
A group chat idea

A book idea i may randomly think of about a multi dimensional group chat

hololivesimp · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs

Satan twins group chat

So I'm going to say this

A guy died from falling into water face front and well he died (gotta hurt) and woke up as an infant with another baby with him and creatures surrounding him but not attacking as if they were protecting him like he was there hope the one who will bring salvation…..but that didn't last long stronger creatures killed the ones who protected them and by the time they directed their hostility towards the 2….they already found their hands bloodied with there blood standing at the top…Life was getting boring for the 2 unknown children they thought "what if we get stronger" they don't know how much higher they got when they saw a Amazing scene that shook them both with a grin they made a goal and around that time they reached the next level then 2 people came down and told the two to follow they got stronger and stronger and when the leader of that place they were taken to disappeared they choose they wanted to be the leader yet they witness their first defeat but someone came to them and helped them he gave his advice and told him if his opponent was stronger than then than to train until you die and half a day later they became the twin master's of the First heavenly realm

and during their time being the leader's they were bored since the ones they wanted to fight were no longer there 2 phones appeared in-front of them with the question "Bored? Wanting to fight people? Have fun? Join the group chat now [Y/N]?" Since they had nothing better to do they accepted and thats when their journey begins. But what nobody suspected was that a random girl with no special talent other than being ignored also got an invitation

[Btw the story thats first is about Satan:666 from God of highschool like he's so damn cool he was literally born in a trash dump and rose to become the leader of the first heavenly realm {recommend reading} also the other person is a female version of Satan since the MC became Satan and to not confuse people the girl would go by the name "Satan" while the boy would go by "6" or "666"]