
A Hunger for Blood and Magic - DxD

A soul, fresh after a 1st degree encounter with his afterlife gets tossed into a universe where a group of teenagers that have trained for less than a couple of years get stronger than beings that have lived for millennia. That's right, welcome to DxD, a place where the boob reigns supreme and the vampires are either feminist lolis or mysoginistic old bastards. How does the world behave when a true fuckmothering vampire comes into being? Let's find out. ------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and all the Worlds belong to their original owner ------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. Also, this is my first fanfic so keep that in mind. There is also a MC that will sometimes be good, sometimes be evil, it's all about his perspective and how he feels like Feedback is appreciated. Last warning, in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this.

Khalderas · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs

Chapter 22 - Class field trip

After the small confrontation between me and the gang, things settled into a quiet routine and life moved on slowly but surely. Nothing much really had changed in our little group, the devils were more motivated, not training like maniacs, no, but also not lazing around.

Koneko would usually ask me for some extra pointers here and then and either Valerie or I would spar once a week with everybody. Though I think Koneko wanted more of the snacks I usually had with me and was just too shy to ask, she a loli so we must protecc.

Lewd lolibabas not lolitas.(A/N question for the perverts, would you classify Ophis, with her mentality, as a lolibaba?)

Today, just like any other morning, found me and Valerie sleeping in our bed, when suddenly…


Something woke the both of us up. I open my eyes and see a mess of red hair sprawled on the covers.

"Auu" murmurs the red mass and gets up.

'Yup, it's Rias' I had already given her access to my home cause she dropped by sometime and I didn't want her to get quantum fucked, I only wanted her to get one kind of fuckery, giggity.

"Rias, what are you-"

"Hiro! There's no time! Today is the day!"

"The fu-"

I couldn't finish my question as Rias ripped the covers from both Val and I, and we were naked.

"Huba huba…" was all that Rias managed to say as she got a massive blush with blood almost pouring down her nose.

She looked like Master Rosha, this world's female version of a certain turtle hermit. In this world's manga, she only trained Goku because she wanted to peep on him. This was a world full of perverts.

"Like what you see?" I smirked at the red tomato who blindly nods rapidly and repeatedly.

"Aight, free show's over, what happens today?" I covered my junior with some boxers I had laying around while giving Val the covers.

"Oh right!" She came back to her senses then took my hands in hers "Hiro! Today is our trip to Kyoto!!!"

"Ah, right! It was today! I almost forgot and you only woke us up, what" I glance at the clock "4 hours before departure? Aren't we going to be late at this rate?"

"Come ooooon, you have to get ready! It will only last for today and tomorrow! We have to see EVERYTHING!" I could only imagine a chibi version of Rias giggling with steam coming up from her nose and ears from all the excitement.

Val and I finished getting ready with a whopping 3 hours and 30 minutes to spare, it was little time in an over-excited Rias' mind.

Here we were now, everyone from the second year was gathered at the school, ready for the Kyoto trip, I could see Sona and Tsubaki over there with the rest of the Student Council. I smiled and nodded in their direction, receiving their greetings in return.

You could feel the excitement in the air amongst everyone present. Not long after, we all went as a group to the train station and got in. I ended up sitting with Valerie, having Rias and Akeno in the seats in the back with Sona and Tsubaki in front.

Rias was trying to maintain her ladylike persona, and she was succeeding at first glance but if you looked at her closely you could see the shine in her eyes, denoting her excitement.

I lay down a minor silencing field so that nobody else could hear what the six of us said plus I also layered on top of it a minor illusion so that everything seemed normal. I did this so that I could talk with the peeps. Sona seemed to notice what I did and turned around to look at me.

"What happened?"

"Hey, don't panic, I put up some minor protections just now so that we could talk in private"


"About Kyoto, as far as I'm aware it's the territory of the Western Youkai faction, no?"

Sona readjusted her glasses, giving them a bit of a shine for a second as if her keikaku doori'ed.

