
A Lancer's Branching Time (SAO)

Kayaba Keisuke knew something was wrong the moment his father appeared floating in front of him with purple eyes. When he started talking about a similar world but a different timeline, he knew something was VERY wrong. ...Yet he felt kind of excited? (Mixed components from different SAO branches. Mostly following SAO: IF) (Very slow-paced)

LofiConic · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Chapter 5

November 6th, 12:45 PM

"Sakuya, did you manage to get Sword Art Online?"

"Yes. I have placed it in your room."

Keisuke paced back and forth in the living room, Sakuya watching from close by.

"I should have everything prepared already, so there shouldn't be any issues..." Keisuke scratched his head. "I don't think I'm forgetting anything."

"15 minutes left Kei-sama." Sakuya checked her pocket watch, before placing it back into her maid dress.

"...Right. Let's go, Sakuya."


As the two made their way into Keisuke's room, Keisuke couldn't help but glance at Sakuya every once in a while.

"Make sure to eat 3 times a day."


"And don't forget to do anything."


"Find a hobby, make friends."


As they entered the room, Keisuke laid down on his bed, before grabbing the NerveGear Sakuya had handed him.


Startled, the silver-haired maid jumped before immediately falling into a neutral state.


"I won't die, this isn't goodbye. This is a see you later."


Keisuke put the helmet on before lying down. Just before closing his eyes, Sakuya spoke up.



"I shall wait for your arrival. When you get back, we will celebrate by eating your favorite food. A-and I will keep your outside body safe. I s-shall also..."

As Sakuya died down, Keisuke slowly brought his right hand up before grabbing her hand. Looking up, Sakuya found herself looking at Keisuke's silver eyes.

"Sakuya. Take care of yourself."

Sakuya nodded before she felt her vision become slightly watery.

"Hahaha! Looks like today's a terrible day for rain!"

Sakuya blinked a few times, looking out the window confused. It was still a sunny day. Turning back to Keisuke, she opened her mouth to question the statement, before immediately closing it.

Small tears were at the very edge of Keisuke's eyes. Yet the smile on his face answered every question Sakuya had.

"It appears so, Kei-sama."

"Thank you for these last 15 months. See ya Sakuya!"

"Have a safe trip, Kei-sama."

As Sakuya waved her hand goodbye, Keisuke closed his eyes, the smile still on his face. He would come back. For her. For family.

"Link Start!"

[Touch - OK]

[Sight - OK]

[Hearing - OK]

[Taste - OK]

[Smell - OK]


[Japanese - OK]


[Account: ********]

[Password: ********]

[Character Creation:]

[Beta test data still available. Would you like to use it?]

[Kei (M)]



[Welcome to Sword Art Online!]

[Kei: 250/250; LV: 1]

As Kei opened his eyes, he smiled, clenching his hands, before opening his [Menu] and checking his [Equipment].

"[Small Spear], [Basic Clothes], [Basic Pants], everything is ready to go!"


Kei jumped, scaring the people around him. Quickly apologizing, he walked towards a pillar nearby before leaning on it. Narrowing his eyes, Kei stared at the screen in front of him.

"Shiru, did you do that on purpose?"

{Shiru denies these accusations.}

"...Alright then."

{Shiru recommends checking the [Items].}

Pulling open the submenu, Kei quickly located an entirely new item.

"[Shiru's Truth]? It's an [Accessory], but its effects are [???]?"

{Please equip the item.}

Tapping on it, before letting it fall into his hand, Kei stared at the object. It was a floating orb of white, which shimmered every so often. Realizing where he was, he quickly equipped it before immediately clutching his left eye.

"W-why do I feel pain?"

{Calibrating to ID Kei. Adjusted.}

Blinking quickly, Kei opened both his eyes before they immediately widened.

