
A journey of a monkey

ajax was a 18 year old man who was always fascinated by the legends of people or creatures who eventually rose up to godhood or compete against them. Then finally came a chance that he read and watched in many novels and anime... a girl in trouble and... truck-san. The time I reincarnated as a monkey.

kiingshet12 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 8 1st civilization

[ Congratulations on killing human thief]

[250 exp gain]

Name: Ajax [lvl 5]

Exp: 350/900

Race: Primate [chimpanzee]

Strength: 25




Endurance: 22

Skill points: 0

Skills: Dexterity [lvl5], language [lvl2], Martial arts [lvl6], Observation [lvl1], Spear Fishing [lvl1], Weapon mastery [lvl6], Wind enhancement [lvl1], Cooking [lvl1]

Looking at his stats, Ajax was satisfied that his stats were now fairly stabilized and well-rounded with the exception of his defense. For his next level, Ajax decided that he would invest more in his defense before deciding on which specific stat he would eventually lead to as having a well-rounded stat would be a long process.

After killing the last human, Ajax searched through the bodies of the three corpse and found three short daggers about three feet long and with the blade two inches wide. The handle was made of some type of wood which looked worn out from constant handling. Besides the sword that he picked up, he found the other sword that the other bandit had and decided to keep it too and put it in his inventory once he obtained it. As he went towards the last bandit that he killed, he found a map detailing the area in as well as the surrounding area. He saw that there were many writing and symbols on the map but could not tell what it was. He also went and picked up the spear and continued to search and strip the thief down making sure he did not miss anything. He found a few silver coins which made Ajax happy as now if he ever encountered any human civilization, he would have a some ape to deal with things although he does not yet know the current currency of the world he is in. He put on a strap that was made to hold the spear as well as the straps that held the sword and put both the swords on both of his sides. He hung the spear on the back and lastly put the silver coins into the pouch that he had made. After looking over the corpse again and found that he had not missed anything of value, he walked towards the young orangutan, Tim.

"All right I'm done, let's go" Said Ajax to Tim.

"Okay, follow me" Tim replied as he began climbing on a tree to begin swinging to his tribe.

As Ajax followed Tim, he asked him many questions, such as why were the humans trying to capture him and the structure of his tribe as well as its size. He learned many things from the young ape. He found out that young orangutans were treated as a creature that can be captured and sold to a high prices to nobles or rich people as pets as their species were intelligent creatures and easy to teach raise. He also learned of the structure of his tribe. In his past life, Orangutans were very unsociable creatures and would rarely stay in large groups. However, with the conversations with the Tim, he was shocked by the information he learned. Their tribe was fairly large, it comprised of about 3000 orangutans which made Ajax shocked because he knew that Orangutans were huge apes and required a lot of resources. As if reading Ajax's mind, Tim explained that some of the young orangutans that managed to escape from their master managed to make it back to their tribe and learned about the many tools that humans had, such as how to storage and save food from rotting. Tim's tribe also had a similar set up like his except for having minor tribes under them, but seeing that Orangutans are naturally peaceful type apes, he thought that his tribe was an exception seeing that his tribe had a welcoming tribal hunt for the young apes. Hearing this, Ajax even became more shocked by what Tim had said next. Tim had told Ajax that he was the son of their tribe king, making him like Ajax. Ajax also spoke about his tribe and his own little status which made Tim surprised also. Tim told Ajax that the reason why he was out alone was because he snuck out wanting to see what is outside the forest and the creatures that lived there besides the beasts and fruits that he sees when the orangutan hunters come back. Ajax told Tim the reason why he was out and around the forest which was a simple explanation of exploring and training which made Tim think about himself, because he was amazed of how Ajax had disposed of his capturers.

"Seems like it was fate for us to meet each other" Said Ajax.

"Fate?" said Tim tilting his head to the side while swing on the vines.

"Yes, destiny, a lucky chance" Said Ajax.

"Oh okay, I get what you mean" Said Tim.

Seeing that Tim understood, Ajax nodded and decided to use his observation skill on Tim.

Name: Tim [lvl 1]

Race: Primate [Orangutan]

Strength: 13




Endurance: 20

Looking at his stats, Ajax was speechless.

"What a high defense for a lvl 1 ape. Hopefully he was a special case and was naturally stronger than the rest of the young orangutans like me" Ajax said in his mind.

As the two continued to travel for about an hour, they had finally reached the entrance. When they had reached the entrance, the guards at the entrance immediately had them stop because they noticed the unfamiliar ape that stood beside their young prince. Seeing them like this, Tim stepped up and told them that it was him.

Seeing this, the guards immediately calmed down and ran towards him checking all over for injuries. Seeing the few scratches on him, they quickly became made and was about to attack Ajax but Tim quickly settled down and said " Stop, I was captured by humans, but luckily he was nearby and saw me in trouble and saved me from being captured".

