
A Killer Can't Change

A psychotic killer with a kill count numbering in the thousands. His methods of killing that can make anyone vomit with just the sight of it. With every body found is a picture of his face with a bright smile posing with the head of his victim. And despite having his identity exposed, His killing spree continued for 33 years. Finally after decades of searching and chasing, He was now caught in the middle of decapitating his last victim. Judge: "With the amount of evidence gathered here today, this court sentences John Dweller to death! Any last words you despicable monster?" John: "...Thanks for this judge, I was getting bored here on earth anyway so a change in scenery in heaven or hell might be a good change. It was fun playing you people." those were the final words John left for the world. John Dweller, Age 56, dead on September 29, 2013. ====== Somewhere in a land of clouds... God: "Who's next on the list? Hmm let's see here.... John Dweller..." Reading through John's book of life, God's face changed from boredom to worried. God: "Oh cosmos... This one seems to have had quite the life down there... Welp on you go then little one. And with those words and a flick of his finger, God sent whatever was left of John's existence to a different world for another god to worry about. ==WARNING== This story has some screwed up stuff planned to give the MC some trauma to really ease him into being a killer. And one of those are child molestation so if yall aint into that then this might not be a story for you. =====FOR THE ARTIST===== I DO NOT OWN the art on the cover, I couldn't find the owner of this picture anywhere I looked. So if the artist sees this and want's it taken down just email me at bertingsburger@gmail.com (Yes i know the email looks like a joke but its what i actually use for anything that isnt involved in my personal life) Also my eyes are kind of screwed up and i end up pressing on "a" alot, so please be patient if you see words that just had a random "a" in it. i'll fix it when i find it.

MisterClaps · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Chapter 5: Devor Lambert's True Self (Part 2)

20 minutes before the Manticore group reached the Velmont gates...

John was still making his way towards the 2nd building which was where the classroom was located. It would be atleast 2 minutes before he made it. So in the mean time Dweller kept asking John some disturbing questions and introducing him to moral dilemmas at the same time.

{ If you had to choose between who lives and who dies, would you choose a group of elderly? Or one family member? }

"Isn't it obvious to choose your family over a group of strangers Mr. Dweller?"

{ Of course it is John goodjob! }

Everytime John chose the greater evil in these moral dilemmas Dweller would encourage him to think this way by giving him praises.

"Hey Mr. Dweller you said you were in my head ever since I was born. So that means you know about my life and I think its unfair that I dont know yours at all!"

With such logic, Dweller could not refuse John's reasoning at all. But still He couldn't tell John until he was fully indoctrinated by his beliefs from his past life on earth.

{ I can not tell you much for now, but I can atleast tell you I am a master of hide and seek! I was so good that my longest time as a hider was 33 years. }

Technically He wasnt lying as he did managed to evade the police for 33 years. It still baffles him how incompetent the government was to not be able to catch him, He even started the habit of leaving pictures and they still took too long.

"Hehe just because I'm a kid doesnt mean i believe in everything Mr. Dweller even I can tell when someone is lying." John puffed his chest in confidence as he said that.

Dweller was speechless on where this kid this confidence from. It was only 10 minutes ago that he instantly believed Dweller's story about a cucumber.

{ Smart kids really are confusing... }

"I am indeed very smart!" John mistakes Dweller's words as a compliment.


Both of them continued to talk until they finally reached the classroom.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"It smells very bad here." John's nose scrunched up the more he sniffed the odd smell.

{ This bastard is really going at it. F*cking disgusting piece of garbage. }

"Fakking? What does Fakking mean?" John Innocently asked Dweller the question. But sadly Dweller didnt say yes this time.

{ Nevermind that John. Ok John, I want you to listen to what I say ok? And whatever you see in there you will not move until I say so alright? }

"Hmm okay." John thought that He could trust Mr. Dweller, He answered every question he had with detail, complimented him and even gave him a new dream, to be the strongest kyukamber.

{ Good. When you go inside do not make any noise at all and just go to wherever I tell you ok? And whenever I ask you something just nod your head ok? }


{ Perfect. }

Hearing how obedient John was made the smile on Dweller's face reach both his ears. His excitement on what's about to happen when John sees his sister and what he's gonna do about it.

