

After meeting Hua, I was introduced to the rest of the Fire Moth organisation. I had to do a lengthy explanation on how I was from another world and how I got there. It was a long conversation that spanned over a couple of days. Despite all that there was one person who particularly stood out, Elysia.

I could tell, Elysia was a herrscher from birth, just like me, she could probably tell aswell. After joining Fire Moth, they offered to do a MANTIS procedure to make me stronger in hopes of fighting the finality but I refused stating I could do it myself.

I ended up using one of the Vipralora-class Honkai beasts from my original world. I ended up mutating the genes to my own preference so my Active Honkai Reaction form (AHR form) keeps my sanity intact. The last thing I wanted is to go insane for a period of time and kill the rest of Fire Moth.

After my MANTIS conversion, I was welcomed as the 14th member of the flame chaser group given the title of Growth in reference to my ability to continuously develop my body and powers.

Then that day came along where Elysia decided to become the 13th Herrscher. At first I was extremely confused at why she wanted us to fight her but as I thought of what she could do if she was dead, I realised she was trying to sacrifice herself for the few of us that remained.

I never got to know Elysia for long but as soon as I realised what she had been aiming to do, my admiration for her went through the roof. While Fire Moth was trying to wrap its head around the situation, I decided to take things into my own hands. I killed her, at least in a biological sense.

After I killed Elysia, I took her soul captive and briefly interrogated her. Apparently she wanted to sever the fate of the world and give humanity a chance when her soul returned to the honkai. Hearing her idea, I proposed to properly guide her soul there so she could continue to oversee humanity and hopefully one day be revived. I managed to get her to agree to it in the end and she merged with the honkai.

Most of Fire Moth then fell into a state of depression where many questioned what I did but I ended up keeping it all to myself. I ended up being expelled somehow but that was alright. Before I left, I met with Hua who was the only other person who I could trust.

I was aware Hua was designated to be a part of project Ember so I realised that it would be best to keep in touch with her as she would likely be the one watching over humanity. I made a necklace for her and explained to her if 50,000 years in the future Honkai were to occur again, she should summon me when she judged the world would be unable to handle the honkai.

I was also aware she might one day forget this conversation despite the SWARA treatment so I encarved a set of instructions onto the outside of the pendent, "Pray for aid, when you are in need, Sirius." Even if Hua forgot who I was of why she had the item, hopefully she would use it one day.

Having long overstayed my welcome I give a final farewell to the rest of the flame chasers before I return to the Sea of Quanta. Since then I have been going from world to world in search of and surviving remnants of human civilisations.

As I grew stronger and stronger, I began to devower the worlds where humanity was unable to leave any hope for the future. Soon the absorption of forgotten worlds became akin to a common meal when I was able to quickly check the world's history and present before judging that all humans had died. Even so, I never forgot to be careful and why I was doing all of this. It was to beat the honkai and help humanity.

I could kill the herrscher of finality however that would only be the equivalent of saving one world. What I wanted was to stop the honkai for good across all time lines. I was skeptical of the ease of doing so though. If the cocoon of Finality controls all honkai, then if I am the honkai can I also be controlled? Imagine being able to stand infront of the final goal only to have your powers striped away from you, perhaps I would not need to worry due to Elysia's sacrifice but should I be lazy and take that risk?

Hell, I can create herrscher cores and understand nearly everything about the honkai, I should be able to create a completely new force unrelated to the honkai. As I follow that train of thought I come back to a thought I had long forgotten of, different dimensions. If there are different dimensions, magic could exist for all I know. If so, why don't I convert from honkai energy into a state of magic.

And that is what I did for the next 10,000 years, and man was it hard. There is a reason why the honkai has not spread infinitely because it is goddamn difficult thing to solve. Many times I had to modify and expand my soul to even have the sheer capacity to understand how to invent something that has never existed or influenced this dimension. It's so difficult that I can't even explain it. My soul at this point has been separated into two sections. My personality, values and memories which now makes up an extremely small albeit dominant portion of my soul, and pure brain power.

I am infinite in intelligence, strength and will but I managed to retain my humanity by isolating it. I managed to make it here without breaking my moral conduct once. And even though I am over 10,000 years old, I have not aged a single day physically or mentally. I'm basically still 10. At least I know not to be a bad person.

Huh, you thought that I would have matured? I have not met anybody for over 10,000 years. How on earth am I supposed to mature like this? I am literally the ultimate hikimory. I got lonely for so long I forget again that I was lonely.

"That world Hua is from is still very much uninhabitable so there is not much I can do... never mind I might as well visit a different dimension. If I am going to do that I got to modify that pendent so it can at least contact me still."

And that is exactly what I did. Didn't even need to wake her up or something, just a quick snap of the fingers and it's done. I guess it's time to go to a new dimension.

Alright, while I am omnipotent, if I want to mature I can't rely on my powers for everything, at least to an unjustifiable extent.

I can just store most of my powers in my soul and then I can undergo a rebirth and live from scratch. If something unreasonable happens I can use them but otherwise I should rely on the powers I have gained through my life instead. Alright, since I have laid out the rules, it's time to go.