
A Godslayer in a School

One of my stories from my Discord, it's time to bring some of them over to Webnovel! This one is a Teen Weeb and a History nerd who ends up killing a God-King and acquires his Authorities. What does he do with them? He abuses them! It's loosely Campione world (Supernatural) x with some slice-of-life animes like Oreigaru (regular world) ------- Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics

Dragon15681 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
71 Chs

The Despair Godslayer Brings

"Help is not necessary." As he said that, he squeezed the barrier with his hand, activating his God King's Body Authority.

Once her day, he can break anything. An Authority based that Zeus is the father of Hercules, the father of a Demigod who was strong enough to change the course of a river just by 'lifting it'.

Such feats make no sense. It was a Xianxia-like trope which he could get behind. 

With the sound of a burst bubble, the barrier separating Prison from reality shattered. After using the authority, it should have been sealed for the day. It was this way because his power was divided into minor and major uses.

However, he simply used Cain's power to overwrite that. Instead of being sealed for a day, he needs merely to refill that power with energy.

It cost him around 20% of his total reserves—the same reserves which will refill in minutes because of his Progenitor and Godslayer's body.

"...W-What are you?" The pair of witches felt dread seeing what he could do!

"I kill gods for a hobby. What about you two?" He asked the pair as he lowered his hand. The prison before him manifested from thin air. The prison had vibes of a medieval castle repurposed for something else.

"...K-Kill gods? D-Don't joke around!"

"I kill them and usurp their power. I killed Zeus and took his powers."

*Lightning Crackle*

Sounds of lightning crackles spread through the island. As the sky got clouded.

"You can question it as much as you want. But when lightning de-atomises you, I won't say I told you so." With a chuckle, he started to descend into the castle. 

The pair of witches had sweaty foreheads. As they looked in the sky, golden and blue lights flashed every few minutes, and they could sense absurd, volatile energy gathering in these clouds.

Is this guy trying to blow up the prison itself?


"Do you know what you just did?" A girl in her twenties said with a sigh. It was adult-looking Natsuki. She wasn't even mad, just annoyed by his actions.

"Removed the barrier since you didn't let me in," Raynor said with a shrug as he walked over to the witch sitting on her throne.

"It's a prison. Why would I let you in?" She asked with a frown.

"Your naivete is amusing. Or more like clueless. When a Godslayer visits a country, the magical communities grovel at our feet. After all, people worship gods, so when a godslayer visits, it's no different.

But this is good. People have no idea who I am, and they don't mind attacking me. It's just cute." He chuckled.

"...And what happens when clueless people provoke a Godslayer?" For some reason, Natsuki felt a chill going down. 

Raynor's smirk only makes her feel more goosebumps.

"To kill a god, a person has to be insane enough, don't you think? All of my siblings have a few loose screws. 

I guess I do have the same trait. My girls, who come from magical societies, used to tell me that Godslayers could easily destroy countries for most basic slights.

Over my tenure as Godslayer, I have never seen the disrespect you have shown. It's refreshing." 

By this point, Natsuki felt that winter came early this year as it was getting too cold. This guy could drown Itogami Island for something minor!?

"Don't look that surprised; it should be common sense. No normal human can kill a god. A normal person has some self-preservation to face someone they can't touch or damage." He said with a small smile before turning around. He saw two witches accompanied by a third. 

This third one looked like a Japanese princess, with long black hair and purple eyes. She had a quite ominous aura.

"Aya Tokoyogi, so you are free." Natsuki said with a small frown.

"Oh? My, this place has such a gem." Raynor nodded with appreciation. This was a cold and deadly-looking witch disguised as a princess.

 "Don't let her beautiful looks distract you. This woman is very dangerous."

"Oh? Is she as dangerous as Athena, who can kill a Godslayer with a kiss?" 

"...You are insane," Natsuki commented. She has no idea what he experienced, but he sounded insane to think anything romantic could happen between him and the witch.

"I thought we already discussed that."

"Yes, and now you confirmed it." 

The pair discussed this, but then a sweet voice like poison stopped the pair.

"Oh, is esteemed Vampire interested in me? Sorry to tell you this, but I have more pressing matters." 

Aya smiled, almost wickedly, as she summoned a book. 

It was a grimoire. 




Black lightning slammed into the book, incinerating it. Aya took several steps back as she had some sweat on her forehead! That was dangerous! That Lightning nearly killed on the spot!





The four present witches felt a cold sweat run down their foreheads as they had just witnessed a grimoire get incinerated—something that should not be that simple to erase!

"I don't remember allowing you to act upon."

As he said that, he looked at Natsuki, who was feeling a little bit apprehensive now. She had not seen his power in person before, but that lightning.

It was terrifying. It had several layers of effects mixed in it. Some sort of anti-magic, Anti-Existence traits. Something like judgment in the form of lightning?

'Is it truly the power of Zeus? Is it his ability to bring judgment through lightning? He erased a grimoire like it was nothing!'

"I shall be taking this Prison and its abilities. It will help me collect powers and authorities." The King of Storms casually told Natsuki, whose mouth opened wide.

"...W-What!? It's not something you can just take!" 

"It's not a suggestion. You have been sitting here for your whole life, and it makes me feel pity. So, I shall do something about it."

"...I didn't ask for your pity!"


Before she could move, his hand grabbed her head and pulled her closer.