I will teach you everything you need to protect your family John. While I used to kill people just for the sake of my own desires and sick hobby, maybe its time I try out a different reason to kill.

{ Alright, now slowly open the door, make sure it doesnt squeak. }

John reached out to the door handle and slowly turned it as per Dweller's request. The moment a single crack appeared on the door showed up, the odd smell went up a notch that John started pinching his nose.

{ Shhh... Remember John. No noise. }

Nodding his head that he remembers, John entered the room once the crack was wide enough for his small body to slip through.

Looking around John could see that the room was messier than before. The small table with a plant was tipped over with the potted plant broken, the curtains were half closed making the room just a bit darker, a full suit thrown on the ground and lastly the white liquid sploshed around.

And then there was that slapping sound...

' What happened while I was gone? Gasp! Was Mr Devor attacked by evil men?! What do we do Mr. Dweller? '

Hearing John's thoughts, Dweller replied in his head.

{ Relax, he wasn't attacked John. Now go over there to the bookshelf that fell and never turn to the right while you do. }

Once again John followed his orders without disobeying or question. A few silent steps later John arrived at the bookshelf, the slapping sounds now sound closer than before.

' Is this something scary Mr. Dweller? I don't really like scary things you know... ' John asked a bit scared by the slapping sounds.

{ It's not something scary John. Instead It's something that will make you very mad. }

{ You can look to the right now John... }

And with that said John turned to the right immediately. The scene that he saw was out of his expectations. Devor wasn't being attacked at all. Instead it was Devor that was doing something... or perhaps someone?

' Ch-Chelsy?... '

John just sat there, his eyes wide open slowly going blank, his head filled with questions and confusion on what Devor was doing to Chelsy. Why were they naked? Why was Mr Devor pushing his body against his sister? What is he doing to my sister?.... Why do I feel mad...

Noticing the spike in John's emotions Dweller doesn't miss his chance to corrode John's mind even further.

{ How do you feel John? Seeing your own sister used and abused like a toy by the man you thought was kind. }

I Hate It. I Hate It. I Hate It. I Hate It. I Hate It.

I Hate It. I Hate It. I Hate It. I Hate It. I Hate It.

{How do you feel to know how ignorant and blind your perspective was on him John? }

I'm Blind. I'm Blind. I'm Blind. I'm Blind. I'm Blind

I'm Blind. I'm Blind. I'm Blind. I'm Blind. I'm Blind

{ How do you feel to know that because of your stupidity and naivety, your sister had to experience this John!? }

My Fault. My Fault. My Fault. My Fault. My Fault.

My Fault. My Fault. My Fault. My Fault. My Fault.


I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry

I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry




At that moment John's mental barrier was completely shattered by Dweller. Like a parasite, Dweller slowly makes his way into the deepest parts of John's psyche through the large cracks. Slowly embedding himself into John's entire being.

{ Then accept me John! I will give you everything you need to know! Knowledge! Techniques! Strategy! Ruthlessness! Everything that made me me, I give it all to you John. }

John's eyes reverts back to normal, but this time he remembers everything, every word and feeling said during that time, he remembers.

And he remembers Dweller's last question.


{ YES! }

John dashed towards Devor like a wild animal with the momentum of a cannonball. Easily pushing his body that was 4x heavier than him off Chelt and then into the wall cracking it.

"UGHHOF!" Devor felt his entire body go into extreme pain.

Ignoring Devor that was struggling toget up while gasping for air. John crouched down near Chelsy holding her head near to his chest.

"Chelsy? Sister? Please speak to me... please..."

Suddenly John's body moved on it own placing his ears onto Chelsy's bare chest.

"Eh What am I doing?" John then remembered what Dweller gave him.

*Badump* *Badump*

"Thank goodness you're alive Chelsy." John wiped out Chelsy's face clean of any tears, salive or spunk before setting her down in the opposite corner of the room.

"You son of a bitch! Your- *Gasp* Your just a brat! Just because *Gasp* you caught me offguard doesn't mean you won!" Not waiting for a response, Devor attacked John with same set of spells he used on Chelsy.

[Mute]! [Restrain]!

The runes on Devor's hands launched towards John like an arrow. Fully expecting John to be unable to move by now, Devor limped his way towards him to best his body till it bruised. So what if he was just a 6 year old? I'm an adult! I can do what I want!

