
Worthy of being a Princess

"Can I ask you something?" She turns to face him.

"Yes of course," he said.

She was deep in thought before she asked her question.

"What do you see when you look at me," she asked.

The blue knight was puzzled at her question, but went ahead and answered the question.

"What I see is a young woman, who has been hurt by those she loves, and put in certain circumstances that you had no control of."

Aubrey started to feel a little discouraged but continue to listen.

'But, I also see a woman who is also a strong, wise beyond your years, and braver than any knights I have ever met," he said.

Aubrey could not help but to smile at what was said.

"Lady Aubrey," he called her name. She looks up to him.


"I don't what has happened earlier for you to end up leaving the castle and hiding in the stables." He was trying to tell her what he wanted to tell her, but he couldn't help but be caught in Aubrey's brown eyes.

"Um, I mean if you need someone to talk to, then I will be more than happy to lend an ear. Well, I mean not just one ear, but both ears to listen…" The blue knight was getting tangled in his words and Aubrey couldn't help but to give him a big smile. Aubrey really appreciated the support. Especially, since she still felt bad about throwing him off his horse and now they have a friendship.

"I appreciate the friendship," she said.

"Can I ask one more question," she asked.

"Ask away."

"Can you tell me your real name. I figure since we are now friends, that I should at least know what your name is."

The blue knight was hesitating to tell. "Well Lady Aubrey, once you became a knight for the king here, your name is now hidden for family protection." He explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Aubrey was beating herself up for asking such a question.

"But for our friendship, My name is...Landon," he gracefully bows before Aubrey.

Aubrey was surprised to hear a name. She gave him the biggest smile he has ever seen. It was that moment when the blue knight wanted to get closer to her. He has fallen in love with her.

"It's nice to meet you, Landon," she gave him a bow. They both started to laugh. They begin their journey back to the castle.

As they approach closer to the castle, they both saw a woman pacing back and forth in front of the castle entrance. Aubrey knew it was the queen. She looks to the Landon and he gives a nod and she continues to walk towards the queen as Landon falls behind, but not too far.

Aubrey plays with her fingers as she got closer to the queen. "Your Highness," she softly calls out.

The queen heard her voice and turns to see Aubrey walking to her. She immediately started to run towards her and grab Aubrey in a deep hug. "Aubrey! Aubrey! Oh my heavens, are you alright." Aubrey could see the tears running down the queen eyes.

"Aubrey!" Aubrey looks up to see the king running towards her.

The queen released her only for the king to embrace her in another deep hug. Aubrey has never felt so many emotions like this. She could see that they were worried sick about her.

"Where have you been? Why did you leave?" The queen asked.

Aubrey was seeing for the first time of what it was like to have parents to worry about her. She couldn't help but cry and apologize.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to get some air and clear my head. I didn't mean to be gone for that long. I was tired and I stopped in the stable and then I fell asleep." Aubrey felt sorry for upsetting them.

"I'm sorry for making you upset."

The queen stops crying to help wipe Aubrey's eyes. "Oh dear, we are not upset at you. We were worry that something has happened to you. But we are happy to have you back home."

"It's my fault, Louise," the king said.

"What you mean?"

The king looks at the entrance and sees that Philips was standing there silently and haven't said a word. Sophia finally made her way out to see that Aubrey was back.

"Aubrey!" Sophia yells out as she tackles Aubrey.

"Aubrey I thought you have run away and didn't want to live with us anymore." Sophia cries out.

Aubrey comfort Sophia. "I'm sorry Sophia."

"You can't ever leave like that again. Promise!" Sophia asked.

Aubrey nodded her. "I promise."

"Philips come here." The king ordered.

Philips walks towards everyone. The King gives him a cold stare and Philip bows in front of Aubrey.

"Aubrey, I'm sorry for my rudeness earlier today. Please forgive me," he asked.

Aubrey remained quiet. Philips raise from his bow to see Aubrey's expression and could see that she was giving him a strong stare.

"Why would I accept an apology from someone who does not understand?"

Philips was confused at what she just asked. "Are you not accepting my forgiveness."

"Oh I will forgive you, but let me teach you a little something about my origins. My ancestors were taken from their home by force. Then put on a ship to a place very far away. They were sold as slaves and worked in the fields from sun up and sundown. They beat us, they torture us, and they killed us. But, you know what I am proud of where I come from. Why? Because even though I don't know who are my birth parents are, but I know that my ancestors were strong because they fought to survive. And that is what I am going to do is fight and survive."

Everyone was very impressed with what Aubrey has said to Philips. Even the other knights overheard what Aubrey had said.

Aubrey takes a step closer to Philips and he remained still but once again he had reached for his sword. She sees it and shakes her head but remained close.

"I see you reach for your sword just like earlier."

Philips removes his hand from the sword. Aubrey begins to laugh.

"Let teach you one last thing. I'm going to tell you something that is true. If you were to cut me, I would bleed the same color as you." she said coldly.

"Your highness may have my dinner in my room tonight," she asked.

"Of course dear. Mary, tell the cook to fix several dishes for Aubrey and take it to her room."

"Yes your highness," said Mary.

Aubrey begins heading inside. Sophia chases behind her but gives Philips an ugly face for being mean to Aubrey. Sophia catches up to her and they walk together inside. The queen approaches Philips and slaps him across the face.

"How could you be so cruel? We did not raise you to be like this." The queen was hurt by her son's action and left to go inside.

The king calmly walked up to his son. "I hope you take this as a lesson son. Because tonight, Aubrey has shown herself worthy to be not only a princess but a part of this family. And if you still disagree with this decision, then you do not have to be a part of this family." The king walks inside leaving Philips alone outside to figure out what his decision will be.

Well, I think I can give Aubrey a little breather. Nope! I'm just getting started. Thank you for continuing to read this story. Please leave comments, leave encouragement, leave predictions(those are always fun to see if the readers can pick out what's coming up next.) But stay tuned and happy reading.

Nia_Hadithicreators' thoughts