
The end, the beginning

"What do you think you're doing you stupid girl?", shouted Becca Ranean's aunt." Ranean looked at her aunt like she had grown a second head. She had had enough with her aunt and cousin's shouting every morning. 'What do people do in the morning?' She shouted in her thoughts." Am talking to you bitch," her aunt shouted in anger. Ranean loved peace of mind but her aunt was a mind reckeer ,she thought. "Going out," Ranean answered. "You ungrateful bitch, you should go look for work!!!," her aunt kept shouting while Ranean walked out on her, "don't you come back here you brat without money you ungrateful bitch," her aunt kept on shouting. ' But you eat what I make, my earning who's ungrateful?," Ranean thought while moving.

Ranean has always had it hard in life. She lost her mom at 9 years and was taken in by her aunt who had no choice because she was her only relative. Her aunt had always seen her as a burden. She had always tried to fit in but no one wanted her to, so she gave up on every concern and decided to try surviving.

She had no friends but her self. It was always lonely since she lost her mom. Her cousin Isabelle made sure she had no relationship or friend by spreading false rumors about her. It hurt her in the beginning but she learnt to live with hurt, pain loneliness, sadness to a point she couldn't feel it any more.

Her best wish was death. Every time she prayed, she prayed to die. Until one 'lucky day', she was knocked down by a speeding car.

'Oh finally am going to die, but why, can't I at least live a good life,' she cried in fright but it was too late to go back.

"Where am i?" Ranean asked while looking around, " anyone , hello!!!??!!", she shouted in fright. "Am I in hell, oh no why me, why ----". " Ranean, you're not in hell but the in between," a voice spoke to calm her but instead it made her more worried. "Oh--- and whe--where i--is that, who are you," she stammered in fright.

"Well its where unsettled souls get stuck for eternity, but you're lucky, or let's say your not, cause for your ungrateful heart that kept and still blames heaven for you misfortune, we've decided,---," Ranean intervened," who have decided, and why can't I see any one but here voices, am dead right?" Ranean asked in pure nervousness.

"As I was saying before you cut me off, we've decided that you are to live three times, and you'll have to make it a live all three times, then heaven wiil grant you the perfect life you crave for," the voice said.