
A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty Series, Book 2)

The Toxins and BigBang are back. And with the likes of WINNER and BlackPink, The Toxins' journey into the k-pop world gets a whole lot fun and a lot more intense as they get to meet other k-pop groups. With BTS, EXO, B.A.P, MONSTA X and Red Velvet, get ready for an endless streak of dance battles, music, fun, sleep overs, a whole lot of drama, petty fights, trouble and romance. But when some circumstances beyond control befall on Sam, Zoey and Christine, they have to reconsider keeping up with Collins' "Golden Rule" (not dating any boy group member in Korea) which gets tougher by the day. Things get even worse for The Toxins as they make plans to go back home and a familiar face comes along making The Toxins' last days in Korea a lot more difficult.

Mbita_Namwinga · สมัยใหม่
47 Chs

Chapter 12: The First Teaser

I turned around in my bed and I wrapped my arm around something. My panda. The panda Seungri bought for me as a gift the time I had a cold and since then, it's always been on my bed. I always get the chance to sleep with it when I want to. It's always so nice and comforting to wrap my arms around it because its so soft and cuddly. I hugged it tighter until I felt something a little off.

The panda felt different.

I opened my sleepy eyes and when I stared at the panda on the bed, I realised that it wasn't my panda.

"Oh my goodness!" I yelled, fully wide awake and full of shock, rolling off the other side of the bed. I fell to the floor and in the process I hit my head on the small drawer where the lamp stood.

"Ouch!" I moaned on the floor from the terrible landing and also to the bump to the head.

"Sam! Aish, are you okay?"

I held the side of my head as I rolled over on the floor so that I could lay on my back, still moaning. I stared upwards completely dazed and there was G-Dragon atop my bed staring down at me.

"Is she okay?" came Zoey's voice that sounded as if from a distance. "If she's dead, you're so going to pay for it, Ji Yong!"

I felt like I was about to pass out with the scenery around me turning into a blur. I felt myself being lifted up from the floor and being laid down on something soft. I figured that was the bed. I felt my world spinning and every time I tried to figure out what was happening, my head hurt even more.

I could hear voices around me, but I couldn't make out who was there and where they stood. Their voices all sounded muffled up in my ears and the scenes in front of me still a blur. I felt confused and every time I tried to do something, my head ached like hell.

I felt something soft touch my cheek and I could hear the person's voice closet to me become clearer with every second that passed.

"....Sam, Sam, please say something? Are you okay?"

"We're so dead. Collins is going to kill me for letting you in here just to try and surprise Sam. Now look, she looks like she's going to pass out on us at any moment."

"Zoey.....what the....? What happened! Is she okay?" came another voice.

"She's fine. She just had a little fall, that's all."


I felt another hand touch my other cheek. I still couldn't figure out what was going on and who was there. I could tell there was Zoey and G-Dragon, but I couldn't tell who the third person was.

My vision became worse as I soon felt like I was sinking into a deep black hole. Maybe passing out would do me good. Maybe in that way, my head wouldn't hurt anymore because the pain was unbearable and I couldn't hold on.

"Sam? Sam, stay with me, stay with me!" G-Dragon called out to me.

But I let myself sink in deeper till I could see nothing more.


Zoey's P.O.V

I groaned when Sam finally passed out after G-Dragon called out to her to stay with him. I bit my lip and I knew I was in big trouble.

G-Dragon turned to look at me and I could read it on his face too.

We were all in big trouble.

"Sam?" Lee, who stood on the other side of the bed, called out to her again as she still held Sam's cheek. There was nothing we could do. Sam completely passed out.

Lee stood upright and looked at G-Dragon and I. She folded her arms and had a scorn on her face.

"Do you mind explaining to me what happened?" Lee asked.

G-Dragon and I were quiet. What could we say? That we wanted to surprise Sam and it didn't go as planned? Even if we were to make up a lie, the fact is Sam passed out and it's all our fault.

Lee didn't expect us to say anything as she turned to look at the end of the bed where Mike, Daniel and Christine stood. They too were in on this and were just as guilty as G-Dragon and I.

"Collins isn't going to like this at all," said Lee. "What were you thinking?"

"We just wanted to surprise her, that's all it was," I answered.

