
Chapter 140: Cold hearted

As he shadowed the Vel'ryr soldier, the soldier's fear became more evident. He glanced nervously over his shoulder, his hand hovering near his weapon. Dante seemed to sense his unease but offered no words of reassurance. Instead, he continued to examine the personal palace with a quiet intensity. The hallways they traversed were grand in their opulence. The walls were adorned with a multitude of paintings, some depicting former emperors and warriors of renown. The floors were made of polished marble, reflecting all light from the towering chandeliers that hung from the ceiling.

The palace was also filled with an array of sounds: the soft hum of advanced machinery, the gentle tinkling of fountains, and the distant murmur of conversations unseen. The air was heavy with the scent of metal. In one corner of the hall, a massive holographic display depicted a map of the kingdom, its cities and towns shimmering with vibrant colors. They passed an open door where an apparent group of scholars sat at a long, ornately carved table, their heads bent over tablets with holographic screens.

("Such vast technology, wasted on them,") he mused internally as they turned a corner, passing more soldiers who gave them a passing glance of unease. ("Misbegotten they are, but most of all, the emperor of Vel'ryr is full of greed. Having a weapon such as Selwyn at his disposal makes satisfying that greed all the easier.") The very idea solidified Rhiannon's views, he'd admit. ("Peace is ever fleeting in the world, with Vel'ryr constantly subjugating those weaker than them, it will not be long before they get serious in conquering nations much larger.")

("But greed is an inherited trait to all, some have it worse than others. Even so, if Vel'ryr continues with their misbegotten intent, then I shall be rid of them in due time. That is if this is not a farce,") he reasoned, but he stopped his internal musings as a figure approached them.

"P-princess Amaury?" The soldier guiding him noted, quickly taking a knee as the aforementioned princess came to a stop in front of them. "I did not expect you to be at Mistress Anuran's palace," the soldier voiced his surprise.

"Arise," she stated. "My sister merely wanted more assistance with Paradigm Rebirth." She revealed. It was odd. Who would think a princess would make a mere soldier privy to her intentions? Amaury's ruby eyes immediately latched onto the form of Dante. "And who would this be? He reeks of mana, so clearly not one of our own," she narrowed her eyes.

Rising to his feet, the soldier quickly clarified. "A-ah, this is Dante of Verdantis. Mistress Anuran wished an audience with him to discuss a peace treaty of sorts," he explained.

"Dante," the fourth princess tested the name on her lips before recognition hit. "Ah, an Inheritor, not as well-known to average folk as your brethren, but I recognize your name." She folded her arms beneath her chest. "You are also solely responsible for destroying quite a few outposts of ours."

"Your nation has made a bother of itself," the soldier regarded him with an incredulous stare. "As suc-"

"I wanted to thank you for that," Amaury interrupted.

"P-princess?" The soldier questioned.

Dante's expression remained hidden, whether he was confused or unbothered, no one could tell. "I see," he settled for two simple words.

"I will not keep you from my sister any longer, but a word of advice: she can be quite the difficult individual," Amaury started. "When there is something she wants, there is nothing she would not do to gain it. Furthermore, she had the most outposts in Verdantis. As such, she has no doubt taken an interest in you."

"I see, then I will heed your words." Amaury gave a nod as she passed by, the soldier giving one last bow. "Move on." The soldier slightly jumped at the order but obliged.

Passing more extravagant rooms and paintings, it did not take them long to reach two large, sleek black doors. Adorning the door was a myriad of red, illuminating the hallways. "Mistress Anuran is beyond, y-you shall have to treat her with the ut-"

Dante ignored the soldier as he approached the doors, the mammoths automatically but slowly parting as he entered a vast and expansive chamber. Its towering, vaulted ceiling was decorated with detailed mosaics and frescoes. The walls were lined with tapestries made from threads of gold and silver, the bright colors clashing with the sleek, metallic surfaces of the control panels that were seamlessly integrated into the stonework.

The chamber was bathed in a soft glow, illuminated by holographic chandeliers that cast patterns of light across the marble floor. Against the wall, a myriad of Vel'ryr soldiers kneeled as they lined up against one another. He could see for whom, in the center of the chamber stood a massive, ornately carved throne, its seat cushions upholstered in the finest velvet. And there she sat, a Vel'ryr soldier on his hands and knees before her, while her legs were poised on his back leisurely.

She was a figure of immense beauty, a face with no imperfections. High cheekbones and a slender nose, lush eyelashes framed her deep red eyes that contrasted her dark and neatly styled hair. Her attire spoke of her status, a black dress seemingly made from the most expensive of materials, red decorated the center where her ample cleavage was on full display.

Anuran regarded him with a deep stare as a smile curled onto her kissable lips. She looked at him as though she were attempting to dissect his very being, to metaphorically peel back his armored layer.

"Apologies for the display," she voiced in a sultry tone. "See, the soldier spoke ill of me, and I am quite the sensitive lady," she defended in a show of mockery. She slowly and deliberately stood up from her throne, taking a few steps she planted her heel into the soldier's hand.

"Gah!" He bit down on a scream as she twisted her foot.

"He spoke how I was naught but a naïve woman who should not have been given control over an army," Anuran made a look of mock hurt. "Such words wound me, you know? Now what does this doggy have to say?"

"I-I, argh!" He tried to speak, but she increased the pressure.

