
A journey of a young dectetive

A girl Keiko travels back in time with powers to see a politician being murdered she decided to solve it but something happens to the girl which makes her a hero. Then soon gets betrayed by her friend and then Keiko soon finds someone who can help her and they both try to solve the mystery, but then something both happens to them and they fade into a new realm. Where they both find that the city they lived was gone and soon find a way out of that realm. Finally, some years pass by and something to Keiko while she was in labour and she passes away but the story continues from her son's perspective as another murder strikes again.

Kellytan_11 · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

A unfortunate surprise

Keiko decides to go back to Akio's grandparent's house to tell her grandmother about what had happened to Akio. When she opened the door she saw Akio's grandmother cooking dinner, she decided to tell his grandmother later as she didn't want to disturb her. All of a sudden, the power went out... Then Keiko heads towards the kitchen to see if Akio's grandmother was ok. She saw that Akio's grandmother wasn't there, so she searched all over the house for her, but she vanished. Keiko thought that maybe Akio's grandmother was just outside checking the power. Still, she wasn't there.

Keiko goes back into the house where she finds an empty box on the table next to the table there was a note which says "Find all of the missing pieces of the puzzle piece if you don't then I'll kill Akio's grandmother, you have 20 minutes to find them." Keiko searched all over the house but nothing. She looked under the box where she finds another note which says "Upstairs in the bathroom sink." Keiko races upstairs there to find all of the puzzle pieces there, she solves it but then she recognised a faint message written on the puzzle pieces. The pieces read "I'm right behind you..." Keiko slowly turns her head just to see no one but then a second later she feels somebody's hand on her waist, she leaves the bathroom and goes to Akio's room. She lies down on the floor feeling enervated then soon doze off.

When she woke up she found herself tied to a chair, Keiko manages to untie herself from the chair and finds that all of the windows were locked. Then she felt a cold breeze from above her, and then she heard a creaking sound she turns around to see Akio in front of her. She tries to ask Akio for help but it was hopeless, he just ignores her every time she asks. Then Akio leaves. Keiko breaks down at the sudden betrayal of her friend but she is still glad that her friend was alive and continues to find a way out of the darkroom.