
A Journey To The Darkness

It is always a mystery. We never know about the hidden worlds. Once we get into it, there's no going back. But if you got what it takes, you are the hero. But mysteries sometimes beautiful as mysteries...

bongbong_2001 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 15

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of us. It was about eight feet tall with broader shoulders. Actually the figure looked like a giant. A giant figure was standing in front of us. Morgan's mysterious creatures were making matters worse. We could not see its face because of the darkness. But after it walked few steps towards us, we were able to see the face more clearly. Its body was covered by hair.

Lisa moaned against the fear as the creature looked scary. Even Max was scared.

"Don't panic children. I won't harm you." The creature talked.

We were surprised. Any of us couldn't talk.

"Ca… can y..you talk?" Max asked from the creature. He could barely speak a few words.

"Yes, I was a human like you before I come here. That witch turned me into an ugly animal." It replied.

"Woah, did you come from the same world like us?" Max asked.

"Yes, I'm not alone here. There are hundreds of people like me. We all are stuck here. You are our savior! We were waiting for you for more than ten years." The creature said looking at me.

We were still stoned in the same place. Max, Lisa or I was not able to move. The fear had stoned us. But the temperature was still increasing.

"Shalie, you are Shalie. Am I correct? I came here to serve you. It's not just me. All my friends are waiting for your command." The creature said.

"What? But how you are going to help me?" I asked.

"We know what to do. Now you are going back to the village, aren't you?" it said.

"Yes but how you know about it?" I asked as I was puzzled.

"Jingle told me. He told me everything. Actually few hours ago he came to our habitat and talked to us." It said.

"Oh, so can you come to the village? With us?" Max asked.

"No, I can't enter the village. But I will guard you. Shalie you shouldn't touch anything at old granny's place. She is under a spell of Morgan. In the first time, she was not that much affected. But now the situation is quite different. You have to be careful." It said.

"Hey, Mr. … how can we call you?" Max asked.

"I'm sorry. I'm Edward. We must go now. The temperature is increasing every second." The creature said.

"Yes, let's go. But do you know what is happening? Why the temperature is increasing?" I asked from Edward.

"Tomorrow is the full moon. And the spell that old granny used to protect the village, its lifespan is over. That's the reason for the change of the temperature. Morgan has already made plans to get the village under her control. If it happens both the worlds have to face Morgan's wicked magic. She will end up turning all the living beings into mysterious creatures like me." Edward replied.

"Wait, did you come to see us before Jingle ask you to?" Max suddenly asked.

"Ah, you realized, haven't you? I was following you. All of us want you to be safe. So I volunteered to protect you. But I failed to save this little girl from that sparkling spider. I couldn't get closer to you. I was afraid you will be afraid after seeing me and regret to have my security and help." Edward said.

"Oh my goodness! You are unbelievable. You should have talked to us instead of scaring us." Max said. I felt like we're being rude on him in a way.

"Max, stop talking to him that way! He's here to help us." I whispered to Max.

"Let's go and thank you so much for protecting us. If you weren't there for us, we shouldn't come this further." I said to Edward.

"Oh no, you are a great child." Edward replied to me. After the conversation, we started walking towards the village again. After a while we could see the fire torches from the village.

"We're here. Let's go. We're almost late." Lisa said.

"No no, children. It's dangerous. It's not the same as your first visit to the village. People might have changed. Their behavior and even their feelings start to change within the fading of the magic of granny. We have to be more careful" Edward said avoiding us from running towards the village.