
Mistveil Swamp

As the group entered the bedroom, they all piled onto the bed. Archer instructed the girls to leave one side of the bed vacant.

With Hecate in mind, Archer conjured an image of her and snapped his fingers.

Instantly, the girls ceased their chatter, turning their attention toward him, waiting. After a brief moment, the bewildered moon elf materialized on his lap.

Looking around in confusion, Hecate then directed her gaze toward Archer, "How did you manage that?" She inquired.

Archer returned the smile, proceeding to explain that he could accomplish such feats within his domain. Hecate nodded in comprehension.

Crawling over to his side, Hecate embraced him in a hug. Sera nestled on his chest, while Nefertiti settled on his other side after triumphing over the other three girls to secure a spot.

Teuila and Ella claimed the lower part of the bed, Hemera curling into a ball and using his leg as a cushion.