
A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty Series, Book 2)

The Toxins and BigBang are back. And with the likes of WINNER and BlackPink, The Toxins' journey into the k-pop world gets a whole lot fun and a lot more intense as they get to meet other k-pop groups. With BTS, EXO, B.A.P, MONSTA X and Red Velvet, get ready for an endless streak of dance battles, music, fun, sleep overs, a whole lot of drama, petty fights, trouble and romance. But when some circumstances beyond control befall on Sam, Zoey and Christine, they have to reconsider keeping up with Collins' "Golden Rule" (not dating any boy group member in Korea) which gets tougher by the day. Things get even worse for The Toxins as they make plans to go back home and a familiar face comes along making The Toxins' last days in Korea a lot more difficult.

Mbita_Namwinga · สมัยใหม่
47 Chs

Chapter 6: BIGBANG's Dorm

The fact that we had excitedly emerged victorious yesterday with making BTW official couldn't get out of my mind. I couldn't get over the feeling and I know I wasn't the only one.

Yesterday after our meeting, us The Toxins, BlackPink and WINNER decided to have our own private party. We all couldn't be in one place because of the condition our managers gave us not to meet too often. We weren't going to put BTW on the line and risk all that we struggled to keep alive. So, the only way we could celebrate together was through webcam using Skype.

Ya, you heard me. Skype. As much as it sounds silly, it was the only thing I could think of and at the end of it all, everything worked out pretty well. I used my laptop, which I realise, I haven't used in a while and connected with WINNER and BlackPink at their respective dorms also through their laptops.

Our celebration was silly if you ask me. There wasn't any food or drinks we could all drink together and celebrate. But we did dance to pop songs and act all goofy because we were so happy that BTW will be made official.

Not only did we celebrate, we also had a chat about a lot of things. Not about how BTW will be become a huge hit when its finally official. We also got to know each other a little better and it was fun having this kind of interaction even if it was over the net.

As much as I am happy about our victory, I still couldn't get off what happened with G-Dragon yesterday that it still hurt. We haven't tried to talk to each other since. I hadn't tried to call him and he hadn't even tried either. I think it was better this way because I needed to get my mind off things and focus on the future with BTW.

And also, I had to focus on the cards I had in my hands right now. I only had three cards left. I looked across from where I sat on the floor and I could see Daniel had three cards in his hands too.

"Sam?" Zoey who sat to my right asked. "Do you happen to have any threes?"

I looked at the set of cards in my hand. I had a queen, a nine and a three. Zoey's really lucky, and so am I.

"Here," I gave Zoey the card and she happily took it from my hand. From the set of cards in her hands, she drew out another three and threw the two cards in the centre of the circle.

"Finally," said Zoey. "I've gone fishing too many times and I don't know if I can handle all these cards in my hands."

"You're already losing the game, Zoey," said Mike who sat in between her and Daniel. "You've too many cards indeed."

"Don't push me into saying something you might regret later," said Zoey as she gave Mike a dangerous look.

Before Mike could hit back with a silly response, I interrupted him by asking Christine to my left, "do you have a nine?"

Christine stared at the cards in her hands. "No, go fish," she replied.

"Dang it!" I muttered as I stretched out my hand to the deck of cards, called the pool, that were overturned so that you wouldn't see the card you picked. This time I picked an ace of eights. How agonising!

"Daniel, do you have a king?" Christine asked Daniel.

"No, go fish," said Daniel as he smiled at Christine.

Christine stretched out her hand into the pool to get a card. And her face cringed upon seeing what she got.

Daniel turned to look at Mike. "Do you happen to have a two?"

Mike looked at his brother. "No, go fish."

"Are you sure?"

"You think I'm lying?"

"Anyone can lie in Go Fish so that the other wouldn't win."

"And if it comes to Mike, I wouldn't be surprised," said Zoey.

"You're the one whose lying because whenever I ask you for a card, you don't have any," said Mike.

"It's because I don't have the card you're looking for!"

"It's the same here with Daniel. I don't have a two."

"Can we please get on with the game?" I asked. "Afterwards, you can fight like cats and dogs."

"Does Mike have to be the cat? Because I can't wait to have him for lunch," said Zoey.

"Dogs don't eat cats," said Mike as he rolled his eyes.

"But they are better and stronger than cats."

"Says who?" Mike and I asked at the same time.

There was a pause as all eyes were on Zoey. Christine almost burst out laughing but held it in instead. Zoey sighed.

"Forget it," said Zoey as she looked at her cards. "Let's just carry on with the game."

Daniel stretched his hand to the pool to pick a card. When he looked at it, he smiled as he withdrew another card from his hands and threw the two cards in the centre. They were both twos. The rest of us gasped.

"What? How do you do that?" Christine asked in amazement.

When it comes to Go Fish, Daniel was always considered the lucky one when it came to picking out cards from the pool. It's because of that that he's usually the first one to have all his cards laid down. When he doesn't get the card he's asking for, he somehow manages to pick the right card at just the right moment from the pool.

