pile of corpse. There reveals upon a horned person. No…. It was the 'devil' a masculine devil and has a crimson red hair, who commanded his own demonic army leading to the extinction of the humans. Known as

The Demon King 'Diablo'

Who was now staring at the dark haired guy.

"How unfortunate, Young one. If only you can escape and get out of here alive. You could have the Glory all by yourself….

You could boast it for the entirety of your life. But it seems in that state, I guess you won't be able to. I told you before, this is as far as the humans can go." The demon king sarcastically laughed at how amusing the guy's look us.

The black haired guy stood up in his legs as he grabbed his sword. "Just shut up already!" He then pointed out his sword at the demon king and started to mutter some words as some magical lights flow out through his body.

"47th move! Sword of the Heaven's! Sky Splitting!" He shouted this words as he swung his sword that was pointed out at the demon king.

"I acknowledge you, As the Greatest Enemy of the Demon Kind. But remember this Great Sage. We will return….." The demon king said as he closes his eyes bracing for impact of the skill that was released by the guy.

As the skill lived up to it's name. It really did split the skies alongside with the demon king's body, and with that.

The war was over…

The guy then looked at his dead comrades corpse as he smiled bitterly awaiting for his death.

'If only, I knew this would end so early. I wished I enjoyed much of my life earnestly.' He thought as his body stiffened and starting to get cold.

The Great Sage of the Vasillios Kingdom, and one of the 10 Great Swordsman.

The Heavenly Sage Xavier Yu, breathed his last breath in the Mountains of Cang. Thinking that he would follow his Masters, King and his juniors now.

'Master, if only I listened to you. Would I save as many people as possible? I regretted everything. If only…. If only I have the chance to redo everything. I'll gladly do it.' He thought.

'Ah it feels so light, is this what it feels like to be dead? Did Master felt the same way when he died? Maybe not, he committed more sins than I though.' He thought, as his consciousness is still there in a blank space but filled with warmness. A ray on sunshine, shines in his eyes brightly

'What's that light? Is this Heaven? It's too bright!' He exclaimed in his thoughts as he slowly closed his eyes thinking that he might go blind by the light.

"Oh! Village Chief! The baby's awake!" A voice can be heard. As many footsteps also can be heard approaching.

'You guys are being so noisy! Wait a minute! Did he just say a baby?! Where's the baby!?' He thought.

"Puh! Puh! Pah!" The guy said, some cheered.

"The baby talked chief!"

"Yeah! It talked!"

"Maybe he's the one the one that was in the prophecy!"

"Ungaa~ ungaaa~" a baby cried as it touches his own face.

'Wait my hands are small. And what's that? Unga unga?!' He thought as he slowly opened his eyes revealing people who is watching him while smiling brightly.

'Did I just become a Baby?!!'