
A hero's rise to demise

Vincent is your typical round about hero. He is an orphan raised by a church in the land in Lesidnia. He is adopted by the head priest and eventually becomes the holy sword wielder. He trains hard and is eventually able to conquer the demon lord of Crimora. But not all is as it seems. After he conquers the demon lord and kills him the kingdom sees him as not useful anymore. They now see him as a nuisance and find a way to get rid of him. he is stripped of everything and left with nothing. Will Vincent wallow in despire of will he eventually rise up and take revenge? Will Vincent live long enough to see himself, the hero become the villain?

Number_2_4 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

I Vow

Shwa, the sound of water as it is being poured unto me, I'm shackled in the underground cells beneath the royal castle. "You, a disgrace, have forfeited any claim to being a citizen of Lesidnia," sneers a guard, his words dripping with contempt.

"Don't you dare speak of my father in such a manner again!" I retort, glaring defiantly at the guard. "You insolent wretch!" Before I can finish, his fist crashes into my abdomen.

Gasping for breath, I muster my defiance. "I've never betrayed the kingdom, and you all know it," I manage to say amidst the pain.

"Seems he still has the audacity to spew lies. Show no mercy to our 'hero,'" another guard interjects before they all depart, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

In the desolate silence, three more guards enter, turning my supposed sanctuary into a chamber of torment. They cut my middle fingers off. They then burnt them as they are bleeding with a hot piece of iron. Their whips strip away layers of skin from my back, and their fists and boots pummel me without mercy.

Did they forget who saved them in their hour of need? Did they forget who helped them raise the empire. I hope the king made a mistake even though he did this to me I am willing to forgive him.We have known each other for far too long a time.I want him to come o goddess Suprina, let the king come and tell me he is mistaken. That he is still my friend.


"Is he dead, I hope so."

"I can't believe I dirtied myself with that bastard"

"Let's go the king will arrive any minute now "

Say the three musketeers.

The steps sounds so light today, and looks like two others are approaching with him. They are probably his guards."You look so pitiful my friend, why did you betray us? We accepted you with open arms and now look at you, you should be thankful to the mercy we have you." He says as he approaches me. "Leave us!", he commands to the other two guards with him.

He states down at me and smirks. "You should've died on the battlefield and now you're back. But that doesn't matter your father died by my hands now it's your turn. It's your fault you know. I wouldn't have had to work this hard if you had not gotten any stronger.

I stopped you from practicing the sword when we were younger, and sent you to the battle field. To Die, so why damnit?!", he grabbed my face. "Oh, don't look so horrified, you'll die by my hands soon. As a matter of fact, a public execution shall be held, just hold on."

"Guards! Make sure to give him only water and don't kill him. This monster deserves to die by the hands of the people he conspired against." The king commaned as he left the underground cells

I ,VINCENT VON DELIRÉ, VOW TO TO TAKE YOU HEAD, BY MY HANDS even if the goddess Suprina is against it. You shall live no more Alfred de Lesidnia III.