
A Killer's Instinct

"I'm in love with a criminal" "And it's so natural, cos I'm also a criminal" "I'm no villain, I'm merely seeking justice for myself" They say those who fail to learn from history are bound to repeat it. I learned from it, but history always repeats itself In a city where people are categorized in two, the law breakers and the enforcers. Ex-agent chases revenge for the tragic end of a younger agent as she battles betrayal. "Call me twisted and deranged all you want but I don't care, all I care about is my cause, revenge" The Agency, gangs, and a new assassin in town, things just got complicated.

Chesiire_cat · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs

#□Rookie Agent

"Author's Pov"

With all the strength her arms could muster channelled into every hit, her rash attacks on him paced up.

Sent back by a harsh hit on the rib and midsection, Aeri lunges again, even more persistent to deliver a strike the skilled agent could not counter.

Strained yells left her mouth as she struggled to evade and counter his hits at once. A pained grunt escaping busted lips when his strike lands on her exposed arm, momentarily distracting her and creating an opening for Felix to spin on his knees and strike hard across Aeri's face.

The raven haired trainee agent felt the sting first before the metallic taste evaded her already clouded senses. She winces, wiping her finger across her bloody lips and bringing it up to her face to see the blood, Aeri sucks her teeth, wiping the trial of blood off her nose with the back of her palm, she lunges once more.

Kim Aeri could clearly see what Felix was doing.

His intention was to get her fueled up by anger and have the trainee act without reasoning. And that was exactly what she did.

Although aware of his intentions, Aeri was too riled up to think about her moves meticulously and instead acted on instinct and rage.

Just one hit was achievable on a normal day, even when pit against a top agent, but unlike others, anger affected the seventeen years old differently. Instead of making her stronger, it made her attacks swifter and random but predictable to even a stranger.

But Felix Lee was no stranger to the raven haired teen, although on different leagues and ranks, he was her best friend, which meant he knew what made her tick.

Predicting Aeri's attacks on a normal day was doable, but when blinded by anger, she was literally an open book to him, and that was what he wanted. To make her so angry. Angry enough to not be able to land a single strike on him.

Anger was never good on Aeri, and she was currently clouded by it. Far gone to reason properly.

Kim Aeri emitted a battle yell, jumping high and landing a powerful hit against Felix whose combined sticks got in the way.

Yes, anger made her irrational, but it also made her stronger.

The force sent him down on a knee as both their weapons scattered broken beneath them as quickly as the blonde recovered a broken piece, ramming it into the trainee's side, the pain from the jab sending her toppling over and squeezing on the searing spot, her lips forced tight to restrain the painlaced cry.

Now, that was enough to make the spectators concerned about what was going down, but not enough to snap Lee Felix out of his blinding rage.

Aeri, despite the pain mirroring his anger as she tackled him roughly to the floor, their shattered wooden weapons long forgotten as her fists come barreling unto his face.

Felix rolled over, their positions exchanged shortly as he tried to hold her down, her fist harshly connecting with his face more than once and sending him back down.

They continue to roll over, Felix's face now littered with bruises and reddening spots, and he finally pins her down, his knees pressing on her hips and stomach to hold her still as his arms press hard over her already red neck, the pressure restricting her already sparse breath.

She struggles, fists repeatedly slapping against his arms pressed onto her neck but to no avail.

The raven haired finally caught his brown eyes, and she could read the emotions swirling in them. Anger, sorrow, pain, regret, and flitting fear.

She was certain, something was wrong, her best friend Felix was mourning.

Slowly regaining her composure and rationality, she slowly lost consciousness.

"Felix!That's enough!" The shouts sounded distant as she hazily watched her blonde friend being ripped off her by another, leaving her gasping for breath.

Deep into the showdown, her group of friends had left the training room to call for help, and luckily, the help arrived right on time, avoiding an accident.

"Aeri's Pov "

His brown hair fell over his face as he pulled me to sit in my dazed state, making sure I was okay.

Hunter Lee parts my ruffled hair to the side, shortly inspecting my neck and quickly moving on to Felix at the side, pulling him up and slowly dragging him along.

"What were you thinking!" Hunter scolds, his voice reducing to whispers as the distance between us increased in size.

"I need to save her while I still can," Felix's voice breaks as they near the door

"You call that saving? You were this close to suffocating her. "

I sit on the floor as my friends shuffle around me, my eyes fixed on Felix and Hunter's exiting figures as my ears manage to pick up on their hushed whispers, the words ringing in my head.

"You trying to scare her away will not save her Felix. She's already in too deep,"


" Aeri's Pov "

"Mr Kang?"

I call respectfully as I step into the superior's office. shuffling in my steps as his sharp eyes look up from the opened file on his desk to run over my bruised and beaten figure.

He sighs, closing the file and massaging his temple.

"I'm giving you some days off. You can go home to your aunt. Your leave has been approved" I look up in shock from his statement.

"Why, sir? Is this because of what went down with Agent Lee today?"

"Part of it is," he nods, relaxing on his chair.

"Besides, your aunt is getting worried."

I slowly nod in agreement.

"I'll leave tomorrow, sir."

I ask one more time.

Felix Lee or Hunter Lee.

Felix seems to have some reasons for the sudden attack on his best friend.

I wonder what that is?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Chesiire_catcreators' thoughts