"Yes, the Yuokai here live in Urakyoto, a space similar but parallel to normal Kyoto. Their leader is the Kyuubi no Kitsune"

"Mhm, and do we need to be careful around them, I don't really care but, devil politics, ya know?" I would just go around doing my business if I was alone but that was no longer the case now.

"Not really, we have an understanding with them, just don't cause any problems" the last part was particularly targeted towards a certain redhead.

"Hmpf, as if I would cause any problems!" hmpf-ed Rias.

*pat pat* "There there, tsun tsun" I reached towards Rias and comforted her.


The rest of us laughed and even Sona allowed herself a little smirk.

The rest of the ride passed by with casual conversation, we talked about what places we were going to see, what we were going to eat, with Rias taking out a list from between her breasts, the best pocket dimension IMO. That list was way longer than the time we had here but I let the girl dream, sometimes reality had to strike. After arriving in Kyoto, we disembarked from the train and went to the hotel where we would be staying overnight.

Here came a little problem, we were supposed to be assigned 2 per room with the genders being segregated like it was South Africa all over again. I, unfortunately, was assigned to stay with the porno yiffer. 'This is certainly Sona's doing' I thought as I looked towards her and saw her evil smile. 'I'll get my revenge for this' I vow to myself. She probably wanted an act of small revenge for the headache I probably caused her by being in Kuoh, she still hadn't told anything to her sister, partly for wanting to delay the Sona-tanness

Luckily, the girl council seeing my plight met and fixed the whole issue for me, Rias, who was supposed to stay with Akeno, switched places with Tsubaki who was originally with Valerie as Sona had to be holed up with the Student Council Prez. All in all, I would spend the night with both my girls, all was good in the world. I, feeling thankful, would even gift my roommate a dream where he could sniff all he wanted, all as payment for him spending the night alone.

Sona was not amused that her dastardly plan was thwarted but my revenge plan still stood, intent matters, kids. Girl council 1 - Sona 0.

After getting everything checked out, we went to explore the city, the small group consisted of me, Val, Akeno, and Rias, with Rias leading the way and all but dragging us with her.

We first went to the shops and boy, women never change no matter the universe. They tried everything but the kitchen sink, this did tickle my eyes and heart but I still had to carry almost everything. Thank me for the existence of summons that could stealthily take everything back to the rooms or else I would have become a nice representation of consumerism.

After the clothing shops, we went around and visited the local attractions, stopping on the way for Rias, Val, and me to buy memorabilia and gifts for everyone back home. I, of course, bought a ton of sweets for the resident nekoshou along with some small stuff, like a white kitten accessory for her phone. You have to spoil and protecc the loli.

But throughout the day I had a tingling feeling that a certain bastard out there would do something that would annoy me and, that another bastard, i.e. me, would have to fix it. But I put that thought on the back of my mind, there's a time for everything.

After shopping, we settled down to eat with Rias being downcast, probably after realizing that she couldn't possibly finish her timetable within the period that we would stay here.

Soon enough, we were done for today, the sun had already set and we were all heading back to the hotel.

I arrived in my room only to find that guy giggling over some mags, probably some porn that he bought in this place where no one could recognize him and ban him from the stores. And, oh boy, was that guy nefarious in Kuoh, his giggling sending shivers down the spines of men and women alike. He didn't do anything downright illegal though, surprisingly he wasn't as bad as the Perverted Trio, he was just a major creep.

Speaking of the Trio, I keep forgetting about that book-obsessed pervert, I rarely see him around school and when I do, he is usually beaten black and blue. I saw him once while he was crying in a corner while holding his balls. Damn, a shame that I was in public and had to hold my laughter to myself.

I'll get around to him someday, the dickless lizard can wait, girls are more of a priority.

Coming back around to my sniffer of a roommate, ok, one last digressing thought but if this guy had a Sacred Gear, you could send him alone against an army, equipped with only a satchel filled with dirty porn mags and he would power up so absurdly that Trihexa would have to change it's name to Gonehexa. His mind was the only one I would never dare to enter, even a monster has to be afraid of something.

The yiffer noticed me enter and sat up while grinning, he probably wanted to show me some of his acquisitions.

