
A Journey To The Darkness

It is always a mystery. We never know about the hidden worlds. Once we get into it, there's no going back. But if you got what it takes, you are the hero. But mysteries sometimes beautiful as mysteries...

bongbong_2001 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 16

Instead of running we had to walk towards granny's house as thieves. Edward waited in the woods for us. But he was ready to come to us and help if we need him. And I knew he will never hesitate to come and help us. The village looked calm though people looked different as Edward said. It felt like we were thieves. Hiding behind the houses finally we reached granny's house. We could see what was going on inside the house through a hollow of wooden plank. I looked inside the house using one of my eyes. I could see Alicia also inside granny's house. I saw that they were sitting facing each other.

"Max, Alicia is there too. I don't know what they are going to do." I said to Max. Then Max looked inside the house too. After looking inside he looked at my face. I realized that he is puzzled just like me. We could not understand what was going on. We did not hear even a word from the house. Alicia and granny were looking at each other's faces continuously. We were standing in the back side of granny's house. Suddenly we heard that someone was coming towards granny's house. There we couldn't find a place to hide. So we sat on the floor because we thought because of the darkness they won't see us. And it happened as we wanted to. All three of us were trembling.

"Hey, look! Alicia is cooking something." Lisa said.

Then Max and I looked inside the house. Then we saw Alicia was cooking.

"She is cooking granny's dinner for sure." I said. Max also agreed with me.

"All we have to do is to put one of the gems into it!" I said with large eyes.

It was easy of us to put the gem into the pot, because there was a window in front of the fire. I decided to go and put it into the pot although Max volunteered. I wanted to end what I started.


While these things were going on, Morgan was planning to invade the village with her mysterious creatures. Her most important intention was to kill Max, Lisa and I. But in the other hand, she was afraid of us. But she did not show it.

"Jingle, we are going to rule the worlds!" Morgan said to Jingle.

Still Morgan was thinking that Lisa, Max and I were in the cage. She did not know that Jingle had let them escape or she even did not know that they were planning to stop her.

"My lord, don't do this. They are innocent people!" Jingle said to Morgan.

"What? Have you gone mad? I've been waiting so long for this. Wait why are you talking this way? Something's wrong. I want to see those children right now. Come with me Jingle." Morgan said to Jingle. She had suddenly felt curious about Jingle's words and his behavior.

Jingle followed Morgan to the prison cave. Morgan started screaming loud after seeing the empty cages. Jingle was trembling. He did not have the ability of attacking Morgan as she was a powerful witch and also she had reduced his power.


I walked toward the window. I just had to walk few more steps onwards. Although I wanted to do it, I had a fear in my heart. I reached the window. It was already open. I peeked from the window. Alicia was few steps away from the fire. I took one of the gem-like stones to my hand and put it into the pot which was hung over the fire. Though I was sure that the stones were going to work, I was nervous and curious. After putting a stone to the pot I went back to the place where Max and Lisa were waiting.

"Okay, it's done. Now we have to wait." I said.

"But how can we know whether she ate it or not?" Lisa asked. We looked one another's faces.

"First let's go back to Edward. Maybe we can know something from him." I replied.

Then we walked back to Edward in the same way we went there. My heart started pounding fast when I saw someone walking past us. Within nearly ten or fifteen minutes we went back to Edward. He was sitting under a tree and was watching us.

"Edward, we put a stone into granny's diner. How to find out when she eat it? Do you know?" Max asked from Edward.

"It's simple. We have to wait until she eats it. Then we can go there and talk to her." Edward said. But we did not understand what he meant. However we did not ask any other questions.