"It appears you are as insane as I am." He whispered to her before a wicked smile formed on his lips.

"I know. I shall make you mine~ if you don't want to hand over your prison~." 

"H-Hold it! I didn't say~~~ ah." Before she could say anything, Raynor bit her neck.

The other three witches looked confused as hell. They needed Natsuki's memories to recreate the Black Bible, but the grimoire, which can steal memories, was destroyed by that black lightning.

They should run away by all means, but they feel that this being won't let them run away.

"Y-You bastard~ W-What are you—" Natsuki had a flustered look as she felt weak in her legs. This guy drained almost all of her blood, but then he stuffed his fingers into her mouth.

Natsuki tried to resist, but she still had to swallow whatever she was forced to drink.


'W-Wait, that's his blood!'

She started to panic, wondering what kind of consequence there would be for making her drink his blood.

After a few moments, Raynor released the hold he had on her.

The black-haired girl grabbed her neck as her blue eyes turned red, and there was a fundamental shift in her!

'He turned her into a vampire!' 

The witches were surprised by this. How is that even possible? Shouldn't the process be much longer than this?

"Aren't you three not afraid?" Raynor faced the three as Natsuki still struggled to resist the change somehow.

"I can easily overwhelm you three, then drink your blood and turn you three into toys? Aren't witches greedy who don't like losing their powers?"

"You might be a progenitor, but you are not invincible," Aya said with a frown as she considered a solution for this situation.

"Oh, sweet witch. How little do you grasp." 

He started to walk towards them. There was a grin on his lips, and they could see his fangs. 

"Emma, Octavia, hold him back! I need to prepare!" 

"...W-What, but he is far stronger!" Before the older woman could complain, a hand grabbed her by the neck.

"W-When did he appear here?" Octavia, the crimson witch, looked terrified seeing him appear beside them. 


He slammed Emma on the ground, creating a massive crater.

'What is with that strength!?' 

The whole prison trembled by his sheer physical strength.

"Don't worry, I am a Viking at heart. I don't kill sexy girls~" Raynor chuckled while saying that he picked the older black-dressed witch and then brought her closer to himself and bit her neck from behind.

"Ugh~~" Emma groaned as she felt the bite. Second later, she turned very pale, and it looked like Raynor was going to kill her.

But then he pulled back and turned her around, making her drink his blood from his fingers. 

Like Natsuki's eyes turned red, so did Emma's as she transitioned to a vampire.

"What are you waiting for!? Pin him down with your Guardian so I could finish him off!" Aya exclaimed loudly.


Octavia summoned tree branches from magic circles, which rushed towards smirking Raynor.

"You girls just don't learn, do you?" The King of Storm didn't dodge as the branches slammed into him, trying to pierce and push him to the walls.

"Nothing below God's level works on me. My body was remoulded to wield the Divine. Do you think trees with a little bit of magic can even scratch me? What joke is this?" Raynor grabbed the branches and sent flames through them. The Demon Guardian screeched as Raynor's flames burned the branches to a crisp.

Octavia took a few steps back as she realised how fucked up she was.

"Now then. Should I finish my set? I always wanted a pair of sisters who are witches." He joked as he walked from the crater towards a dumbfounded and petrified witch. How is she supposed to fight this Demon?

Now she knew how mages and knights felt in Raynor's original world and why Campiones were called Demon Kings and Tyrants. There is that fear factor that no matter what you do, a Godslayer will crush you with its inhuman power and magic negation.

As he was about to grab Octavia, black circles surrounded him as some sort of suppression started to affect him.

Raynor looked at his hands and feet, and he could feel some sort of magic pressing him down.

"Oh, so you are done with your spells." Storm King looked at the source. It was Aya who used some sort of power to pin him down.

"You won't escape from this. Even if you release your familiars."

"This spell affects your vampire blood. The stronger the bloodline, the harder the effect." There was a smug smile on her face.

"Since you are Kaleid blood, it is especially potent on you."

"You don't say." Raynor deadpanned at her. She still ignored his previous remarks.

A black and blue aura surged as the prison started to tremble and shake. The black clouds divided, revealing a golden-blue giant which moved as its hands descended and slammed into the magic circles, bursting them faster than a balloon falling on needles.

"It appears you misunderstood something, dear."

Aya frowned as she looked annoyed.

"While Kaleid Blood is indeed what I possess, I usurped it from 4th Progenitor. It's only one of many powers I wield."

As he said, he appeared in front of her. The witch tried to use magic on him, but his hand grabbed hers and pushed her against the wall. He has pinned her hands above her head.

The witch realised she was in a pickle, but it wasn't that bad. She realised that he wouldn't kill her or seal her away. Part of her even wondered what was going on with this guy. They would try to kill him the moment he lowered his guard.

Does he think they will be obedient puppies?

"Didn't anyone tell you what happens to a man when he gets infatuated with a wrong type of woman?" Aya asked him with an evil smile.

"Amusing. Do you even comprehend what will happen to you?"

He whispered to her as his eyes morphed into red with blue pupils.

"You will be bound to me for eternity. I will have thousands of years to train you."

Her eyes widened for a second as she misunderstood how this vampirism works. She thought that she would have some sort of magic bound to her. Something which she can rewire with a black bible once she remakes it. But this sounds worse!


 Before she can say anything more, he bites her neck.



For advanced chapters (+14 chapters) mypat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics


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