As Devor extended his arms toward John, John surprised him by speaking.

"What a f*cking idiot. You ended up delivering yourself to me."

Devor tried to retract his away from John but he was too late. The [Restrain] runes on John's limbs were forcefully destroyed by John himself as he suddenly grabbed Devor's arm by the wrist. John's hand that was grabbing onto Devor's started to glow red as a single rune appeared, surrounding John's arm.

John could feel strength surging into his arms as he slowly presses down his grip into Devor's wrist. Turning his wrist bone into a jigsaw puzzle.


"GAAAAHHH!! STOP STOP IT HURTS! PLEASE!" Devor lost his inital bravado a few moments ago and it was instead replaced with submission and fear.

How pathetic would this scene have looked to bystanders. An adult man begging in tears to a child.

"I'm sure my sister said the same words to you. But what the hell did you do? You just continued didnt you, you sick f*ck!" John grabbed Devor's other hand and crushed his wrist the same way.

{ To think I'd hear such a cliché line in a different world... Kind of funny from my perspective. }

"Shut the f*ck up Dweller!"

"GAAHH I'm sorry I'm sorry please just let me go! I'll go far away and I wont bother anyone again." Devor kept begging hoping John would stop.

"This pig talks too much, Isn't there anything in here to shut his mouth?"

{ Hey John, Look to the right... }

"Huh?! What is it this time- Oh... How perfect."

To the right of John was an object that probably should not exist in this world. It was a floating, glowing and holographic ball gag.

Without asking questions, John grabbed the gag and tied it around Devor's head.

{ Hehe it seems your dreams of being a Caster is not yet over John. }

John kept on thinking of devices that came from Dweller's knowledge. A hand saw, Pliers, a serrated knife, a table with limb restraints and a baseball bat.

John walked over to the kneeling Devor and lifted him up onto the table. It was a bit hard for John to restrain his limbs with him struggling. So he knocked him out with the bat.

Remembering how Devor did the [Recovery] Spell, John attempted to cast the spell himself.

" [Recovery] " Nothing happened.

{ Try thinking of wanting to heal him while gathering magius into your arm. }

John did as Dweller suggested and surprisingly it worked. A green flow of light went into Devor Healing him making him regain consciousness...

"MMFFMMFM?!" Devor started to struggle once he regained consciousness and realized he was bounded to a table.

"Goodmorning Mr. Devor! Today I have a 3 plan massage routine for you. First I'm gonna pull off each and every one of your toe nail, Second I'm gonna saw each of your fingers off one by one, Third I'm gonna dig into your guts with this serrated knife!" John held the brightest smile as he said this. "And to end it all off I'm gonna bash your head in with this baseball bat until your brain paints the wall. And everytime you faint or are close to dying, I'm gonna heal you with the same recovery spell to keep you alive.

John picked the pliers off the air from the tools that are just floating around him and clicked it twice like a pair of tongs.

"Now... Let's begin!" And so first nail out of 20 was plucked out. Devor's muffled screams reaching no one.

All the pain Chelsy felt, John will pay it back 5x greater! over this entire slow 4-step process...


"The classroom is just ahead." Head Butler Peter announced to the group of 5.

"Prepare yourselves incase the target retaliates."

The 3-striped commanded.


"There it is." Peter pointed towards a slightly opened door.

Instantly what caught all of their attention was a puddle of blood pouring out from the room.

"CHELSY!" Arbor ran full speed ahead leaving the group behind.

"Move yourselves! Faster! Faster!" The rest of the group followed after the Duke.

When they arrived near the door, they noticed the Duke just standing still with his eyes open in and his jaw slacking in shock.

"What happened Duke Arbor?" The leader of the Manticore group asked but was thoroughly ignored.

Not planning to waste anymore time they pulled open the other door only to see Red.

Red everywhere, the floor, the walls, the curtains and even the windows.

But what really caught their eyes was the child in the middle of the room.


{ Oh my... The maids are definitely gonna need a raise in pay to clean all of this... }

In the middle was a kid of 6 years beating a human head into the ground until it was just pulp. Not even the shape of a head remained, it was just a fleshy pancake at that point.

"J-John?" Duke couldn't believe what he saw. His nerdy son that wouldn't even hurt a fly, now brutally smashing a human skull into red paste.