
A journey of a young dectetive

A girl Keiko travels back in time with powers to see a politician being murdered she decided to solve it but something happens to the girl which makes her a hero. Then soon gets betrayed by her friend and then Keiko soon finds someone who can help her and they both try to solve the mystery, but then something both happens to them and they fade into a new realm. Where they both find that the city they lived was gone and soon find a way out of that realm. Finally, some years pass by and something to Keiko while she was in labour and she passes away but the story continues from her son's perspective as another murder strikes again.

Kellytan_11 · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

The truth

Keiko sets off to Hana's house to visit her to get answers, when she arrived no one was home which is strange as Keiko knew that the woman was always home. She climbs over the gate where she finds a piece of ripped fabric on the entrance. Keiko goes to the door, where she finds the door unlocked she invites herself in and goes into the kitchen where she finds the women's body on the table. This time the killer left a letter for Keiko which read "You're too late again and you must be curious about why I killed Hana. Well let's say she use to be an old friend of mine, she used me a lot and then her family started using me too because they wanted money for their new business. Then my family got a cyber threat and we lost money due to that, I asked her to give back the money she borrowed but she didn't. Cause of her we went bankrupt and then me and my family decides to fake our deaths then move to New York to start a new life. Well good job Keiko for getting here but you can't stop me from killing your uncle or shall I say, my stepbrother."

She was shocked about everything and decides to use her powers to rewind time to when Hana's family were using him to stop this murder.