
A journey of a monkey

ajax was a 18 year old man who was always fascinated by the legends of people or creatures who eventually rose up to godhood or compete against them. Then finally came a chance that he read and watched in many novels and anime... a girl in trouble and... truck-san. The time I reincarnated as a monkey.

kiingshet12 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 1 Truck-san

Ajax, a young man at the age of 18, was seen working as a part-time at the local convenience store in his neighborhood. Ajax grew up in a normal family with his parents who's father was a average business owner and his mother was a teacher. He had a older brother who seems distance and busy all the time with work and a younger sister who he was quite close with and spoiled all the time. Since a young age Ajax has always been fascinated with myths and legends of people who became great kings and myths of ancient creatures that rivaled the gods themselves. But unfortunately he lived in reality and could only read upon them and fantasize about them knowing that things are really different. Growing up reading and watching anime and learned about the great citizen who is always in trouble and truck-san that would lead the mc in a fantasy world. The story that caught his eye the most was of sun wukong, the legend of him being birth from stone and eventually evolving into a monkey leading up to being able to rival the gods themselves.

He tried training hard to become as strong as them by performing several strenuous exercises and learning many different arts and practices that his family could afford since they were fairly well-off. In this process, he learned many different types of martial arts and even picked up on some swordsmanship and gained some other weapon mastery. When he was young, his father often took their family camping and taught them many survival tips as his own father did to his father and eventually made it a tradition. As a result, he became fairly built with above-average looks.

After a long day from work, he started walking on his way back home since it wasn't that far from home. Approaching a stop light, he stopped and waited for the walking light to light up. Then suddenly, he noticed a young girl about his age was walking past him with her head busy looking at her phone and didn't notice the truck that was still driving through.

Suddenly a thought came by, "Could it be? Is this my chance."

Although it may seem like suicide that this thought came by and that he will really die and nothing will come afterwards accept for whatever heaven or hell may be, he took a chance.

He shouted to the young girl, "wait, a truck-san is coming..." thinking to himself and face-palming in his head about blurting out 'truck-san'

The young girl looked up and back at him, "truck-san?" She saw him running towards him and saw the bright light flashing at the corner of her eye and realized what he said. She then felt a powerful push in front of her as a shocked and terrified look came over her.

Bang, as she was pushed out of the way she heard a mutter from the boy that pushed her, "Please, truck-san be true".

Closing his eyes, Ajax hoped for his wishes to come true and watched as he hoped for the legendary truck-san. The next thing he knew he was having trouble opening his eye-lids that they seem as though it was a really long time opening his eyes. The thought to himself, "did I survive or..."

As a gradually opened up his eyes he saw a bright light and looked around his surroundings. He saw that he was in a place that seemed unfamiliar to him. He was surrounded in a spacious area where there were a dense amount of trees and bushes. As he was beginning to look around, he saw that there was a... monkey, wait no, an ape with a white clothe around her head and one covering most of her fast except her eyes.

" An ape?" Ajax thought as the first thing that he was was a fairly hairy creature with a tail that looked up at him and held him in her arms carrying him towards an ape that looked female. As Ajax was beginning to observe his surroundings, he looked down his himself and saw that he had two arms that seems human like the and then saw his feet... they were also like his two arms. " I'm also an ape? Then... YEEEEESSSSS TRUCK-SAN I KNEW IT WAS TRUE". Ajax screamed these words but is sounded like monkey screams with the occasional ooo aaahh.

As Ajax began to settled down, he saw the surrounding apes looking at him tilting their heads looking at him with an curious expression. Ajax face-palmed his face in his head. What Ajax didn't also realize was that his birth caused a commotion as when he was born a bright light filled the room and lit up the whole forest. As Ajax began to observe his surroundings he noticed many things. Several older apes surrounding him and a female ape that held him with caring and loving eyes and looked weak and tired from giving child-birth. Ajax seemed to make a guess that this ape was his mother.

Suddenly a large appearance came walking in from the entrance from what seemed like a hut made of tree branches and leaves. He looked taller and more built then the rest of the apes. He had a ferocious gaze and a scar coming across is forehead. Ajax looked past him and saw that there were several other tall apes with wooden spears outside the entrance and saw them looking curiously at him as they had never witnessed a scene of bright light happening from a ape's birth. As Ajax saw that the tall and built ape was coming towards him, he saw his big hands approaching him and lifting him up from his weak and caring mother and turned him around and upside-down to look at him and see if he was healthy or any other abnormality. As he continued to look at ajax he made a loud ooo ooo aahh that seemed to resound in the whole forest and after that loud ooo ooo aaaa aaaah came from the other surrounding apes around them as they began to cheer in response. Although it sounded like an ooo ooo aaahh he knew what this tall and built ape said. He said " My first-born son has been born and and will become a great ape and king". It was at this moment that he knew that the tall and built was his father and the leader of these apes.