
A Journey To The Darkness

It is always a mystery. We never know about the hidden worlds. Once we get into it, there's no going back. But if you got what it takes, you are the hero. But mysteries sometimes beautiful as mysteries...

bongbong_2001 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 11

A lady walked towards us and asked whether we need help. At once without talking even a word max asked, "Can we have something to eat?" The lady gave us a warm smile as well as a warm welcome. She took us to her house and offered us milk, bread, cheese and jam. Max started eating greedily. Lisa and I stared at him for a while and did the same as Max did. It was a great meal as we were starving. Any of us did not talk even a word with the lady or we did not even look at her. However she had understood our situation so she was silently looking at us. After we finish everything on the table the lady started talking.

"Well you are you? I am sure that you had a bad time here." said the lady.

Then we started talking, we described what happened to us for the lady. She was not surprised as she had seen lost people before who were gotten into a trouble by Morgan. Her name was Alicia. And she was a kind lady who had two children and her husband was dead after eating kind of a poisonous mushroom. However she was living a happy life with her children. All of the people did farming as their occupation and they shared the harvest with their neighbors.

We came out of the house after Alicia agreed to take us to the old granny. It was a beautiful village. Everywhere was green with different kinds of trees. I loved the surrounding so much. I did not even want to leave the village. I remembered the tree that I used enjoy the shade of it while reading a book. It was not only for me but also for Max and Lisa. On our way to old granny's home, Alicia told us about the people in the village. All of them were living freely. But it was just for three days. We did not understand what she said. Finally we reached old granny's home. We all were curious about what the old granny is going to say. Alicia asked us to wait outside until she calls us in. We did as she said. After a while Alicia came out and asked us to come in. the house was attractive though it was too small. A simple house made of wood. It was a great place for a person to live a free and happy life.

She was not too old. Old granny was nearly about sixty five years old with short curly hair which had turned to gray. She was short. However she was a pleasant person. The old granny gave us a warm welcome. After she asked us to sit down on the floor she sat down in front of us. There was a wooden table between the old granny and us as a barrier and started talking.

"Do you have the book?" asked granny. Then we showed her the book and took it to her hands. She started turning pages. After a while tears came out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry my children! I'm sorry!" the granny said with teary eyes. We had no idea what was happening or what granny was talking about.

"What are you talking about granny? Why are you saying sorry? We don't understand anything." I said.

"I'm the reason for these things. I helped her to create this book. I did not know that she was this cruel. She told me that she wants to help people. That's why I helped her to create the book." said the old granny.

We could not believe what the old granny was talking about. She was the good witch!

"Are you the good witch?" Lisa asked.

"Yes my dear." said granny with a smile.

"Can you tell us how Morgan is still young? And how you are old?" asked Max. It was a stupid question. But it wasn't the same to granny.

"Aha! Witches do not grow older .After creating that book she took my powers. That's why she is young and I am old." said granny.

"Oh we're sorry!" said Max.

"That's alright children! Now you have to listen to me carefully. The only way to stop these things is to destroy the book. You must do this. You are our last hope. Shalie you are the only one who can destroy the book. In this journey both Max and Lisa are important. You will find out how you are going to be important. First you all have to reach the Mountain of Hope. There are fifteen dark caves on the mountain. You will find Morgan's cave. You will see the eternal fire there. You have to burn the book from that fire. Then the all the curses will be over." said granny.

"Oh, we must do it. We promise you!" said Max.

"But why Alicia said that there are only three days left?" I asked.

"Oh did she tell something like that? Our safety depends on your hands. Few years ago I came to this village. These people were very nice to me and I helped them as I could. Their kindness and helpfulness made me care for them more. That time Morgan was not cruel. She was pretending that she is kind. I did not know about her cruelness. Because of these peoples' good qualities, I gave all of them a power to be safe from cruel magical powers. At that time it was all I could do. But the spell is getting weak day by day just like Me." said granny in a sad voice.

"Don't worry granny, we're going to save you all. Do you know any weakness of Morgan?" I asked.

"Oh yes, her weakness is mirrors. If she sees her own reflection from a mirror, you can weaken her powers. That's why the people in this village do not use mirrors. This world is under control of Morgan. So we have to live according to Morgan's rules." said granny.

"Oh really? That's awesome. Then where can we find some mirrors?" asked Lisa.

Then granny stood and she went inside the room and she came out with a black colored bag and said, "Here children, you can have two of these."

"But we need three." said Max.

"Lisa and you can use mirrors. Shalie do not need a mirror, Morgan cannot use her magic against Shalie. Because you are the chosen one!" said granny. But we were not surprised as the dark shadow told about this when we were in the graveyard.

"Alright then, thank you so much for giving us these and for helping us!" Lisa said. And we stood to start our journey after taking the book. Alicia packed us some food. After taking the parcel we started our journey again. We said bye to Alicia and granny. I knew that they believed that I was their last hope. And I determined to do this from the deepest place of my heart.