
Valkyrie Massacre


We arrive at the scene, our van skidding through the gravel.

The scene is a local pud called "The Valkyrie".

Just from the looks of the outside, it is easy enough to tell that what will greet us will not be good. 

And indeed, good is the farthest thing to describe what is inside.

For starters, the place looks like it has definitely seen better days. All the windows have been smashed, some furniture making their way out of the bar. It also looks as if a fire has started inside the place, which was haphazardly put off as soon as it started. 

The place looks as if a tornado has passed. Tables are overturned, chairs are broken to pieces, shattered glass everywhere. Blood is splattered on the walls and on the ceiling, pooling like a river and snaking of the floor to create a chasm of crimson everywhere. The unmistakable iron-like smell of hemoglobin fills the air around the place.