"I'm just lucky I guess," he said with a smile on his face.

"'I'm just lucky I guess,'" Mike mimicked his brother. "Admit it! Whenever you shuffle the cards, you always win."

"That's not true and you know it," said Christine. "How many times have we all shuffled the cards and still Daniel wins by laying down all his cards first?"

"Since today." Mike scratched his head as he looked up at the ceiling.

"He has magic fingers and you know it," said Zoey.

"Fine, let's continue the game, shall we?" Mike turned to look at Zoey. "Do you have a ten?"

Zoey removed a card from the cards in her hands and gave the card to Mike.

"Thank you," said Mike as he took the card and withdrew another ten from his set, throwing the two cards at the centre.

"You're not welcome," Zoey muttered as she rolled her eyes.

"I know," Mike smirked.

"Sam, do you have a....?"

Zoey was interrupted by the hotel landline ringing. We all fell silent as the five of us looked at each other wondering who was going to pick it up.

"Isn't anyone going to get that?" I asked as I went back to looking at my cards.

"Looks like no one is going to do it, so I will," said Christine as she got up from the floor, leaving the cards she had overturned on the floor and went to pick up the phone.

"Hello," said Christine cheerfully as she put the earpiece to her ear. "Oh, he is here?"

I turned to look at Christine and I saw her looking back at me. Who was here to see us that she looked so nervous? Could it be G-Dragon?

"Mmm, I wonder who it is," said Mike, with an eyebrow raised.

Christine looked away as she said, "you can tell him to come up. Thanks."

"Who is it, Christine?" Zoey asked.

"Ummm, it's G-Dragon," said Christine as she looked at us and her eyes fell on me last. "I hope it's okay that I let him in."

"Well, it's fine if he has come here to apologise," said Daniel. "But I ain't mad at him for what he did yesterday."

"I think that last statement was for Sam," said Zoey.

"Why me?" I asked.

"Well, it's pretty obvious you're still mad at him unlike the rest of us and that you don't want to see him."

I got up from the floor and dropped the cards I was holding. "I am mad, yes. And, I'm in no mood for his apology. If you need me, I'll be in my room."

"You know, you aren't being fair," said Christine. "Why can't you hear him out first? I bet for him to come here he is sorry for what he did."

"Christine's right," said Zoey as she also got up from the floor. "He hurt you and us too. But you already know that if it wasn't for what he did, there would be no BTW. And the most important thing is that you two are friends. Knowing you, you don't like to hate anyone forever. We all know why he did that in the first place."

"Well, some of us don't," said Daniel. "May you clarify on that part, please?"

Mike hit the back of Daniel's head. Daniel growled in pain as he held his head and looked at his older brother.

"What was that for?" Daniel asked.

"You act like you don't know what's going on sometimes when you do," said Mike.

"No, I do...." Daniel paused as his eyes looked like they would pop out of his sockets any moment now. "Ooooh. I get it now."

I shook my head at my brothers and before I could think of what to say next, we heard the sound of the elevator doors open. He was here. Dang it! I didn't want to be in the lounge when he got here. What was I going to do now?

I heard footsteps from the hall and I knew he was coming. He soon appeared at the entrance of the lounge and I paused at the sight of him. My heart even skipped a beat.

G-Dragon was staring right back at me and this time he had a sad smile on his face unlike the silly cute ones he would give me most of the time. I noticed the bags under his eyes and I could tell he hadn't slept well last night. Apparently, I hadn't either.

"Ah! GD, you're here!" Zoey said excitedly as she went over to him and gave him a brief hug. I guess after all that had happened between the two of them, Zoey still showed some affection towards him. She's always admired him after all.

"Looks like you're not mad at me," said G-Dragon as he put up a bright smile for Zoey. I turned away when I felt a sharp piercing inside.

"Gosh, you're still worried about that?" Zoey asked as she laughed. "Just so you know, I can never stay mad at you."

"Same here," said Christine as she went over to hug G-Dragon as well. "Are you okay? You look like you haven't slept at all."

"Of course he hasn't," said Mike as he and Daniel got up from the floor. "I can tell it's because you're worried that Sam might stay mad at you forever."

I wanted to fire back at my brother but I kept my mouth shut instead when everyone turned to look at me. I felt like I had been put in an awkward position right now and all I felt like running out of the lounge.

"So," said Daniel as he clapped his hands. "I think you two have a lot to talk about. We will leave you two alone."

"No," I said just as the other Toxins were about to turn around and leave. "G-Dragon and I already talked yesterday. There is no need for us to talk and I am surly not in a mood to hear a thing he has to say."

Zoey's jaw dropped as she looked at me. "You're so harsh, Sam. To be honest, I've never heard you say anything like this."

"Don't forget, she's mad," said Christine. "You know how she is when she's like this."

"Aren't you going to say anything, GD?" Daniel asked as he looked at G-Dragon.

