
A journey of a monkey

ajax was a 18 year old man who was always fascinated by the legends of people or creatures who eventually rose up to godhood or compete against them. Then finally came a chance that he read and watched in many novels and anime... a girl in trouble and... truck-san. The time I reincarnated as a monkey.

kiingshet12 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 26 Preparations

The three began to move back to their respective homes to see if they could gather reinforcements to help the human city. The three quickly arrived at their respective locations with Tim going to his father and Jerry following Ajax as they went to Ajax's father's hut.

Ajax quickly reached home and went inside his father's hut and saw that there were several high level soldiers there and talking with his father. The group noticed Ajax's sudden arrival and moved to the side as his father asked, " What's wrong son. I had thought that you would be gone for a while now."

Ajax: " Well something is happening at my human friend's city. It seems like a horde of beasts are about to come through their city. My friend there asks if we can lend some help because their reinforcements won't make it in time."

King Adros thought for a moment as he contemplated if he should lend some troops or not. " How much do you need."

Ajax immediately answered, " Not much probably 20 or so. I don't want to risk the lives of my tribesman so much. Besides I believe it is just weak beasts so I should be relatively safe for me. "

His father shook his head as he said, " You may not much since you are still young son, but hordes like these are no simple matter. Indeed most hordes consists of just numerous low leveled beasts, but there is always a bigger reason behind the cause. One reason could be that there is an intelligent life form behind the horde that is manipulating the low level beasts to act this way. Two, wherever the low level beast came from, if they are gather in such high numbers, it means that they are running from something or their environment can no longer support them, which even causes them to ignore each other's presence and stampede to an area of a place of high magic concentration because that is where life is growing and they can find food there."

Ajax thought hard about what his father had said. Behind the Sunset City is where their location lies. Since his birth into this world, he knew that it was a world of magic but he has not yet come across several life forms that possess magic except for the wind wolf that he fought from his first exploration. He knew that his tribe wasn't ordinary as they had set up a settlement but he knew from reading that they must've come from an generation of a beast that ate from the world tree that gave them intelligence.

Ajax looked up and said, " okay I will be careful, are you still willing to lend me some troops?"

King Adros, " Yes, I'll lend you 20 elite troops and 20 ordinary troops so that they can experience what a horde is like."

Astonished by his father's words, Ajax face lit up as he bowed his head and said, " Thank you father for your help. I had asked my friend that we couldn't help them for free since it could cost our lives and agreed that once it is over, then we can set up a trade between our races so that we can both grow stronger."

King Adros nodded his head in satisfaction at the thought of his son's wise choices, " Good. When do you have to be ready by?"

Ajax: " As soon as possible. The horde will be coming in two days and I want to at least come up with some plans with the human soldiers."

King Adros nodded his head, " Alright I'll assemble them and tell them to meet you by the entrance by tonight."

Ajax bowed once again and said, " Thank you father, I'll return them in a much stronger state."

Ajax then left with Jerry and headed off to settle some matters.

Soldier: " King, will this be okay? We may need all the troops at the moment because of sightings of..."

King Adros suddenly raised his hands to stop his fellow tribesman from speaking any further and said, " It's fine. We shouldn't expect an attack any time soon. Plus, Although Ajax is quite strong and is advancing rather quickly, he needs to learn how to command a large amount of people if he is to lead this tribe in the future. With the horde attacking, it should give him quite a bit of experience in leadership."

Ajax was in a rush the last time so he didn't to spend much time with his mother and he was still worried about her health. Ajax quickly asked around and found his mother minding her own business and just walking around the tribe, enjoying the atmosphere. He quickly reached his mother and hugged her from behind.

Ajax: " Mother. How are you doing? Sorry I haven't been spending much time with you lately."

Mother: " I'm doing fine. I am just growing old and I can't do much these days."

Ajax looked at his mother with a sad gaze, " Mother what's wrong. Are you sick? The other mothers around here aren't as tired as you."

Mother: " haha. It's fine. I just have a weaker body then them, that's all. Never mind that, tell me about your adventures and what you plan to do."

Ajax then led his mother to her hut and began to talk about several things leaving the part about him almost dying in the giant snakes mouth out of the story.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Ajax ended the conversation with his mother with a tight hug and said, " Mother I have to go now, I'll come visit again after I help my friend deal with the horde."

Mother: " Okay, be safe and strong son. Bring Jerry and Tim along next time too."

Ajax smiled and said, " Okay. Be safe mother, I'll come back as soon as I can."

Ajax left the hut and quickly arrived at the entrance of the tribe and saw thirty of his tribe members there.

Soldier: " Young prince, we came as soon as we were called. We were told that we will be following you to help your friend fend off the horde."

Ajax: " Yes, what's your name?"

Tak: " Tak, young prince."

Ajax nodded his head, " Come let's set off immediately. I want to meet my friend's city leaders before coming up with a plan."

Tak nodded his head as they followed along closely behind Ajax and Jerry. The group quickly traveled through the forest and reached city at night. Even though it was night time, the city dimmed brightly.

A soldier guarding an entrance saw several apes coming out of the forest and heading towards their location. He slightly panicked at the sight but soon calmed down as he was already given noticed about their city lord's daughter's beast friend.

Soldier: " You must be Ajax the beast who is friends with Young Lady Mary."

Ajax was slightly surprised by the sudden info. He had thought that they might've had weapons pointed at them because of misunderstandings and that it will continue until Mary or the higher ups arrived to deal with the situations. At least that's what usually happens in times like these.

Ajax nodded at the guard as the guard opened the gates and allowed them to pass through. Walking through the gate, Ajax immediately walked towards Mary's house as she had a mansion and a large yard so she could probably provide shelter there for the night.

After traveling through the city for a time, he soon reached the mansion gates where he was immediately let through and waited outside the door for Mary to come down and greet them.