
A Journey To The Darkness

It is always a mystery. We never know about the hidden worlds. Once we get into it, there's no going back. But if you got what it takes, you are the hero. But mysteries sometimes beautiful as mysteries...

bongbong_2001 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 3

My parents were not afraid to let me spend time with Mrs. Alan because she was a good lady and she was wise. I liked her wisdom when she taught me such things which she had read from books. She used to describe about her childhood which was same as mine. The best thing about her is her talent in cooking. She cooks something special and tasty every day such as pies, sweet pastries, cup cakes and much more.

So I had Max as a friend. Only Max! I didn't want to show him that he is my favorite boy but maybe he knew that I like him. But I didn't care. He was my only friend so I didn't want to lose him. Sometimes we studied together in my home and I went his home too. My parents liked him too as he was an honest, kind and a polite boy too. But he never asked me to sit next to him before. Maybe he understood that I'm in a trouble.

He asked me time to time whether I was ok. I repeated the same answer saying "yes I'm ok Max." I was impatient as I wanted to go home and start reading the book. I was too much nervous in the class and I knew that the teacher noticed my nervousness. After the class teacher asked me to wait and talk with her for a moment and I had to stay. Max didn't leave me I saw that he was waiting for me outside the class and all the girls went out laughing at me. I didn't care for them.

Teacher started talking to me. She asked whether I was in a problem. And I said no and she stared at me for a moment. I didn't want to tell her what was in my heart but I don't know how it came out of my mouth whatever I said "What is wrong with your ugly face?" to the teacher and suddenly her face turned into red and I knew that it was my end. But unfortunately her face calmed down. She looked at me and asked, "Shalie I know you are not a bad girl and you never talk that way even with Max, hope you are ok." And she told me that she will come and drop me to my home and I rejected saying that I'm going with Max. Then she accepted and let me go. Max asked me what happened with the teacher and I describe him the whole story and he laughed and I didn't agree with his laugh and he noticed that I'm angry. And we walked towards my home and I was waiting to read the book so I said bye to Max and turned to go to my room in a hurry. Unfortunately my mom came and asked Max to have lunch together with us. I wanted to reject that idea but mom didn't let me speak. I wanted to pull my hair out. I was waiting to read the book nearly for six hours but my mom's crazy works always make me mad.