
A Journey To The Darkness

It is always a mystery. We never know about the hidden worlds. Once we get into it, there's no going back. But if you got what it takes, you are the hero. But mysteries sometimes beautiful as mysteries...

bongbong_2001 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 23

We wanted to go back to our homes but it wasn't easy to say good bye. We hugged Morgan and Beth as well as Jingle. Jingle even cried, saying, "Thank you Shalie for giving me a good friend." I gave him a smile and get back to the place where Max and Lisa were standing.

"Hold one another's hands." Morgan told us. We held one other's hands including Edward and I closed my eyes. And after a second when I opened my eyes I was in my home, in my room.

I rushed towards the living room, but no one was there. Then I ran to my parent's room. There I saw my mother was sitting on a chair and she was crying. As soon as I saw her face I realized that she had spent all the time crying.

My mother saw me and she ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

"My darling, where have you been all these past days? We did everything we could to find you." She said.

"Don't worry mommy, I'm here now. I promise I will never leave you again." I said.

After few minutes passed my father and sister came and both did the same as my mother did.

I felt like back to my sense. Everything that happened was a dream to me. I did not try to describe it to my parents as I knew they are not going to believe me.

Morgan and Beth ruled the forbidden world. All the villagers had the chance of owning a peaceful life. Morgan let Jingle go to his own habitat but he didn't leave Morgan forever. He often came to see Morgan and Beth. The forbidden world is peaceful forever and now the forbidden world is forbidden forever.

After few days I went to school. There I met Max and Lisa. They had had the same experience at home just like me.

That day evening I went to the library with Max and Lisa. Ms. Alan had come back.

"How was your journey to the darkness?" she asked from us. We smiled but did not answer her question. I knew there's no need to tell her the whole story.

I walked inside the library with Max and Lisa. Then I saw a book that looked quite interesting. Then I took it to my hand to see what it was. Max and Lisa too came to see whether the book is a good one.

The title of the book was, "A JOURNEY TO THE DEEP OCEAN"

"No way!" Max said with a laugh. Lisa and I couldn't help laughing too. It wasn't the end!

We look one another's faces. All of our faces are full of curiosity and anxiousness. All was looking at the book with a serious mood. However we are ready to face anything. But the curiosity is still in our hearts. Although we are brave, inside all three of us there is a fear too because, we don't know what is going to happen.

Though it was a journey to the darkness, it didn't felt the same. It wasn't dark at all.

It was the best Journey ever. And we had already received the invitation for the next journey! Will it be this much adventurous?