
A Lady Assassin

Ever saw a four year old child murder her own birth mother for her mother killed someone she loved... Well no time better than now. But now stuck in another situation, a young 14 year old girl will revenge or avenge... Read the story to find out if Dread X (An Assassin) will ever live a normal life as a girl she once was. Will she ever become Sapphire (an adorable and kind girl) again... Will she keep killing or stop after taking revenge?? Will more problems keep coming her way? Will she think of love as a danger or a cure? -------------------- please read-------------------------- This story is not against anyone. Every character is a figment of the Author's imagination. Some might think it a little slow but please bear with me till the end.. ---------------------thanks-------------------------------

supremewillow · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs

Chapter 3: The Mayor's Sons

As I reached the Mayor's mansion I was greeted charmingly outside in. When I entered, my father asked me if I was ok, which was a surprise! But it was not what I thought. Mr Charles, the Mayor had a different plan.

He looked at me with my long hair in a bun as he was inspecting me. He gave me some compliments and then called someone named Luke.

A young boy about the same age as me came down the stairs. He was in sudden shock after seeing me and I exactly knew who he was. He was a friend of the boy I wanted to kill all these years. He also was included in the theft.

"My dear one, this is Luke, my one and only son." said Mr Charles

"Um..ok! Hi" I said bowing a little, As if! I wanted to punch him so hard. But father was here so I had to behave like a lady.

"He..hello" said Luke

"Father can I talk to him, alone" I said with a sneaky smile on my face which sent shivers down Luke's spine

"My Daughter gets what she wants." ordered my father

"Yes, yes sir.. right away" said Mr Charles as he pushed Luke outside

"Thank you" I said going outside myself

"Do you think she will agree?" asked the Mayor

"Don't know but he's the first she decided to talk with. Either way she is my daughter. So, she gets what she wants" said My father.

"Yes ofcourse sir" said Mr Charles.

After 4 years I had a chance knocking on my door and I was not gonna let let it slip. I pretended to talk like nothing had happened.

"So, what do you do?" I asked.

"Uh,what?" Luke asked startled .

"I mean you must have an occupation.. FYI I earn minimum 15 million dollars a..day." I bragged trying to sound more into the conversation and he fell for my trick.

"Oh! so you wanna play that game, I.." said Luke .

" Ok! times up. You couldn't answer a single simple question then what must you have done in your life" I said and waited a minute so till we were enough far away.

"..uh..um.." said Luke losing his confidence.

"Oh! I know what you do..!" I said

"You do, so why won't you.." said Luke.

"...you steal vulnerable people's money and leave them to suffer" I said pinning him on the ground with my foot.

I asked him the location of Jackson- the person I so wanna kill and take back my father's watch. He said he didn't knew his location but told me someone who might. So I helped him up.

" So, your not gonna hurt me or punish me" he asked with a smile.

"No, I beg your pardon..I am not.. your father is gonna do that for me" I grinned

I took a glass of water and spilled it on my dress and dropped it. I could see the smile turn to horror in his mind. And then "Aaaa!" I screamed. My father came and just after the Mayor.

"What happened Miss..?" Asked Mr Charles

"I am sorry Mr Charles but your son's payment is very little, he has no manners which would ruin my father's reputation, he spilled water on one of my favourite dresses which is very expensive, he is so imature and.." I said and I could easily see the anger in dad's eyes.

"And...daughter?" asked My father with concern.

I started crying and said "..and daddy he is the one with the boy who stole your money and my watch." and continued crying.

"Mr Charles, you ask for my daughter's hand and give a son who steals, shame on your name !" saying this my father took my hand and went outside. We sat in a car and went away.

"Sorry, my Sapphire you had to deal with this jerk" said father

"It's ok dad" I said



On the other hand, Mr Mayor was so ashamed of his son that you wouldn't believe. Of course Luke tried to tell his father that he didn't spill anything... but he wouldn't believe him.

"Dad I am telling you I did nothing wrong.." said Luke

"Did you steal or not?" his father asked

"I...uh..um.."said Luke

"I knew it..why did I have a son like.. like you. She was complaining but still in a gentle manner, It was not her fault but still said sorry..I wish I had a daughter like her than a son like you!" screamed Mr Charles.

I and my dad had lunch together. I really wanted to go to McDonald's so he took me there. When he called mother she replied that she was at work and that we could have lunch where ever we pleased.

As we decided to return home, father said he needed to meet a friend and told me to return home. But on the way, I felt a little strange..