
Profitable Business Of The Modern Day

"Alvareen," Jonas answered just as Al stepped away from the fire and walked to the Carriage.

"Where's that?" Henry asked. 

Al returned now with a large package that he set beside the fire before he began to arrange sticks in a pattern Henry recognized was for roasting Meat. Sure enough, Al unwrapped the package to reveal pieces of meat that had been dried for preservation. He speared them on sticks and sprinkled on seasoning he provided from his satchel before arranging them next to the fire. 

"Alvareen is a Northern City," Jonas said, calling Henry's attention away from the Meat,

"Speaking of which, you might want to get used to the cold. It's only going to get worse."

A moment of silence passed as the meat smoked by the fire and soon they were ready to eat. Jonas, Al, and Eli began grabbing the sticks and biting into the meat with none of them offering Henry any. 

"I'm sorry, I have to ask," Henry said eventually.