"Never mind, your voice has become grating on the ears, and such a shameful display. In front of a prized guest no less. Tsk, tsk." She shook her head before finally removing her heel from his hand. He immediately clutched it in pain, though it seems that this was the least of his worries. Her left leg moved in a blur, violently crashing into the soldier's face, fragments of his broken helmet flying along with his teeth as his body took to the sky. Though the journey was ended shortly as he crashed against a nearby wall hard enough to form large spiderweb cracks as his body bounced off the wall before crumbling to the floor. Though his face was grotesquely caved in, a broken nose with blood decorating his face, he was still taking shallow breaths.

Dante watched the scene unmoved, the Von Auerswalds were as merciless as they were insane. They all had their own agendas despite being of the same blood, though that would prove to be their eventual downfall. Selwyn, Anuran, and Avice, they seemed to embody most of the 'parasites' that plague the realm. They were a greedy few and ambitious, he wanted to be rid of someone like Selwyn at the very least.

Yet his goal was not to play hero. Selwyn was a man of the present. And his own goal only sought to preserve the present from threats of those lost in the past. He was no saint, he would admit, but he had the strength, and if need be, he would preserve the realm from present threats as well.

"Once more, my most humbling apologies that you have to witness such a thing," she strutted his way, an intentional sway in her hips as she closed the distance, standing taller than him. She raised her left hand to offer. "As you know, I am Anuran Von Auerswald, a pleasure, Dante of Verdantis." She introduced with a smile.

Dante merely stared at her hand, saying nothing. With some measure of disappointment, the third princess retracted her hand. Her smile pressed on, however, as she placed a hand on her hip.

"I do not intend to waste time here any more than just the needed amount," Dante bluntly said. "Your men spoke of a peace treaty, explain." He cut right to the heart of the matter, she did not seem to mind that one bit.

"But of course, but this room has grown quite stuffy," she uttered out as she began to move past him, gesturing for him to follow. He complied as they exited the palace throne room, leaving behind the myriad of soldiers. "I did not think someone like you would have accepted my invitation, you know?" She started as they entered the vast hallways, walking alongside a path he followed her silently.

"I have not come here for idle conversation," he clarified bluntly, yet her expression had not changed from the sly smile adorning it.

"My, how brash," she chuckled slightly as they came to a stop at what looked like doors, though there were no handles and it was sleek black metal in design. A panel to the side of it was swiftly operated by Anuran, and the doors smoothly slid open. "This way," she guided as a small room came into view, to him at least. Only able to fit five people max, though he complied as they entered, the doors automatically closing.

"Hm?" But then the room started moving, upwards, controlled by unseen mechanisms. Vel'ryr truly was filled with a blur of confusion, he could not ponder on the matter as the room quickly stopped moving, the doors sliding open once more as a new view came into existence. Anuran stepped out first onto what Dante had quickly noted was the roof of her palace. It stretched high into the sky, yet it was bland in design. No intricacies whatsoever, but the large moon looming overhead made the view more ethereal.

Anuran clasped her hands behind her back as she watched the moon. "I find the moon a vibrant and relaxing sight in this metropolis filled with machinery," she mused. "I always feel quite in tune with it, as though the moon hears my pleas and woes." 

"To the point."

"Yes, yes, my apologies." She smirked, twirling on her heel to face him. "It's just that," she closed the distance between them, leaning in much too close. "I find such individuals like you so fascinating," she stated. "It is due to that I extended this offer. I deeply apologize for Vel'ryr's wrongdoings in Verdantis." If there was ever a more insincere apology. "To show my sincerity, I will withdraw all troops stationed in Verdantis. If that is not satisfactory, then I even offer my own body as compensation," her smile almost widened.

"Not interested in the latter part, keep by your word of removing those few stationed there and have them free any prisoners," he replied disinterestedly.

"Ah, a shame, but it cannot be helped," she voiced with some disappointment. Yet still, Dante found the situation to be an odd one. Vel'ryr was a prideful nation ever scheming, he could not help but ponder that there was more to this. At the very least, he was not going to take Anuran's words for it, there was clearly more at play. "You must think I've an ulterior motive," she deduced, going back to gazing at the moon.

"I do," he soundly admitted.

"I do like a man with honesty," she joked. "But see, there is a simple reason. Among my family, I also have ambitions much like them. There is one sound difference, I am a realist, we only lose men stationed in Verdantis. Besides, I've never been fond of experimentation that goes about harnessing the mana of others, nay, that is more Avice's ambition."

"Yet only now you choose to do something about it," Dante reminded as he folded his arms beneath his cape. "I do not care to play games of blame, but you Von Auerswald's are beginning to make yourselves a threat..." He did not need to follow up with a threat. "Once the festival is done with, war will break out once again, to Verdantis Vel'ryr has already crossed the line. Even with you agreeing to this temporary peace treaty, the damage is already done."

"Indeed, a shame. We've known peace for too long," her expression betrayed her words, she did not seem the least bit worried. "But as you said, it's much too late now, but either way, I wish to expand this offer all the same."

Dante merely grunted in acknowledgment at the unofficial peace treaty as he walked past her, stopping at the edge of the palace roof. "Make no mistake, descendant of the dragons, I've no trust in you. Should I see a hint of you going back on your word, well, Vel'ryr will no longer be the mighty and advanced nation it was once," he stated and then in the next moment, his body blurred and disappeared with such force he left a crater where he stood.

"What an interesting man."