"But didn't you think twice that she might just hit herself in the process? She just passed out and look! She has a bruise on her forehead."

I turned to look at Sam who laid on the bed and she had a slight bruise on the head from where she hit the wooden drawer. From afar, you couldn't even tell that it was even there. The bruise would heal quickly within a few days, I don't know if Sam was ever going to heal from this at all.

"So, I expect you guys were filming all this, weren't you?" Lee asked the other three at the end of the bed.

"No.... well...," Mike hesitated as he hid his phone behind him. "Yes."

"Unbelievable! You guys are just great! What am I supposed to tell Collins when he notices the bruise on her forehead?"

"That she slipped and fell by accident?" I suggested as I bit my lip.

"I'm not Sam whose a pretty good liar and is willing to save you from Collins all the time! What you did was unforgivable and I don't know what to say to Collins when he finds out about this."

"We're sorry," said Daniel. "We didn't mean for this to happen."

Lee sighed. As she much as she was angry, she still felt sorry for us.

"You should be saying sorry to the person you almost killed today." She turned to look at G-Dragon and I. "I don't know about you two, because I know you're the masterminds behind all this. Just pray that Sam will be willing to forgive you. I'll go get the first aid kit."

Lee walked out of the room. We were all quiet for a while until Lee was out of earshot.

"This is all your fault!" I blurted out pointing my finger at G-Dragon.

"Me!" he turned around on the bed to look at me. "You said me lying on the bed with her acting as the panda was a good idea."

"Do you know what, we're all to blame here," said Christine.

"Ya, but who came up with the freaking idea?" Mike asked.

Everyone's eyes turned on me and I shrugged my shoulders in defense.

"You can't possibly blame me for all this. If it's anyone to blame, it's GD. He was the one who wanted to surprise Sam."

"I had a different thing in mind until you came up with this stupid idea," said G-Dragon.

"Maybe you shouldn't be listening to my ideas in the future then!"

"That we can totally agree for once," said Mike. "Your ideas could land anyone in prison or worse. You almost got my sister killed."

"I also feel bad, okay? She's my best friend and the one person I truly care about."

G-Dragon turned to look at Sam, still unconscious. For a moment there, you would think she was fast asleep. She looked like an angel. If anything worse had happened, I would never forgive myself. But I still couldn't help but worry though. What if the bump to her head causes her to lose her memory? I bit my lip at the thought of that and I prayed for it not to come to pass.

G-Dragon sighed. "Now Sam will never forgive me," he said.

"Aww, don't say that," said Christine. "She will be mad..... for a really long time."

"You aren't helping," I said rolling my eyes at Christine.

"No, she's right," said G-Dragon. "Sam is going to be pretty mad at me when she wakes up and probably wouldn't want to see me."

"You're way better," I said. "I'll have to face her wrath everyday."

"She'll easily forgive you since you're her best friend." G-Dragon looked at me with a frown.

"True," I shrugged my shoulders.

Even if I was comforting myself with this, I still felt I wasn't going to get away with it that easily.

Lee came in the room with a first aid kit and sat down on the bed to put up a band aid on Sam's head.

"You guys better get ready to head to YG," said Lee after she was done.

"We're going to YG?" I asked. "What for?"

"The only way you're ever going to know, is if you all go there."

"Are you being sarcastic on us right now?" I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you think? I won't lie, I'm really mad at you for what you've done."

"I'm sorry, Lee. Trust me, this isn't what I wanted."

"Well, sorry isn't going to help you in the next five minutes because Collins sent the chauffeur to come pick you up and you aren't ready yet."

"Gotta go," said Daniel as he and his older brother dashed out of the room.

Christine also ran out of the room in a panic. If there was one thing Collins didn't like, is us running late.

"I better go take a quick shower too," I stood up from the bed as I looked at Sam one last time.

"You'll also have to go with them, Ji Yong," said Lee.

"But what for?" he asked. "I want to be here when Sam wakes up."

"Unfortunately, your managers want BigBang, The Toxins, BlackPink and WINNER to all be there. So, I'm afraid you've to go and let Sam rest."

"But why do they all need us there for?" I asked.

"I'm not saying a word," said Lee. "I would have given you a hint but, I'm afraid I can't."

"Because of Sam?"