"No, I have nothing to say," G-Dragon replied. "Sam's right. We have nothing to talk about. And just like she isn't in a mood to hear what I've to say, I didn't come here to see her."

I was stunned. And so were the rest of The Toxins. I tried not to show my reaction as I folded my arms and pursed my lips tightly together. Because I felt like screaming out loud with rage.

"Then why are you here?" Mike asked.

"I wanted to apologise to you guys with what happened yesterday," said G-Dragon. "I didn't get to do so when I had the chance, so, I'm sorry."

"Don't sweat it," said Daniel. "Just like Zoey said earlier, we can't stay mad at you, so we are cool."

"And to make it up to you, I would like to take you somewhere."

"Ooooh! Where do you want to take us?" Zoey asked with so much excitement.

"To our dorm. BigBang's dorm."

I almost dropped to the floor as I felt the world spin below my feet. Did he just say BigBang's dorm? The dorm where the five lived under one roof throughout their music career. Oh, gosh! I felt like screaming to the heavens with excitement.

Christine and Zoey were doing so already.

Unfortunately, I couldn't.

And I felt I was going to get sick. Sick with envy that is.

"OMG! Are you serious right now!" Zoey asked as she jumped up and down and gave a scream.

G-Dragon smiled. And I could recognise it from a mile away. He was doing all of this just to get to me. If he thought he was going to move me, I wasn't shaken at all. Well, at least that's what I told myself.

"I can't believe we to get to go to your dorm," said Mike with an unbelievable smile on his face. "Okay, I can't help it. I'm excited too."

"Me too," said Daniel. "Wait, hold up. Should we tell Collins that we will be going to your dorm so that we wouldn't get in trouble?"

"Daa! Of course," said Zoey. "I wouldn't like to get in trouble ever again. Especially now that we have two managers instead of one."

I smirked in the inside. Even if they were to ask Collins, they wouldn't get to go. As far as the managers' instructions were concerned, we were told to keep a low profile at the moment. If the universe was on my side, the managers weren't going to agree at all.

"I had a talk with them this morning," said G-Dragon. "I convinced them you should come and they said it was okay."

"For real?" the four Toxins asked at the same time.

G-Dragon nodded his head. "For real."

Looks like the universe was never on my side the entire time. Dang it!

"We better get going then," said Zoey as she clapped her hands. "I'll go get myself ready." Zoey rushed out of the lounge.

"Ya, me too," said Christine, following Zoey.

"I don't want to behave like a girl but it looks like I've to get ready too," said Mike.

"I am right with you," said Daniel and the two brothers left the lounge.

It was now the two of us. All alone in the empty, quiet lounge. This felt ridiculous. Especially when I imagined a tumbleweed roll right between us in the room.

I wasn't looking at G-Dragon the whole time the quiet moments passed. I could feel his eyes on me and my eyes were on the floor looking at the cards scattered everywhere. Our game of Go Fish had been completely interrupted and forgotten about all because of him.

"Aren't you going to get ready?" G-Dragon asked.

"No," I answered as I moved a queen of hearts on the floor using my big toe. "I'm not going."

"May I ask why?"

I looked up at him. "You know why."

I went down to kneel on the floor and started to gather all the cards together. I saw G-Dragon approach through the corner of my eye and I pretended not to notice.

"It's a pity that you aren't coming," said G-Dragon as he now stood a foot away from me. "We were going to have so much fun together."

"Too bad indeed," I said as I finished gathering the cards together.

I stood up from the floor and this time, I looked at G-Dragon straight in the eye.

"I know you did this just so I can forgive you," I said as I gave G-Dragon a smile.

"And I can see that didn't work," he said as he smiled back.

"Ya, it didn't."

"What's it going to take then for you to forgive me?"

"Mmmm." I stared up at the ceiling as I bit my lip pretending to be deep in thought. "I don't know. But you'll figure it out someday."

"You look so sexy when you bite your lip like that."

I almost dropped the cards I was holding in my hands and my cheeks blushed all of the sudden. I cleared my throat as I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I looked at G-Dragon who had a playful smirk on his face and that almost made me blush even more. But I stood my ground and told myself that I was not shaken by his soothing charm.

He suddenly raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm impressed."

"Impressed with what?" I asked.

"You don't seem to be surprised at all with what I said. The Sam I know would have her cheeks blushing throughout. But this time, you didn't even last for seconds."

I smirked. Good. If I could keep this up, I might just have him begging to his knees for me to forgive him.

"Looks like your charms don't work on me anymore," I said. "So, if you could excuse me, I think we are done here."

Just as I was about to take my leave, G-Dragon came to stand in front of me, blocking my way. I almost bumped into him as we stood so close facing each other.

"I still think I have an effect on you, my dear kitty," G-Dragon said softly as his eyes bore into mine. "If anything, I think I got you when I told the others that I was taking them to see BigBang's dorm."