Hearing this, they quickly apologized to Ajax and told Tim that his father wanted to see him when he returned. As Ajax and Tim entered the tribe, he was surprised by what he saw. Although the structure of the houses was similar to his tribe, they were a lot bigger and more spacious. He also noticed that there were a few more metal weapons and armor which made him a little more confused. Seeing the surprised and confused expression of Ajax, Tim had told him that since many of his tribal members were targeted, they had many run-ins with many humans, every time they encountered humans they would often take their things after fighting them. Understanding their situation, he realized how much of a differences between the encounters that he had faced.

As they reached a huge tree. The tree was so tall covered with leaves that it barely let the sun shine through. The base of the tree was so thick and wide that it would take several men to just surround it completely, as he looked up, he saw thick leaves and branches that winded together creating a strong foothold which held a big hut with leaves blocked the entrance. As they started to climb and eventually entered the big hut, he saw a huge figure with light red-brown fur. The figure standing up was so big reaching up to 7 feet tall. His face was also vastly different from what he saw from his fellow chimps. With big lips that stuck out from its mouth, its cheeks were wide and opened up that one could hold a folding fan to their face and still see its head. It had a lot of skin hanging below his chin that connect to his skin which makes him look even bigger.

"man, why are all creatures that I have met so far so big, could it be just the structure of this world?" thought Ajax in his mind.

"Son, what happened for you to come back so late after sneaking out like this" in a deep and resounding voice.

"Father, while out, I was captured by a few humans, but luckily I met Ajax and he saved me while killing the humans" replied Tim.

"Thank you for saving my son, Tim. Ajax? hmm, you must be King Adros' son aren't you?" said Tim's father.

"You know of me?" Asked Ajax.

"Yes, your father and I go way back to when we were still young, we had saved each other many times and had gone through many troubles to get where we are today" said Tim's father.

"Oh, by the way you can address me as King Herod" continued King Herod.

'ding' A sound resounded in Ajax's head. Curious of what made the sound he looked at the new notification.

[ Congratulations on discovering one civilization 1/3]

[reward: Inventory]

"hmm? seems like I would have to meet the civilization leader to make complete the quest" Ajax thought to himself.

"Oh, I have not heard much about outside forces from my father after the tribal hunt" Said Ajax.

"well, every father has their own customs I guess" said King Herod.

Looking at King Herod he became curious of his stats so he used his observation skill.

Name: King Herod [lvl 50]

Exp: 100/900

Race: Primate [Orangutan, Monkey King]

Strength: 70




Endurance: 60

"damn isn't he a bit stronger than my dad" Said Ajax remembering his father's stats.

"well, thank you for helping my son again, I hope you can stay for the rest of the day and get some rest" King Herod said.

" Sure, I would like to, I also have my own plans so I won't stay for too long" Ajax agreed.

"Good, if you don't mind, would you leave me with my son for a bit so we can talk about some matters and then he can show you around the tribe" King Herod said.

" Sure" Ajax replied.

As Ajax left, he decided that he should go down to the base of the tree to wait for Tim. After a few minutes Tim arrived next to him with a large palm mark across from his face looking a little depressed but happy as he was only let off with this. As they exchanged glances, Tim decided to take the initiative and showed Ajax many aspects of the tribe. He saw that several of the Orangutans were only about similar size to the chimpanzees in his tribe and only both of the kings were abnormally large. Thinking that this was a special case, he was curious if this had anything to do with evolution of it was still an option in this world. He knew he would find out later as he progresses in levels. Tim and showed him many unique things that were different between his tribe and their tribe. He saw one hut made with clay and dirt and saw that this must be where they store food. As it got closer to night time and enjoying a feast with the orangutans, he found that they were really social creatures and that it looked more like a family tribe than his mix of family and military like social group in his tribe. As the night got closer, Tim showed Ajax his place that he would be staying in and left him there informing him if he needs anything and he can just ask. After saying that he was fine, Ajax laid on the pile of leaves for bedding and thought about what to do tomorrow.

Since he now had a map of some parts of the forest, he can start finding civilizations from there. He noticed the position of his tribe on the map as well as the tribe he was in was circled in red. Assuming that it meant danger zones for the humans, he also several other locations. He saw one in particular was circled in black. Curious about what this meant, he decided that he would go take a look after visiting the the human village that he managed to pull from the human thief Peng. He wanted to go there because first, he finally had a chance to meet humans and see their development and learn about the world and second he can fulfill his second discovery of a civilization. First he was thinking about training and hunting more so he can eventually reach level 10 and see if he can reach an evolution at this level or not but extra strength maybe necessary since he don't know how strong the levels of humans he had yet to meet. Thinking about this and several aspects of himself and the world, he eventually fell into deep sleep.