"Because you're standing there wasting time."

"Oh." I quickly dashed for the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

I'm not really sure how I was done getting ready within minutes, because I found myself downstairs in the lobby, heading for the entrance. As I passed through the front door, paparazzi flooded around me like a swarm of bees, capturing pictures.

These were the times I would sometimes pause for the camera. One thing I liked was getting attention and having my picture taken. I would even pause to have my good side taken. But today, I felt really different.

I felt irritated that they were around and trying to chase them away would seem rude. But that's why security guards were around for. Two guards appeared in front of me to create room, keeping the paparazzi away. I felt glad that I could finally breathe and walk up straight to the SUV. Now I knew how Sam felt.

"Looks like someone isn't in the mood for the spotlight today," said Christine as I sat next to her and closed the door.

"Don't make fun of me," I said as I rolled my eyes.

The driver started the car and drove out of the hotel premises. G-Dragon followed behind us in his own car and Lee remained behind to take care of Sam.

"It feels so weird that Sam isn't here," said Daniel in the back seat.

"Tell me about it," I said as I looked out of the window. "It feels like she's been away forever when it's only been a few minutes."

"I just wonder what Lee told Collins about Sam," said Mike who sat with his brother at the back.

"Do you think she might have told him the truth?" I asked, turning to look at Mike.

"She did sound serious that she had no idea how she was going to defend us. She might as well have told him the truth."

"I hope not." I turned to look in front again.

"If only Sam hadn't gone unconscious she would have at least made up something to explain the bruise on her head," said Christine. "Luckily it wasn't even that serious."

"But we made her fall unconscious." I looked at Christine. "Now that's serious. What if she wakes up and she has no idea of who she is?"

There was a long silent pause in the car and I could tell the others were now thinking of the dire consequences that might follow.

"Don't say such things," said Daniel. "It won't happen. Not to my sister. And you better stop thinking like that or else you will have us all worried."

"Besides, you and G-Dragon will be the ones to pay for it since you two came up with the idea in the first place," said Mike.

"Okay, okay," I said. "I shouldn't have brought that up since you're now attacking me again. Let's change the subject."

Again, there was silence. We were all trying to figure out what to talk about next and forget about what happened to Sam.

"Why do you think they need us at YG for?" Christine asked.

"I've no clue," I replied. "Calling in four groups means something is definitely going on."

"Wait, it's not only us they called to go there?" Mike asked.

"BigBang, BlackPink and WINNER," I answered.

"Mmmm, can it have something to do with BTW?" Daniel asked.

"Maybe," said Mike. "Makes perfect sense to me."

"But why bring in BigBang then?" I asked with my arms folded. "They are not part of BTW."

"Maybe they plan on bringing in BigBang in to it too," said Daniel.

"No way, that will completely change the name," said Christine. "It might as will be BBTW or B squared TW."

"B squared TW doesn't sound that bad," I said.

"Well, I doubt that," said Mike. "If there is anyone who wouldn't want to have our groups all put together, it's G-Dragon."

I winced. I totally forgot what he did to us after BTW went to the mall and made a name for ourselves. He almost got us into trouble. But hey, who could keep a grudge on G-Dragon? I know Sam can, but it was one that wouldn't last forever. She only had a mere hate for him which wasn't that serious.

"You're right," I said. "Maybe the managers have something else up their sleeves."

"Just like Lee said, there is only one way to find out," said Christine. "We're finally here."

The car drove through the open gate entering the parking lot. G-Dragon's car came in behind us. When the car had finally packed, I looked out the car window and who I saw standing by the entrance of the YG building, made me yelp.

"Collins' there," I announced to the others who were ready to get out of the car.

They all looked out the window and Collins just stood by the entrance with his arms folded. He had a serious look on his face. Were we that late or was he mad at us for some reason?

"He looks angry," said Mike. "Do you think he knows?"

"I don't know," I said as I shrugged my shoulders. "This is scary."

"We can't stay in the car forever," said Daniel. "It will look suspicious. We have already lasted thirty seconds in here."

"Ya, you're right. We better go."

I opened the car door and stepped out first. Christine followed behind, then the boys. G-Dragon was already out of his car and approaching Collins.

We also slowly started our approach, scared that Collins might just yell at us for what happened to Sam. He gave us a stern eye as we came closer. I for one was ready for the blow he was going to throw at us.

"You're here just in time," said Collins when we stopped in front of him. "Let's go. The others are waiting."

Collins went through the door and entered the lobby. I grew really confused and so were the others. I turned to look at G-Dragon right beside me and I bet he wasn't expecting this from Collins either.

"Are you coming or not?" Collins called out to us at the door. We all snapped out of it and quickly went through the door.

As we headed for the elevator, I couldn't help but look at Collins and wonder why he didn't seem angry. I know I'm not supposed to poke the bear when it's asleep, but I couldn't help but ask:

"Aren't you wondering why Sam isn't with us, Collins?"

We were by the elevator when I asked this question and Collins pressed the up button to summon the elevator. He turned to look at me.

"I know what happened to Sam," he replied.

"You....you do?" I gulped.

"Lee told me. But right now, we have a lot to focus on."

Collins faced the elevator again and I was shocked by his reply. Could it be that Lee lied to him about Sam's accident? Or was he acting all cool and calm and was going to deal with us later on?

I turned to the others who also had the same worried look as I had. Except G-Dragon. He seemed so calm amidst all the problems. I wish I was just like him. His calm composure somehow reminded me of Sam.

The elevator door opened in front of us and we all stepped in the elevator. We got off the elevator when the doors flew open again and we followed Collins down the hall. This is the same floor where we met our managers and G-Dragon in the boardroom last time.

Collins led us to the same boardroom. He opened the door to the room and we followed him as he got in first. We found all four members of BlackPink, WINNER and BigBang already settled round the table. Collins went to the other end of the round table to join Yang Hyun-suk.

"Glad you're all here," said Yang Hyun-suk. "Please, take a seat."

We all went for the empty chairs in front of us and settled down. I sat next to Rosé and I couldn't help the fact that she was staring at me. She wasn't the only one. Everyone else apart from our two managers were staring at us, The Toxins. That could only mean one thing.

They noticed that Sam's missing.

I was staring at the polished wooden table when I looked up and sitting across me from the table was Seunghoon. He threw me a look and mouthed out where Sam was. I didn't mouth out a word or give out a sign. I didn't know what to say.

Rosé was just about to whisper in my ear when Yang Hyun-suk spoke:

"Now that you're all here, it's best we get down to business. As you all know, we had an issue about BTW. The paperwork has already been set and in a few days, it's going to be official."

I smiled and Rosé beside beamed at me. The rest of WINNER and BlackPink also had excited looks on their faces. And so did the other Toxins despite the sad looks on our faces we had earlier.

"I bet you're all wondering when all this will happen," continued Yang Hyun-suk. "Well, it's going to happen a lot sooner than you think."

The rest of us started to look at each other at the table. I now felt like I was in a horror movie.

"The same day BigBang and The Toxin's song is released will be the same day BTW will made official and announced to the whole world."

"What?" G-Dragon and I asked at the same time. Since we sat close to each other, we ended up staring at each other too.

"I think he made it pretty clear," said Collins. "The day your song will be released is the day BTW will be made official."

"Sounds exciting," said Taeyang who sat across the table alongside Seunghoon. "This will definitely surprise the fans."

"Totally awesome," said Lisa.

Everyone else started to talk amongst themselves while I sat there and thought. As much as I felt really happy about this, I couldn't help but feel that something was missing.


I sighed. She would have been very happy to hear this. I felt really sad that she wasn't here to hear the news firsthand.

"Hey," came Rosé as she held my shoulder that brought me back down to earth. "You're usually the excited one, why aren't you happy upon hearing the news?"

What I could I tell her? That instead of feeling happy I almost killed my best friend this morning and left her unconscious? No way!

"I'm happy, I just have a little headache," I lied, as I tried to smile.

If there is one thing I totally sucked at, it's lying. Somehow, people would see beyond it and Rosé already gave me a questioning look.

"Are you sure? You seem fine but sad," she said.

"No, it's nothing serious," I said. "I'm fine."

"Where's Sam anyway? Is she alright?"

"Ummmm," I bit my lip as I thought of what to say next. Luckily, I was saved by the bell.

"Okay, I know we're all excited," said Yang Hyun-suk, capturing all our attention. "So, BTW and BigBang, you better organise yourselves. We're planning to have a special event that day so we better start getting ready now."

"Okay, but if the song is being released soon, why hasn't there been any teasers yet?" TOP asked.

Oh, right! The teasers. I forgot they do that here in Korea for their music videos. They always release teasers before the actual release date of the song.

"Don't worry about the teasers," said Collins. "The first one is coming out a lot sooner than you think."

"So, for the meantime," said Yang Hyun-suk, "you will meet with the organisers preparing the event. I hope you will all cooperate as planned. They will be here in a few minutes. We will leave you to it."

The two managers got up from their seats and made their way to the door. For some reason, I didn't want them to leave. Maybe it's because immediately they do, I was going to be fired with questions from the others concerning Sam's whereabouts.

When the managers left, I felt the air in the room suddenly change. Then.....

"Hey, where's Sam?" Seungri asked as he looked at me. "Wasn't she supposed to come along with you guys?"

I didn't say anything as I gulped. What was I going to say? That we left Sam unconscious back at the hotel? I had to think of something because the looks everyone had on their faces was only going to look worse when I tell them the truth.

I looked over at Christine who sat to G-Dragon's left. She was also looking back at me wondering what to do. I wish Sam was here. She would have known what to do, that's if she hadn't fallen unconscious.

"Aren't any of you going to say anything?" Seunghoon asked. "What happened to Sam?"

"Nothing," I spoke up looking at Seunghoon. "Sam's fine."

"Then why isn't she here?" Daesung asked. "Did something happen to her?"

"No," Christine and I replied at the same time.

"Then what's going on?" Lisa asked. "When you all came here, you had worried looks on your faces as though someone just died."

Upon mentioning death, there was a strong, cold silence in the room. I didn't like this feeling at all. I soon developed goosebumps.

"Okay, your silence is killing us," said Taeyang. "Zoey, tell us. Something happened to Sam that you aren't telling us. Is she okay?"

I bit my lip as I looked at Taeyang. I know he was asking me calmly to answer, but I couldn't. I felt everyone else was bound to tear my throat out if I spat out the truth.

"No, Sam isn't fine at all," said Daniel.

I suddenly turned to look at Daniel with a surprised look on my face. I wasn't the only one. G-Dragon, Christine and Mike all turned to look at him, also with surprised looks on their faces. Except from everyone else in the room who apparently grew worried.

"What happened? Did she fall ill?" Mino asked.

"She had a bad headache and wasn't feeling too well," Daniel replied. "That's why she stayed behind."

"Oh, you should have said so earlier," said Jisoo. "For a moment there, we all thought the worse had happened to her."

"You've no idea," I muttered, rubbing my temple.

"What did you say?" Rosé asked.

"I'm just sad that Sam isn't here," I said, after I cleared my throat.

"Why don't we all go and see her after all this is done?" Jennie suggested.

"No!" The four of us Toxins answered at the same time.

Everyone turned to look at us with suspicious looks on their faces. I noticed G-Dragon at the corner of his eye roll his eyes finding all of this ridiculous.

"Why not?" Seungyoon asked.

"I don't think Lee will like it if you all go there to see her," said Mike. "She needs Sam to rest a little more and that's why she is there taking care of her."

"But I don't think checking up on her would be that bad," said TOP. "We'll just go there and see how she's doing and that's it."

"Just like you, Zoey, we're all worried about Sam," said Rosé. "It will be great to see how she's doing."

I smiled but it wasn't genuine. I had to go with the flow or else I might just mess this up even further.

I nodded my head. "You're right," I said. "She will be happy to see you all."

"What do you think, GD?" Jinwoo asked. "You've been quiet the whole time."

Great! Now GD is going to get us into real trouble. I turned to look at him trying to give him a signal to at least say something that wouldn't get us into further trouble. I wondered what he was going to say since no one else knew that he was at the hotel this morning.

"Sorry, my head's in the clouds today," said G-Dragon. "But I think it's a good idea that we should all go and see Sam."

Well, this just got interesting. He is actually lying in everybody's faces. I saw the other Toxins give G-Dragon a surprising look. I bet they didn't expect him to lie at all.

I saw Taeyang give his best friend a questioning look. It was obvious he could smell that something fishy is going on. Well, if he though that way, his intuition was very much right. And that reminded of how Sam's intuition never failed her.

I wasn't ready for the next statement or question to be all about Sam, because so far, talking about her made me miss her a lot and also guilty because of the accident. Before anyone else could say anything concerning her, I changed the topic.

"So, when do you think the first teaser will be released?" I asked.

"Collins wasn't specific about the day, so, it could be any day from now," said Daesung.

"But a whole lot sooner," said Lisa.

"Well, I hope it's really soon," said Mike.

While everyone started talking about the teaser, I couldn't help but drift off into space. This usually never happens and I was actually surprised when I realised it seconds later. Where was my head at today? I am definitely not myself at the moment.

I looked at everyone around the table and they were all talking with smiles on their faces. For a moment, I felt like I was stuck in some kind of void where I felt all alone.

"Zoey, Zoey?"


"Okay, something is definitely wrong with you," came Rosé, who held my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

I wanted to shout out to the whole world that I wasn't fine at all but my phone started ringing.

"Hold on for a second," I told Rosé and took my phone out of the little strap purse I carried. When I looked at the caller ID, I quickly stood up from my chair in surprise.

"Zoey, are you okay?" Mino asked, but I ignored him as I quickly answered the call.

"Hello? Sam! Are you okay!"

"Arrgh! Dang it, Zoey! Not so loud! My head still aches," Sam complained over the other side of the phone.

"You remember my name!" I was completely overwhelmed that my eyes were almost filled with tears.

"Of course I remember your name. What do you think happened? That I lost my memory or something?"

"Well, da! I was actually worried. We all were. You could have died!"

Immediately I said that, I realised I just released a massive bombshell on everyone in the room. I quickly covered my mouth. It was already too late. Sam was right when she told me I had a big mouth a number of times.

The whole room grew quiet and all eyes fell on me. I looked at the Toxins and not only did they seem surprised like everyone else, they were pissed. And the look on G-Dragon's face was so hard to read that it felt scary.

"Anyway, I'm fine," Sam continued over the phone. "I woke up a couple of minutes ago."

"Okay," I said calmly as I slowly sat back down on my seat. I could still feel everyone's eyes on me because their stare felt like piercing needles.

"Are you okay? You don't sound fine at all, almost like me."

"I was just worried about you. Now that you're okay, I feel much better."

"Mmmm. Wait until Collins sees what you and G-Dragon did to me. You're in for it this time."

"Trust me, you don't know what I'm in because of this right now," I said as I looked up at everyone who still had their eyes on me. This time, they looked upset.

"Ya, I bet you're. I called you because you probably haven't been online."

"I'm impressed. You suddenly went online after so long."

"I'm always online, Zoey. I just don't like reading stuff about me all the time and you know that. Anyway, just called to tell you that the first teaser is out."

My eyes grew wide open with surprise. "For real?" I asked with so much excitement.

"It's was released on YouTube five minutes ago. I wanted to let you know because you guys have obviously been stuck in the meeting. Lee told me what will be going on today, so, no need to tell me about BTW."

"Okay, okay, um, can I call you back?" I asked jumping on my seat like my butt was on fire.

"Ya, sure, you're probably anxious. And maybe whatever trouble you're in will sort itself out with the teaser."

Sam cut the call and before I could tell the news to everyone, Seungyoon spoke up first.

"What going on, Zoey?" he asked. "A moment ago, you said Sam wasn't fine because of a headache. Now you were talking to Sam saying that she would've have died!"

I gulped. Yep. I am totally in for it now. As much as I was scared, I still wanted to tell the others about the teaser. Who knows? Sam might be right and the teaser might just save my neck.

"What do you've to say for yourself?" Taeyang asked.

"Guys, I know you're all mad at me," I started, "but there is something you should know."

"Yes, please tell us," said Seunghoon, who looked pretty upset than the rest of the others. "What really happened to Sam?"

I shook my head with my eyebrow raised. "What? I thought you were going to allow me to tell you what I had to say concerning something else."

"We want to know why you didn't tell us about Sam earlier," said Lisa. "Lying to us was completely not cool."