"Ha!" I almost laughed out loud, rolling my eyes. "As much as I am a fan, trust me, I don't need you to invite me over just to see your dorm."

G-Dragon nodded his head and smiled. "Of course, the rest of my group members will do so when you ask them to. Since they are likely to obey to your every command."

"Obey? No. But yes, they would come and bring me over if I ask any one of them to."

"That seems more like telling them to carry out an order."

"I don't give orders, GD."

"You've no idea how you sometimes play the role of a queen, Sam." G-Dragon leaned closer and his musky cologne almost drew me in. "You might not know it, but you're one."

This time I blushed but I kept myself under control again and tilted my head to the side as I folded my arms.

"Nice try," I said. "That didn't work either."

"Are you really not going to forgive me?" G-Dragon asked.

I smirked. "One thing is for sure, I can't stay mad at people forever. Most especially you. I won't lie that I am still upset with what you did yesterday. But that doesn't mean you don't deserve another chance."

"So, you forgive me?"

I smiled this time around. "Yes. And that's only because I can't stand that you have to struggle to make me fall for your little charms and schemes just for me to forgive you." I didn't mean it anyway.

"What?" G-Dragon raised an eyebrow at me.

"You heard me. But that doesn't mean I'm going with you guys to your dorm."

G-Dragon had a surprised look on his face and I felt like kissing him on the cheek for the fun of it. But instead, I gave him a wink and walked past him. Just as I was about to leave the lounge, Zoey and Christine suddenly appeared from the passage way, blocking my way.

"Okay, BK, you've done enough," said Zoey as she folded her arms. "I want you to forgive G-Dragon right now."

"I already did," I said. "And by the way, those black high heels look cute with your outfit."

Zoey wore a white body top which has the words written "Queen" in gold and matching blue tight denim jeans. She looked at herself when I complimented her.

"Oh, thanks," said Zoey. "Hey! Don't change the subject here." She pointed her finger at me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm being honest."

"Ya, but I always look good that you don't have to say it. You're going with us whether you like it or not."

"But I don't feel like going."

"Come on, Sam, it won't be fun without you there," said Christine.

"But Zoey and my brothers always call me a party pooper. So why should I go?"

"You know I only joke around," said Zoey. "It won't look good if you don't come with us."

"Zoey's right," said G-Dragon behind me. "The rest of BigBang are all expecting you to be there. And you know that they won't like it if you don't come."

I sighed. G-Dragon did have a point. And I'm afraid if I didn't refuse, these two crazy girls were going to drag me out of here in the worst and also embarrassing way possible.

"Do you want me to call Collins?" Christine asked when I didn't say anything. "You know that if you don't go, we can't either. Remember what happened when we left without you to Caribbean Bay?"

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Please, this time you're going to an apartment. Not a water park."

"Anything can happen you know," said Zoey. "We can burn the place down."

"That's if you even try to cook, Zoey."

"Okay, are you coming or not?" Christine asked.

"I'm coming. But only because something weird can happen if I'm not around."

"Yes!" Zoey and Christine high fived each other.

"I'll go get ready then," I said.

"Finally," said G-Dragon.

I turned to look at him. "I'm going because of them. Not for your sake."

G-Dragon only smiled and didn't say a word. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. Looks like he won this round with the help of Zoey and Christine. Next time, he was going to beg for mercy.

I went to the room to get myself ready and within minutes I found myself in the lounge where everyone else was waiting for me.

"Okay, I'm ready," I said as I stood by the doorway.

"Yes," said Daniel as he got up from his seat. "I thought the others were kidding when they said you were coming along with us."

"Well, Daniel, I realise I can't leave you four all on your own. Collins would kill me."

"You look really nice, Sam," said Zoey as she also stood up from her seat. "Isn't that right, GD?"

I quickly turned around and found myself in the hall heading to the elevator. I heard muttering and whispering behind me as the others followed me down the hall. I pressed the elevator button to summon the lift.

"To be honest, I really can't wait to see your dorm," said Christine as she smiled at G-Dragon. "I'm so excited."

"We all are," said Mike. "Aren't you, Sam?"

"Mmmm," I muttered with my arms folded as we waited for the elevator doors to open. I wondered why it was taking so long.

When the elevator finally came, we all got in and when the doors close before us, I pressed the button heading to the lobby.

While the elevator continued to move, I was looking up at the elevator monitor when G-Dragon who stood behind me leaned in close to whisper in my ear.

"I see you're wearing that pendant I gave you," he whispered. "Looks really nice with that dress of yours."

If I had worn pointed high heels with this black summer dress, I would have stepped on G-Dragon's foot so that I could shut him up. I pretended not to have heard him and I sighed in relief when the doors flew open and we all came out of the elevator.

When we all stepped out of the lobby through the hotel doors, we found a group of paparazzi waiting for us. Immediately they saw us, they had us surrounded. Luckily, the hotel security came along to ward them off until we got to the cars waiting for us. I for one went in the SUV with my two brothers while Zoey and Christine went in G-Dragon's fancy white lamborgini. I wasn't surprised. Right now, it felt like G-Dragon and I were at war and some people had to pick a side. It was obvious the girls were with G-Dragon and as for my brothers, were obviously on mine because of the special bond we share.

G-Dragon's car lead the way out of the hotel premises and the SUV followed behind it. While the cars drove down the streets of Seoul, I felt my phone beep in my hand and when I looked at it, I noticed a message from Zoey. When I read it, I sucked my teeth.

"Well, someone looks irritated," said Mike behind me.

I turned to look at my brothers since I sat in the front passenger seat. The two of them looked back at me.

"Zoey," the three of us said at the same time.

"What's her problem?" Daniel asked as he clicked his tongue.

"She's trying to make me forgive G-Dragon," I replied.

"But you have, haven't you?" Mike asked.

"Not entirely," I said as I thought the question through. "I want to, but I just can't."

"I understand you," said Daniel. "You just need more time."

"True. And I just had to come because you guys weren't going to forgive me if I didn't follow."

"Ya, well, you're the one ticket for us to go anywhere we want to go."

"I hate that I've to be around you guys all the time. You can take care of yourselves but Collins doesn't want the Caribbean Bay incident to happen again."

"I don't blame him," said Mike. "Looks like we are way too hard to handle after all."

"And so is Zoey." I stared down at my phone to read the message again.

"What did she send you?"

"She's just telling me that I should have been in G-Dragon's car because right now they are having fun. I know she's trying to make me envious but it's not working."

"But you were envious when G-Dragon said he was taking us to his dorm right?" Daniel asked.

"I won't lie, I was. I didn't want to go so that I could show him I am seriously mad. He did do this just for me to forgive him. But it's going to take a whole lot than that."

"Playing hard to get. Nice."

"It's not really working out though. Looks like he's still getting his way for me to get close. Close enough for me to forgive him."

"You may think so, but I think he's going to try in every way for you to fully forgive him," said Mike.

"How do you know that?" I turned my head to look at my brother.

"I'm a guy, I know." Mike gave me a smile.

"We'll see." I went back to looking in front of me and my eyes flew to G-Dragon's car before us.

A few minutes later, G-Dragon's car turned round a corner and packed in front of an apartment building. The car I was in packed behind G-Dragon's car. My brothers and I got out of the car. G-Dragon, Zoey and Christine were already out of the vehicle they were in.

"This is the place then?" I asked as I looked at the grey apartment building in front of us.

"Yes, it is, my little kitty," said G-Dragon he came to stand next me as he also looked at the building. I took a side step away from him.

"Shall we go in?" Zoey asked. "I'm really dying to see your place."

"You can go and we'll catch up."

Zoey started to walk up to the entrance of the building when she finally turned back and this time, she looked really angry as she stared at GD.

"Haha, very funny, Ji Yong," she said as she folded her arms. "I don't know your apartment floor number."

"That was very silly yet very funny of you, Zoey," said Mike as he laughed.

I smiled at Zoey and didn't say a word as the others laughed along with Mike. All Zoey did was sulk.

"Come on, right this way," said G-Dragon as he led the way.

We followed G-Dragon up the small stone steps of the building and we found ourselves in the apartment lobby room. I had to admit, it's a pretty lobby with a smooth shiny black marble floor and the decor in the seating area was exquisite. I noticed a lovely glass chandelier hanging in the middle of the room.

"This place is lovely," said Christine as she stopped and stood around the lobby.

"It sure is," said Daniel, looking at the chandelier.

"This place wasn't what it was back then," said G-Dragon as he looked up at the chandelier.

"Mmm, I get what you mean," I said as I looked at him.

"I don't," said Zoey and I quickly nudged her roughly on her side so that she could keep quiet. He howled in pain, silently.

We headed towards the elevator and got in. G-Dragon pressed the button leading to the floor of his apartment. When we got to the floor, we came out of the elevator and turned down the hall with G-Dragon leading the way.

We got to the end of the hall and G-Dragon stopped in front of the wooden door to the apartment. He knocked on the door and in a few seconds, the door flew open.

The person who opened the door was Seungri. And by the looks of things, it looked like he had come straight out of bed in his light blue sleeping robe which had pandas on it and his eyes looking all sleepy. But I had to admit, he looked cute with his short hair all messed up.

"GD?" Seungri asked as he rubbed his eyes. "Am I seeing right or are The Toxins standing right behind you?"

"It's us Seungri," I said.

Seungri shook his head and this time he was wide awake.

"Oh! You're all here!" Seungri said with excitement. "I completely forgot that you're coming over today."

"It can clearly show," said G-Dragon. Sounded like he was losing his temper. "I told you not to stay up so late but instead you went out for some party."

"You went out?" Zoey asked putting her hands on her hips as if she were an angry parent. "Why didn't you invite us? Better yet me."

"Zoey," Daniel looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Seungri gets invited anywhere, and at anytime," said G-Dragon.

"Whatever. Now that you're here, welcome to our dorm!" said Seungri as he came forward and took me by the hand, dragging me inside the apartment.

"Whoa! Seungri, hold on!" I warned him as I almost tumbled forward while entering through the door. "Wow!"

I was filled with awe when I looked around their so called "dorm."

The living room had an exquisite and most expensive furniture with its fine white leather sofas, but it again looked more like a gaming room on my part because of the five colourful bean bag chairs all in awkward places in the middle of the living room.

There was even a large flat plasma screen TV facing the living room and I noticed game controllers on the floor and a game console. That made me raise an eyebrow for a moment. Don't tell me they were gamers or else I was going to faint.

"Oh my gosh, this place is totally tight," said Mike as he and Daniel ran in towards the living room and got the game controllers.

"You guys are gamers?" I asked, looking at Seungri who still held my hand.

"When we're bored, yes," answered Seungri.

"This is so cool," said Daniel as he sat on a bean bag and looked at the games on the floor. "Sam, can we start to stay here for a little while till we go back home?" Daniel looked at me.

"Do I look like Collins to you?" I asked.

"No, you don't," came Taeyang's voice. "If you did, you wouldn't be this attractive."

I turned to look behind me and noticed Taeyang coming from the small kitchen area in an apron. He gave us that eye smile of his and I smiled back.

"Morning, Tae!" Zoey and Christine said at the same time as they both went to hug him.

"Hey, I'm glad you're all here," said Taeyang after the girls broke away from him. "You look pretty, Sam."

"I wanted to say that," said Seungri as his eyebrows went up and down as he looked at me. "Especially the dress."

"Really defines her as a Black Kitty alright," said G-Dragon as he came to stand on my other side. I suddenly felt awkward.

"Are you cooking something, Tae?" Christine asked, gladly changing the subject.

"I was fixing up a special brunch for you guys," said Taeyang.

"Great!" said Mike. "I'm starving. I never had enough breakfast."

"Where is Daesung and Choi?" Zoey asked.

"Still in their rooms, I guess," said G-Dragon, as he looked down the hall.

"Why don't you show these guys around, then?" Taeyang asked addressing G-Dragon and Seungri.

"You guys can take the girls around," said Mike. "You'll find us here in the living room."

"I'll take Sam around then," said Seungri as he started to drag me down the hall since he still held my hand.

"No," said G-Dragon as he held my other free hand and stopped me from going with Seungri, pulling me back to him. "You go change. I'll take Sam and the other girls around."

"You can take the others, I'll specifically take Sam around," said Seungri as he pulled me towards him.

"I don't trust you, Seungri." G-Dragon pulled me towards him. "You're obviously going to take her to your room and have her all to yourself."

I blushed when G-Dragon said that. There were many ways to describe what he meant and now wasn't the time to figure out what. I seriously didn't like the position I was in at the moment. I felt like a rag doll who is being fought over by two annoying kids.

"I am loving this drama," said Zoey, as she giggled. "Looks like someone doesn't like the idea of you being alone with someone else, Sam."

"I get it Zoey, thank you very much," I said. I turned to look at G-Dragon and then at Seungri. "And you two better let go of my hands or I'll scratch your eyes out. I mean it."

"Ooooh, you better listen to the kitty," said Daniel as he winced. "You don't want to see her claws."

"Ya, she's a fighter when she wants to, just let her go," said Christine.

At first, G-Dragon and Seungri hesitated as they looked at each other. I gave them a warning look that I was serious with my threat but they didn't seem to budge.

"Come on, guys, you're both acting childish," said Taeyang. "You know that's no way to treat a lady. And it's Sam for that matter."

G-Dragon sighed as he slowly let go of my hand first, then Seungri. I felt relieved and I took a few steps away from them to stand beside Taeyang and the girls.

"That was easy," I said as I looked at Taeyang. "Thanks, Tae. I would have handled them if they didn't listen."

"Well, I would have loved to see your pretty little claws," said Seungri with a beaming smile on his face. I stuck out a tongue at him.

"Isn't anyone going to show us around then?" Zoey asked.

"They will both show you around," said Taeyang pointing at both Seungri and G-Dragon. "That won't be a problem, right?" He looked at the two.

Seungri and G-Dragon rolled their eyes obviously feeling annoyed like kids who didn't want to do as they were told.

"Yes," they muttered dully at the same time.

"They can show Zoey and Christine around," I said. "I'll get to go around later."

"Great," said Taeyang. "Then you can help me with the food then."

"I'm delighted to." I smiled brightly at Taeyang.

I was super grateful that I could save myself from Seungri and G-Dragon by keeping myself busy. I gladly smirked at them before I turned around to the small kitchen area with Taeyang. I didn't want to get caught in any kind of drama like the one we had seconds ago. And besides, I didn't even want to be near G-Dragon at all.

"Well, that was something," said Taeyang as soon as the others had gone down the hall and my two brothers were now caught up playing a game in the living room.

