
Chapter 104: Temper Tantrum

Kokoro PoV

Glancing at Kurenai, I chuckled as I tossed the small pouch into the air and caught it again, my raven haired wife blushing slightly.

"D-Do we really need that?!"

Smirking at her, I tossed the pouch again and nodded, saying "It'll make everything easier and quicker. I don't know about you, but I dislike leaving things up to fate entirely, especially if I can improve my odds~"

Kurenai nodded, but her face was still a dark crimson.

Chuckling, I grabbed her hand and continued walking, enjoying the warmth of walking hand in hand with one of the women I loved.

Coughing gently, Kurenai squeezed my hand before asking "W-Well, did you enjoy this first day?"

Squeezing back, I grinned at her and nodded.

"Yeah, I did. It seems like it'll be rather fun teaching everyone to fight and better defend themselves... I'm also looking forward to teaching them about Chakra next year. You know, one of my students, Ami, she said she wants to-"

I excitedly told Kurenai about my day in detail, my raven haired wife nodding as she listened, occasionally asking questions about how I felt about things, who I thought needed the most individual help, and more.

The talk we had as we walked through the busy streets was enjoyable, and we eventually reached the Mitarashi Compound, and I stared at the bland entrance gate with pursed lips.

"Isn't our gate too bland?"

Kurenai just glanced at me before sighing.


Frowning, I stared at the gate for a few more moments before sighing as well, pouting at her.

"What? I don't want people looking down on our family..."

Rolling her eyes at me, Kurenai dragged me into the Compound, making my pout deepen.

"We're a family of three Special Jonin and a woman who might just be Kage Level; only idiots look down on a group like that."

Clenching her hand, I responded "Yet idiots are the loudest ones..."

Kurenai clenched my hand back with a sigh, peeking over her shoulder as she said "So don't listen to the loud voices; idiots will always be idiots. Those who matter know not to look down on us."

Nodding, I followed behind her quietly as she led me up towards the house.

Entering, we made our way into the kitchen, where we were greeted with the sight of Anko sleeping on the table across from a resting Cameia, while Makoto stood by the stove, a teapot simmering gently.

Sitting down with a groan, I gratefully accepted the teacup that Makoto gave me, sipping on the orange tea with relish.

Looking around, I frowned as I noticed the smaller Uzumaki girl was missing, so I asked "Makoto, where is Karin?"

She gave me a small smile as she said "Karin's been... staying in her room all day..."

My frown deepened as I stared at her, before sighing.

I was about to get up and go talk to the girl when Anko woke up, our snake charmer wife blinking a few times to clear her bleary eyes.

"Kokoro..? Kurenai?"

Focusing herself, Anko smiled as she saw us, and I smiled back at her.

She asked about our day, and Cameia listened on with curious golden eyes as Kurenai and I talked.

During my small tangent about how annoying I felt Naruto and Sasuke's fights might end up being down the line, I caught sight of a small figure peeking around the corner of the door.

Continuing to speak, I finished what I was saying before flickering to the door, catching the girl quickly before she could run away.

Smiling gently at her, I held her in my arms, only to frown as she glared at me, her crimson eyes watery.


Staring at her in worry, I flinched as she writhed in my arms, her expression tight as she kicked and punched her way from my embrace.

Makoto moved forwards, but Karin turned to stare at me, tears trickling from her eyes as she sniffled.

"W-Why c-couldn't I g-go to the Academy?! You PROMISED!"

Shouting at me, the girl glared before more tears poured from her eyes, making my heart clench.

"Karin, I-"

Her expression twisted, and she turned and ran away, her tears dropping to the wooden floor as she scrambled away, back towards her room.


Shouting her name, I could only grit my teeth as she continued to run away, swiftly entering her room.

Glancing back at the other women, I gave them a tight smile before following behind the girl.

I tried to open the door, only to frown as I noticed that it was locked.

"Karin..? Are you there?"


Pursing my lips, I took a deep breath before asking again.

"Karin? Please, let's talk about it, alright?"

Sitting beside the door, I stared at the wood grain as I waited, only to hear a sniffle.

"G-Go away..."

Karin's voice was low, and I sighed as my heart clenched again.

"Karin, please... Listen, I really do want you to attend, but-"

"D-Don't lie to me!"

Hearing her slam her fist against the wood, I fell silent, listening to her pant.

"I really do, but... it's just not possible. Not yet, anyways. It'd be too easy for people to discover your an Uzumaki..."

The room was silent for a moment, before the girl spoke up again, her voice shaky.

"Y-you're j-just making t-that up... Y-you don't want m-me to go..."

Sighing again, I leaned my back against the door.

"I do, Karin. I think you'd be a really good Kunoichi. It's just, before I can let you do that, I need to make sure you're going to be safe there."

"Then w-why is N-N-Naruto allowed? Huh?! P-People k-know he's a-an Uzumaki t-too!"

Laying my head against the wooden door, I closed my eyes as I spoke.

"He's been known to be an Uzumaki, and has the full support of the village behind him. Besides, he has more than just Uzumaki blood in his body..."

Pursing my lips, I said "He... he has something... worse. Something that only he has, and can cause a lot of damage to not only the village, but the world. That's why the village is protecting him as best they can... however, you won't get that same protection..."


Hanging my head, I continued.

"If people knew that another Uzumaki was in the village, it would cause problems... so until we can either get you strong enough or hide your blood well enough, you need to remain hidden here, in the Compound..."

Silence fell again, before I listened to the girl sniffling again.

Each sniffle made my heart ache, and I sighed as she muttered "I-It's not f-fair..."

I nodded, but I said "Sadly, life isn't fair Karin..."

She sniffled again, and I added "But remember, even if you don't go to the Academy this year, Kurenai and I will still teach you exactly what Naruto is learning. And he'll be coming over quite often, so you'll be able to learn with him as well."


"Really. You'll learn everything he learns... and more. I promise you that, Karin. I promise you."

Hearing the door unlock, I turned, only to grunt as I felt something slam into my body.

Rapidly embracing the girl in my arms, I stroked her hair gently as she sobbed into my chest.

Remaining silent, I held the girl close as she cried, and I comforted her for who knows how long.

Eventually I felt her fall asleep in my arms, and I gently lifted her and entered her room.

Approaching her bed, I laid her down and pulled the cover over her, before wiping her cheeks clean with my sleeve.

Stroking her hair, I placed a kiss on her brow before exiting the room quietly, making my way back to the equally quiet kitchen.

Anko and Kurenai were whispering quietly to Makoto, who was frowning, while Cameia was staring at me.

Seeing me enter, I smiled at them all as I said "It's all good now; she was just... upset she couldn't attend the Academy."

Makoto nodded, but her eyes held mild worry, while the other stared at me warmly.

Rubbing my hands together, I stared at the worried Uzumaki mother and asked "So, what's for dinner? I'm starving~"


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts