
A Hunter's Pride

Clara Van Helsing is a descendent of legendary vampire hunter Gabriel Van Helsing join her on a journey to destroy the most dangerous monsters known to man. Luci Armstrong, a rookie Cryptozoologist trying to make a name for herself in her field of study. And Vincent Reese, a priest who helps Luci with her job. STORY AND CHARACTERS BELONG TO ME, COVER IS ART FROM GOOGLE, CREDIT GOES TO IT'S ARTIST, NOT ME!!! NOT A ROMANCE, ITS A BADASS MONSTER HUNTER.

Lucha_Libra · ไซไฟ
4 Chs

First Mission

Clara was in the back of Luci and Vincent's rented A.T.V.; they hit another rock which annoyed Clara furthermore. "Sorry Clara, but it's hard to drive while here in the Mojobi Desert." voiced Luci.

Vincent then stopped the car in front of a small cave; about the size of for a medium sized bear. Clara got out of the car, then move to it's trunk, and pulled out a high powered cross bow; with a small silver tipped arrow.

"Woah are you hunting a Hard-skinned Armorgin?" asked Vincent. Luci finished putting her hat on and replied with a stern "no", then proceeded to move towards the cave.

Vincent just sat down meditating, while Lucina kept sketching a cute looking version of her Timber Dog; from her childhood. They both heard a loud roar, then Clara dragged a big lizard by it's tail out of the cave.

Luci and Vincent stood up, with Luci going over and looking over the reptile. "What are you doing?" asked Clara. "I'm looking and studying it. This is the reason I hired you, to show me the cryptid's body, so I can safely study it without it hurting me." she explained.

Clara rolled her eyes and let Luci study it. She concluded it as a Salamander and proceeded to tell Clara that it's time to leave. From the distance however a goggled figure watched them.


As they entered the town; they saw a man with circled sunglasses, a black trench coat, back slacks, and black dirt covered boots. He pulled up his left gloved hand, while making a come hither motion. "Ahh shit!" Clara cursed. They all got out of the car. The man walked forward towards them; then proceeded to put out his hand. "Hello; I am Thomas Buzzards, I'm with Playgirl Magazine." he greeted.

"Fuck off Bastard, I already said that I'm not gonna be in one of your porno mags!" Clara agitatedly stated. Luci looked upset, while Vincent looked disgusted. "I can't believe those sinful magazines, disgracing women and men alike." Vincent said. Thomas just looked upset then stated "We aren't disgracing those people, they made the choice to be involved.".

They soon walked to the guild and Clara slammed the Salamander down on the table. "Where's my money?" she stated. The woman at the desk fixed her blue neck bow, then handed over 100 skullton. They sat down, ate, and drank for the work down. But a familiar figure was at another table.