"Tell me about it," I said as I walked over to the stove and bent down to see what was cooking in the oven. "Wow, are you making a quiche?" I stared at Taeyang with amazement. "I never knew you would be this good at cooking."

"Well, I try out a new few things now and then," said Taeyang as he smiled at me.

"Then, I'm glad I joined you. This is going to be a lot of fun."

"Then you better put this on," said Taeyang as he went to get a red and white checkered apron hang on the wall next to the refrigerator and gave it to me. "I don't want you messing up that pretty dress of yours."

"Thanks." I quickly put on the apron. "So, what should I do first, Chef?"

"Are you seriously calling me that?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" I looked at him.

"No, you're not. You can start by getting eggs in the fridge. You can make an egg omelette or anything you seem appropriate. I'm almost done with everything. Then we can make lasagna afterwards."

"On it," I said as I went over to open the refrigerator to get the eggs. I noticed a bowl of strawberries and I managed to put one in my mouth and got the tray of eggs.

"Yes," said Mike, I looked at him and his eyes were still fixed on the TV screen. "Sam makes the best omelette."

"Can't wait to taste it," said Taeyang as he drew out a pan from the closet underneath the counter next to the stove.

I helped prepare the omelettes and Taeyang's quiche was ready. He had prepared other food stuffs as well, like sandwiches, croissant, bacon, fresh toast and pancakes.

I was done with the omelettes and decided to help Taeyang out making the lasagna. While we did that, we had a fun chat. I asked him about how Hyo-rin was doing and he asked me about the little drama we had yesterday with G-Dragon, the managers and BTW. I explained everything to him though it felt like a painful process, especially on the part where G-Dragon was willing to get us in trouble with our managers.

"I wish I was there to see all that going on," said Taeyang.

"You should have been there," I said. "It was funny how everything turned in our favour. The others ended up forgiving G-Dragon."

"All except you of course."

"True. I want to forgive him but I just can't. I'm not mad but when I think about it, it hurts."

"I admit what he did was awful and I told him it wasn't a good idea."

"He confronted you about this?" I looked at Taeyang.

"Yes," Taeyang shrugged his shoulders. "He is my best friend after all. He just made me swore not to tell you anything."

I rolled my eyes. "Typical."

"If you ask me, I think it's a good thing you're not willing to forgive him just yet."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because, right after he came back from YG, I had never seen him look like that before. Looks like he was about to lose something that mattered to him the most."

"I don't matter to him. He and I just like the rest of us here know music is what matters."

"True. But person wise, he cares about you a lot. And that might just make him a better person than he is. It's best he tastes love the hard way. And what better way than not forgiving him anytime sooner over what he did?"

Taeyang gave me a small smile as he turned away and approached the counter in the middle of the kitchen. I didn't say a word as I thought of what he said. I quickly brushed it off afterwards as I put the lasagna in the oven.

A few minutes later just as I was taking the lasagna out of the stove with oven mittens, I felt someone standing right behind me. For a moment I thought it was Taeyang because I had left him arranging the food by the counter. I turned around with the hot pan the lasagna and I soon realised who had been standing behind me.

It was TOP. And he moved away just in time before I could burn him with the pan.

"What are you doing?" I asked as put the pan on the counter. "You would've gotten burnt."

"I was trying to hug you from behind," said TOP as he smiled at me.

"Well, that was a terrible idea," said Taeyang as he went over to the fridge to get the bowl of strawberries.

"Now you can hug me," I said as I stretched out my arms wide still wearing oven mittens and TOP took a step forward to hug me.

"I missed you so much," he said. "I though the others were joking when they said you were in the kitchen helping out."

"I also love to cook," I said with a smile. "And it's been a while since I have been in the kitchen so I took the opportunity."

"Nice, I can't wait to taste your cooking."

"Tae's done almost everything. We will be able to have brunch in a few minutes. Where's Daesung? I haven't seen him."

"Don't know. He didn't come here?"

"I was expecting him to."

"That's strange," said Taeyang. "Could it be that he might have snuck out of the apartment without us realising?"

"Or, he could be right here with us playing video games," Daniel called out from the living room.

Taeyang, TOP and I turned towards the living room area and there was Daesung who sat in between Mike and Daniel, facing the TV and tapping uncontrollably on the game controllers. They were all fixed on the screen and I couldn't help but shake my head at them. Boys.

"Yes!" Daesung punched the air. "I win!"

"Arrgh, no fair," said Mike as he slapped his hands in annoyance and at the same time, dropping the game controller to the floor. "I almost had you. Almost."

"I've played this game a lot more than you have," said Daesung. "I know every trick in the book."

"No doubt about that," said Daniel.

"Aren't you even going to say hi or continue blabbering about your victory?" I asked as I approached the living room.

"Don't think I forgot about you, Sam," said Daesung as he got from where he sat and came to hug me. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." When we broke away from each other, I looked at him. "Why didn't you come by and say hi?"

