
A Heart Of Secrets

Liu Sheng was always bullied by everyone in the Liu family. The Liu family was one of the richest, highly respected and influential families in the Ancient capital. Liu Wei Yan was the eldest daughter of the Liu family and Liu Sheng was the youngest yet she was bullied by all. Even the servants of the house all walked over her. She was tagged as an unfilial daughter, whore, disrespectful and whatnot. All because of Liu Wei Yan. Liu Wei Yan always found a way to make Liu Sheng fall short in front of everyone. Liu Sheng endured everything and thought that one day her family would love her. She kept enduring the torture until she met Xu Yizhou, the Fifth Young Master of the Xu family. He was a cold blooded man. He only cared about two people himself and his grandmother everyone else can go to hell. That is until he met Liu Sheng, a girl who may seem a coward, ordinary and pathetic. People see her life to be an open book but is that really the case?!!

Nickie_456 · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs



And Liu Sheng was thrown across a table. Breaking the table in the process.

"You good for nothing girl. You keep ruining my reputation wherever you go", Liu Yaochen's voice could be heard all over the house. He was so angry that his face was red, his veins bulging from his head and his eyes were almost popping out of their sockets.

"Dad its okay. If you don't stop you will injure her. I know my little sister is young that's why she went into a hotel with a stranger but please forgive her ", Liu Wei Yan knelt in between him and Liu Sheng pleading but deep within, she was loving what was happening to Liu Sheng.

"A' Wei, you're too good with this whore, even though she's always planning and plotting against you. She's such an ungrateful being", Liu Feiyun, their mother said feeling disgusted of Liu Sheng.

"She's right, I don't need your sympathy ", Liu Sheng said in pain to her sister. She was the cause of this. She always found a way to make her fall short in front of others. Liu Wei Yan was always framing and scheming against her.

"What?!! You unfilial daughter, your elder sister is trying to plead for you but you are actually so rudely towards her. You are an ungrateful bustard", Liu Yaochen said. He was so angry that he almost coughed out blood. He held Liu Sheng by the neck, raising her from the ground and smashed her against the table. He pushed everyone out of the room and Liu Sheng almost to the point of death. After beating her up he locked her up in the room and left.

No one noticed that in a dark corner of the room a woman stood, angrily clenging her hand. She was a maid in the Liu family house and also Liu Sheng's nanny from when she was just a baby. She hated how they treated her but she was powerless, she couldn't do anything. If she did they would come to know about the secret.

Mu Ma, Liu Sheng's personal servant, waited for Liu Yaochen to go before rushing to Liu Sheng. Who was lying on the floor, covered in her own blood.

"I'm so sorry, miss. This was all my fault. If I hadn't been so secretive and had not called you to the hotel, none of this would have happened ", Mu Ma said as tears welled up in her eyes. Without waiting for Liu Sheng's reply, she left the room, "I'm going to get somethings to clean your wounds". Liu Sheng knew that Mu Ma didn't want to cry in front of her that's why she left.

Liu Sheng didn't see Mu Ma's fault in all of this. Mu Ma only wanted to tell her the truth about her entire existence. No wonder kept close to like that.

Ok let me explain what's going on here. With a flash back:

Earlier today, Liu Sheng got a call from Mu Ma. Mu Ma sounded a little distressed so she asked. "What's wrong Mu Ma. Why do you sound so afraid ".

"Miss, I'm in trouble. I'm in big trouble. I went to the market this morning. While I was coming back, someone knocked me out and brought me to a hotel. I tried running away when I woke up but they caught me as I came out of the gate. They brought me to the hotel again through the back door", Mu Ma said whispering as she couldn't shout.

"What?!! Who are those people and why did they kidnap you?", Liu Sheng said feeling like someone was punching her chest.

"That's the strange thing though. I don't even know why they did this. And I have never seen them before ", Mu Ma said choking in tears.

"Ok Mu Ma calm down. Just tell which hotel they took you to and which hotel room you are in", Liu said, scared in her wits.

"Um...the hotel is... oh, yeah Hotel orchid and I'm in, ahhh", Mu starts screaming before she could finish her sentence, "I'm in room 309!!".

"Shut up, you little hag", from the other side Liu Sheng heard someone talking harshly to Mu Ma and the call got disconnected.

Liu Sheng quickly rushed out of the house. She did not bother telling anyone anything. Because she knew no one would care about Mu Ma. To everyone she was just a servant but to Liu Sheng she was her everything. And also she was skilled in ancient Chinese martial arts and medicine. So she only could beat up more than ten thugs.

Mu Ma was the one who persuaded her into learning all of these things. There was a time when it was the school's vacation and Liu Wei Yan had framed Liu Sheng of copying someone else's exam answers so when the whole Liu family went on a holiday. They sent Liu Sheng to live in Tongzhi village for that whole month. Tongzhi village was a very poor village with harsh weather conditions. At that time she helped an elderly man named Yaochen and in return she taught her some lost ancient martial skills that only he knew about and also some medical skills. But she never really used them.

15 minutes later Liu Sheng arrived at Hotel Orchid and barged into room 309. And she was shocked by what she saw. Mu Ma was standing there and was completely fine. Not even a bruise was found on her skin. She stood there smiling. And along with her were seven men they were dressed in black uniforms like professional body guards.

On came and locked the door behind her. Then finally Mu Ma spoke, "Welcome our Young Miss. There's a lot we need to talk about ".

[Flashback Over]

After 10 minutes, Mu Ma came back with a bucket of warm water, some towels and a first aid box to clean Liu Sheng's wounds. Her eyes were red from crying. Liu Sheng struggled and place her hand on Mu Ma's cheek.

"Mu Ma, don't blame yourself for anything. You have given me the best birthday gift I have ever received today. You told me my real origin. No wonder this family never loved me. They never actually liked me".

No one ever showed her love in the Liu family. The only person who loved her was Grandpa Liu but he's gone now. Her mom, dad, sister, no one. Not even her so-called fiance Fu Kaicheng.

She and Fu Kaicheng were supposed to be getting married. But during their engagement ceremony, Fu Kaicheng rejected her and placed the ring on Liu Wei Yan's finger. He said Liu Wei Yan was more deserving of him than Liu Sheng. It was the biggest humiliation of Liu Sheng because the whole Ancient capital knew about it. That engagement ceremony was broadcasted to all tv stations. Today was her birthday and yet no one cared about her. From then on, she decided to start training but she did it secretly.