
A Journey To The Darkness

It is always a mystery. We never know about the hidden worlds. Once we get into it, there's no going back. But if you got what it takes, you are the hero. But mysteries sometimes beautiful as mysteries...

bongbong_2001 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 10

A feeling of bravery mixed with enthusiasm and a bit of fear came to my heart. Max and Lisa recognized my situation and I did not want to talk about it. So I went away from the graveyard. It's walking again until we find the village and old granny. We did not have even a photo of old granny or we did not know how she looked like. But I thought that it might be easy to recognize her. Because according to what the shadow said, she was a special lady in the village and all the people had a great belief on her.

It seems to be the next test but it was quiet unbelievable as, it was the way to destroy Morgan's magic. Anyhow now we have to do this. The real adventure of our journey was about to start. I never dreamed of having such experience in my life. But I was happy as well as guilty of bringing Max and Lisa for this world and curious about what's going to happen next.

It was my turn to read the book. After taking it from Max's hand I turned the page and started reading. This time it was difficult to read the book as the letters started to move around the book. I got shocked and asked Max and Lisa to look at the book. However the letters made two words and all the letters stopped moving. The book wanted to tell us something. The word was "OLD GRANNY"

"This is impossible! How could it be?" said Lisa surprisingly.

We all looked at each other's faces.

"No way! This cannot happen. The spirit asked to find old granny and end this. But how the book says something about old granny? Is this book is made by Morgan she will never include any information about her. Old granny is the key to destroy Morgan." I said

"We cannot decide anything this easy. First read this page. Maybe we could find something" said Max. He was correct. And the book had two parts. The first part was from Morgan and the next part was written by someone else. We were sure that it was not Morgan. It was the good witch. There wasn't a name the only information about the good witch was her name, "GOOD WITCH" It seemed complicated.

The page was all about how Morgan made the book. She had created the book with the help of another witch. She was not a cruel one. Morgan was selfish and she had used the good witch to fulfill Morgan's needs. Morgan was not able to create the whole book. So she had taken the help of the good witch showing a friendly face. As the witches created the book together the book finally created with two parts in it. One part for Morgan and the other for the good witch. The good witch included the information in the book to help the people who fall into a trouble because of the book.

"This is weird!" I said. No one replied to me. Nothing happened other than looking at each other's faces.

After passing few miles we found the village. We were too much tired. And we did not have a satisfying meal for two days. So first three of us searched for something to eat.

"We are here now there's nothing to worry. I beg you Shalie, let's find something to eat." said Max.

Both Lisa and I agreed to him and, walked ahead. The village looked so old. It was filled with people. They were living happily. It was a prosperous village. In minutes we understood that we were strangers to them according to how they looked at us. I felt that this would happen to us in the beginning. All the people were wearing clothes that we have never seen before. I have seen this kind of people in movies. Max and Lisa had the same idea as me. They were looking at us as if we were strangers.