
A journey in black clover

The story revolves around a boy named Tobias. He was raised by three good bandits and as the latter hit 15, he went out to receive his first Grimoire thus a new journey begins. ............ This will be an ‘AU', so there will be some changes, nothing major though. English is my 4th language in other words it's terrible. I don't recommend anybody to read this novel unless you have nothing to read. I just want to improve my writing skills. ............. The cover is not mine, I just added yuta in this pic, and here is the original pic of yuta https://pin.it/5ldP4hD. If the owner wants me to remove it, I will do it as soon as possible.

Ryuma_3391 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Layers of mystery.

At Night.

The rhythmic chirping of insects sounds throughout the Sosshi village, with all houses lit up with candles, beautifies the scene.

On the roof of Reba's house, there sat two children. Looking at the bright full moon as its silvery white moonlight scattered on the ground. The gauze-like clouds float into the sky, with a blanket of stars surrounding the moon.

"The full moon always looks so beautiful! William!," Tobias exclaimed in astonishment, gazing up at the dotted full moon in the sky with curiosity.

Tobias has always curious been about the moon, he felt like the moon is shrouded in many layers of mystery, waiting for someone to disclose it.

"Yeah!, the smiling moon always looks gorgeous," William said as he agreed with Tobias.

Tobias nodded his head soon as he heard the word "smiling" because whenever he look closely at the moon, he noticed several dark spots on the surface, which occasionally gave the moon the appearance of smiling.

All this curiosity started half a year ago.

{Flash back}


A thunderous sound could be heard throughout the Sosshi village. The enormous storm clouds gobbled up all of the moon's light before the rain began to fall. The temperature began to fall as people in the village started to feel cold.

In Sid's room, Tobias and Sid were sleeping in the bed, covered in blankets. Tobias's whole body is trembling in fear as he hugged Sid tightly.

"It's ok, Tobi, I'm with you... you don't have to fear the lighting," Sid whispered, encouraging Tobias, before beginning to pat his head lightly.

Tobias felt a little relieved after hearing his uncle's words, but in the next second, his relief shattered with the loud sound of thunder, he buried his head deep in Sid's arm.

Seeing this, Sid couldn't help but started to hum a baby song, wanting to make Tobias feel at ease. He could feel it, the fear Tobias is feeling, as his whole body is trembling, and the little hand that was clenched so tightly that make his soft fist feel like stone.

Minutes passed as it became an hour.

2 hours later.....

The rain has already stopped and the sky was crystal clear with stars shining as if they were giving a sense of warmth after the rain. Unfortunately, the whole show has been stolen by the moon as it became the centre of attention for a certain child.

Sid is looking out of his window, as he watches the dazzling full moon wash away all the darkness that surrounds the village. He was dazed for a moment before he exclaimed in amazement.

Remembering the stories of heroes, his aunt Reba used to tell him and one thing common in all those stories was that heroes are like a light that washes away darkness from people's hearts, lighting them with new rays of hope and the moon was like them, as it does the same thing heroes do.

"Thank you! Moon," Tobias bowed his head and thanked the moon, just like his aunt had taught him to do when someone helped him. The moon not only washed away the darkness but also the fear lingering in Tobais's heart and for this reason, the moon became a hero-like figure in his mind.

And as the days started to pass, Tobias noticed something strange, the full moon slowly began to shrink. He couldn't help but wonder about the cause behind this, and as the latter's curiosity grew, he asked his uncle about this phenomenon.

"Uncle Sid, can you tell why the moon is shrinking?" Tobias inquired, looking at Sid with curiosity in his eyes.

"Huh?" Sid was taken aback by the sudden question from Tobias, but what followed was just embarrassment as the latter didn't know the answer. All of his life, what he did was loot and fight except this, he knew nothing and it's the same for the other two.

"I don't know, Tobi...why don't you ask your aunt she might know about this," Sid laughs in embarrassment as he searches his hair before saying.

Nodding his head, Tobias went to his aunt's room and asked the same question but the latter also don't k know about this. Tobias didn't stop there, he decided to ask all the villagers, including, Seihi the mayor but to his disappointment, no one know about the cause.

This piqued his interest as he felt the moon is surrounded by mysteries, waiting to be revealed.

{Flash back end}

"Tobi!, William!, dinner is ready," Reba came out of his house and remarked to which both of them gasped in delight because Reba's cooking was delicious not to mention, she run a restaurant in a commoner realm with her husband.

Reba opened her three-leaf clover grimoire and chanted a spell as Tobias and William were covered in soft and fluffy fibres. It began to float before bringing them to the ground.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

At Midnight.

A long shadow was cast on the Sosshi before, it was so huge that it covered the entire village.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ X_ _ _ _ _ _ X_ _ _ _ _ __,

Delayed due to some personal reasons.