"I saw you were busy and didn't want to disturb the two of you."

"Where are the others?" Taeyang asked. "Food is almost ready."

"Really? I'm starving," said Daniel.

"Me too," said TOP. "I haven't had breakfast."

"Whatever you stay up late for, only God knows," said Taeyang as he went back to the kitchen to finish up.

"Can you let the others know they are needed here?" I asked Daesung.

"Sure," he said as he went down the hall to look for the others.

"Can we start without them?" Daniel as he came to stand next to me.

"So you can have all the food to yourself?" I asked with my eyebrow raised. "No way. We eat together."

"That wasn't such a bad idea, Daniel," said TOP as he winked at Daniel. "I was planning to have everything myself."

"Boys always have a huge appetite," I said with a smile.

I went back to helping Taeyang out with the food preparation while TOP joined my brothers in the living room.

As Taeyang and I served the food on the low dining table in the dining area, voices came echoing down the hall. G-Dragon, Zoey, Christine and Seungri were talking and laughing loudly as they approached the living area. Daesung came following behind them.

"That was so funny," said Zoey, as she wiped he tears from her eyes. "I can't stop laughing.

"What's the joke about?" Mike asked.

"Nothing," Zoey answered. "You wouldn't get it."

"I surly hope it isn't about me," I whispered over to Taeyang from across the table. Taeyang almost burst out laughing.

"What is it?" Zoey asked as she looked over at us in the dining area.

"Nothing," said Taeyang. "Food is ready."

"Ooh! Is that quiche?" Christine asked as she came over and looked at what was on the table. "My favourite."

"And Taeyang made it," I said as I smiled at Christine.

"Gosh, I can't wait to put that in my mouth." Christine settled down on the floor.

"May everyone come and settle down, please?" I called out to the others as I stood up from the floor.

"Yum, yum, yum," said TOP as he came to settle down by the table with my two brothers.

"This is the first time I'm having my food on a low table before," said Mike. "Feels weird but exciting."

"I must have left the strawberries in the kitchen," said Taeyang. "Can you go get them, Sam?"

"Sure," I said.

"And try not to eat them all," said Taeyang before I could turn towards the kitchen.

"Huh?" I blushed.

"Ya, she's a fan of strawberries," said Zoey as she sat next to Christine.

"And she was eating them whenever she got to the fridge." Taeyang continued to look at me. "Don't think I didn't notice."

"I couldn't help it," I said. "Sorry."

"Awww," said Seungri. "Her cheeks look so cute like strawberries themselves."

"I'm going to hit you and knock your teeth out so that you can stop talking."

I went over to the kitchen to grab the strawberries. When I went back to the dining table, everyone had settled down and the only place left for me to sit was at the end of the table beside Daesung, facing G-Dragon on the opposite side. Great! Just what I need. I didn't want eating my meal facing him. What luck.

After I settled the strawberries with the rest of the dishes on the table and took the empty space next to Daesung, I did my best not to look at G-Dragon as I started to settle the cut quiche on my plate.

In a few minutes when everyone was silent and enjoying their meal, Seungri said:

"This is so delicious. You two make the best chefs."

"Thanks," Taeyang and I said at the same time.

"You should prepare dinner," said Daesung as he looked at me.

"Speaking of which," I said as I looked at Taeyang who sat a distance away from me. "You did promise me you would teach me how to make some Korean dishes."

"I remember," said Taeyang. "And this is the perfect day to do so."

"Wait," said Daniel. "Does that mean we'll stay here the whole day?"

"If that's what's going to keep you guys hooked playing games all day, then yes," I answered.

"This is turning out to be the best day ever," said Mike with a smile.

"It surly is," said G-Dragon. I still didn't look at him.

"I'll also be joining your cooking class, Tae," said Christine.

"Then we better call Collins and tell him we will be back a bit late," I said.

"We have to go grocery shopping too," said Taeyang.

"Christine, you and I can do that," I said as I poured some orange juice in my cup.

"I also want to go shopping too," said Zoey.

"It's grocery shopping, not the usual shopping you love to do," said Christine.

"Don't worry," said G-Dragon. "You and I, Zoey, can do our own shopping."

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said.

"And why not? If you can do what you want, why can't we?"

I looked at G-Dragon this time, being careful enough not to crush the glass I was holding in my hand.

"I also don't get it," said Zoey. "We are definitely going shopping, GD. Don't mind us, Sam. It's not like anything bad is going to happen when we go shopping. Besides, anyone else can come along too."

"I think some of us will pass," said TOP.

"Well, it's at your loss then," said G-Dragon. "Some of us are going to have fun. Right, Zoey?"

"Definitely," Zoey smiled at G-Dragon.

I rolled my eyes at them. I didn't want to say anything that might just offend them, so I kept quiet and put a sweet strawberry in my mouth.

As the conversation went on around the table about God knows what, I simply had a funny feeling that something might go down today. And I couldn't tell if it was a good thing or not.