"I know, I know," I said impatiently. "But can we not talk about that. I've something to say."

I noticed Mino roll his eyes at me. "Really? What could be so important than Sam's health."

"Well, you just heard me talking to Sam right now and she's fine. She called to tell me something important."

"That can wait," said Seungri. "I want to know what happened and why she isn't here in the first place."

Everyone else apart from the Toxins and G-Dragon started muttering among themselves in agreement. Great! I felt like I just found myself in Wizard court and their final jugement would be that I'll turn into a frog and stay that way for the rest of my life.

"Listen people," I said. "I know lying to you all was wrong, but why are you all attacking me as though I was there alone? You should be asking the others instead."

"Why should they?" Mike asked as he looked at me. "It's not our fault that Sam fell unconscious."

Jennie gasped "What? She fell unconscious?"

"Great, Mike! You're making everything ten times worse," I said.

"This wouldn't be happening if you hadn't spat out the truth like that in the first place," said Christine.

"Really, now? I wasn't the one who lied to everyone in the first place that Sam had a bad headache."

"Don't look at me," said Daniel. "You would have done the same thing and would still have spat out the truth like you did just now."

I opened my mouth to lash back but stopped midway, contemplating over what Daniel had said.

"You might be right on that," I finally admitted.

"We're so sorry, everyone," said Mike. "We should have told you from the start what really happened to Sam."

"Ya, I'm the sorry one," said Zoey. "It's pretty much my fault that Sam fell unconscious. But it's GD's fault too."

I bet no one saw that coming. If I was going down, I was taking everyone involved with me. Even if it meant taking GD too.

"Really, Zoey?" G-Dragon turned to look at me with an annoyed look on his face.

"You also had a role to play in this like I did," I told him. "And mind you, she's pretty mad at the both of us so we better start writing an apology letter."

"Typical." G-Dragon rolled his eyes at me.

"You were also at the hotel?" Taeyang asked. "I knew something was up when I saw you five all walk in together. It felt a little weird that you all came at the same time."

Yep, Taeyang's spidey senses were tingling all along. I felt proud of myself that I knew that he knew that something fishy was going on.

"Things like that happen sometimes," said Daniel. "Some people can't really tell anyway."

"Now will someone please tell us what really happened to Sam?" TOP asked. This time he was looking at G-Dragon and I.

This was going to be tricky. I can't tell them all that happened. Instead of being at mad at both G-Dragon and I, everyone will mostly get mad at me instead. Now didn't feel like the best time to tell them. So, I played out the tramp card.

"The teaser for the music video is out," I said.

TOP gave me a confused look. "What?"

"Wait a minute, the teaser is already out?" G-Dragon asked also with a confused look on his face.

"Daaa, that's what I've been trying to tell you guys," I said. "It's the reason why Sam called tell me."

"You're lying," said Lisa. "How can we possibly believe you after you lied to us about Sam?"

"Look, you can take it leave it or leave it, but one thing's for sure, Sam wouldn't lie about something this important." I stared up at the ceiling. "That's if she's trying to mess with me because the bump on her head was pretty serious."

"She hit her head?" Jinwoo asked sounding surprised.

"Why don't we all check out the teaser?" Christine suggested as she drew out her phone from her purse.

Everyone else did the same. I went back to looking at my own phone and went straight to YouTube. What I saw on the home page at the top of the list was the teaser. Sam was right all along. The teaser had been released.

Everyone watched the one minute video teaser and it seemed they all liked it. I also did too. Soon we were all talking about how the actual music video was going to turn out and that kept us occupied as we waited for the organisers to arrive.

With the sudden change in the atmosphere, it felt like I hadn't been in the interrogation room I was in a few minutes ago. I felt relieved when I saw everyone looking happy, forgotten that they were ever mad at us for lying.

Whenever I always get into trouble, somehow Sam always finds a way of getting me out of it. I might be in a lot of trouble with her and Collins when I get back to the hotel, but facing them was the least of my worries. Right now, I was happy that Sam was okay and the first teaser of our music video was out. And also that none of my friends were not mad at me at the moment.

It's somehow surprising how Sam could be so right at times, even when you think it might not go exactly the way she predicted it. She did say the teaser might just get me out of the trouble I was in at the time.

And it really did.