'Nah, brah' I thought to myself and waved my hand, sending him to the blissful heaven of mags and spunk. I left him with some implanted knowledge of me being in the room, that, if anyone asked him, he would only remember us not talking and simply going to sleep. I wouldn't chance to implant a normal conversation in his head, who knew how that thing talked.

Shivering, probably a safety mechanism telling me that I had escaped with my sanity intact, I went to join Rias and Valerie.

I entered the room to find them messing around, already dressed in their jammies, though I was sure Rias would end up dropping hers before the night was over, that little exhibitionist.

'Though exhibitionist she may be, she is my exhibitionist' I nodded at my sage self.

"Hiro! Look at what I bought!" Rias excitedly exclaimed.

"Rias" I deadpanned "I was there"

"Mou, but let's look at it together"

"Alright, don't pout, show me"

And that's how we spent the time until it was the time we had to go to sleep. Well, I didn't really need that much sleep but I enjoyed it.

I looked at the girls, they were ready and in bed, each staying on the side while leaving the middle to myself. Damn, I felt good, sleeping with two beauties, even if no sex happened yet due to Rias being shy and us still progressing in our relationship, it still felt good.

I was about to lay down when…

*ring ring*

'Yup, I'll ignore this'

*Ring Ring*



'How can a phone get louder and louder when my ringtone is just so bland, is it based on mental rejections?'

"Hiro, are you going to get that?" asked Rias.

"Nop-" *RIN-*

Fuck it, someone might actually die if this continues, and that someone was going to be the caller if I had anything to say about it.

I picked up the phone.

"Moshi Moshi, who diiiss'?" I still had my habit of picking up the phone without looking at the caller.

"Moshi Moshi" and now my tingles came true, it was indeed a bastard who came down to mess with me.

"Zaz you bastard, what the hell do you want?" Yep, it was the bang-wearing crow and my sort of best bud.

"Hiro! The man of the hour! How are you, buddy?"

"Cut to the chase my guy, you caught me in the middle of something"

"Oooh! Is it about oppai?"

"Not right now"

"I sense a 'but' there. Nice!"

"Not the time, Zaz, what's this about?"

"I'll tell you in a second, is Valerie there?"


"Nice! Tell her I said hi"

"Val, Zaz says hi" I turn to my blonde bombshell.

"Tell him to get on with it or I'll cut his eggs and stuff them where the sun don't shine" note to self, don't piss off a possibly horny woman, she might have wanted to diddle with me while Rias was there.

"She says hi"

"Which means she'll hurt me if I don't get on with it, right?" asks a worried Azazel.


"Women are scary"

"They sure can be, now, get on with it"

"Right right! I need your help"

"Let me guess, some idiot messed up and you need me"

"Right in one, though I originally had it handled and sent the Slash Dogs but things turned dire"

"Oh! The pups are out of the pen?"

"Yeah, they originally went after a stray cell in Kyoto but new information has come out that there is another and they don't have the time to deal with both at once"

"And you juuust knew I was here, right?"

"I always know where my bud is, by the way, those devils? Nice!"

"Thanks, so how urgent are we talking about?"

"Urgent enough to cause a fiasco with the Youkai faction, causing the peace talks to stall for years to come"

"Damn, I'm on it, send me the deets and I'll be there" I always prioritized situations that had to do with the peace talks, peace was good for business and my business was being chill.

"Thanks, man, appreciate it"

"No worries, just for this I'll tell Pene where you stash your pornos for when you slack off at work"

"WAIT! Maybe peace is not that impor-"

"Connection is breaking" I interrupted him "Bye-bye, ciao!"

I turned to the girls, Rias was confused while Val was looking a bit annoyed.

"Sorry, girls, it seems it's business before pleasure. I'll be right back, though"

Getting nods from all around, I left in a hurry to where Azazel sent me.

It was time to hunt some idiots and we were in full season.



Hope you like the latest chapter. It's time for Kyoto.

See you next time,

Author out.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Khalderascreators' thoughts