{[Shiru's Truth] allows Kei-sama to see Shiru's messages without others seeing them. They also automatically give the [Skills] [Night Vision], [Searching], [Tracking], and [X-Ray Vision]. Kei-sama can also communicate with Shiru by simply thinking.}

'So like this?' Kei projected his thoughts. 'You also gave me 4 [Skills] for free, is that really fine?'


'Nice! Although there is only one thing left to do!'


'Call me Kei, not Kei-sama. We are going to be partners after all!'

{Impossible. Kei-sama is Kei-sama.}

'C'mon, just Kei. Please?'

{Impossible. Kei-sama is-}


{Impossible. Kei-}


{...Understood, Kei.}

"There we go!" Kei pushed off the pillar, before heading towards the clock tower. "Now, where is Koharu?"

As Kei approached the crowd of people, he felt someone bump into him. Quickly catching himself, he turned around to see who it was.

"Whoops! Sorry there! Ya alright?" A man with red hair and a bandana around his head apologized to Kei.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I'm looking for someone." Kei sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

"Ya got split up from your friend, huh? In that case, lemme help ya out!" The man laughed. "The name's Klein! Nice to meetcha!"

"I'm Kei! We have similar names, huh?" Kei chuckled. "She's not on my friend's list by the way."

"A lady, huh? I see how it is!" Klein grinned, elbowing Kei. "You should probably check past the crowds of people. Might be your best bet."

"Might be tough with these crowds, but I'll do my best." Kei held a fist out, which Klein quickly matched. "Thanks, man!"

"No problem little buddy! I'm waiting for a friend myself! Bet you can't wait to meet up with 'em and share the excitement, right?" Klein grinned, before he sighed, looking depressed. "Everyone else is all busy IRL though. Here I am before everyone, all alone."

"When do they get here?" Kei asked, continuing to search the crowd.

"It'll be a while before they all gather up here, so I figured I'd grind a level or two and show them what a real leader is like!" Klein cracked his knuckles, before turning towards the exit of the [Teleport Gate Plaza]. "Anyways! Hope ya find your friend, pal!"

"See you!" Kei waved as Klein waved back, running towards [Origin Plains]. "Now then..."

Walking closer to the [Teleport Gate], Kei immediately spotted Koharu, who was looking around. Sneaking behind a few other players, Kei got behind her before immediately ruffling her hair.

"Neeeh!" Startled, Koharu turned around. "Wait, it's you Kei!"

"Hahaha!" Kei laughed, hands behind his head. "The one and only!"

"Stop messing with my hair!" Koharu quickly pulled a few strands back.

"But it's so fun!" Kei grinned.

"Hmph." Koharu pouted, before tilting her head in confusion. "What happened to your eye?"

"What do you mean?" Kei blinked.

"Your left eye. It's red now."

Quickly staring at the reflection of the [Teleport Gate], Kei looked at himself. Black hair that was long and tidy. His [Basic Clothes] and [Basic Pants]. [Small Spear] on his back, it was his 176 cm self. Yet instead of both his eyes being silver, his left eye was red, similar to the color of blood.

{Side effect of [Shiru's Truth].}

'Warning would have been nice.' Kei turned back around. "Oh. This is my original eye color. I made it match colors back in Beta, but I decided against it this time."

"Oh really? I didn't know that!" Koharu smiled. "I wanted you to be able to spot me, so I used the same avatar again."

"Besides the eye color, nothing's changed." Kei grinned. "It's nice to meet you again."

"It's nice to meet you again too! Oh, I'm just so happy! I never thought I'd find you so quickly." Koharu blushed before she shook her head. "Anyways, this might be sudden, but do you think we can go out to battle? I switched weapons so I need to get used to this."

Pointing to her rapier, Koharu looked slightly nervous.

"Sure! Let's head to [Origin Plains]!" Kei began walking towards said plains, Koharu following behind. "Along the way, let me add you to my friend list, and let's set up a party!"

"Right!" Koharu cheered as the duo began walking towards [Origin Plains].

| The branch began to split |